Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Sunday, June 28, 2020

It's time to hear those records play!
Hard to fathom that it’s been 7 years since the previous Yum Yums record but you know what they say about time flying. As an antidote to these times, this sonic vaccine will be available right around now and a quarter of a century later, Morten Henriksen has gone full ChinniChap and even manages to twin Moss Rock City with Bellshill here and there.
“She’s Got Everything” is the best Teenage Fanclub song that Norman (Blake) never wrote. An upbeat shindig that'll fasten a dirty big grin across the coupon of all that come into contact with it. "Coupon" is a Scots expression for face.
Available on vinyl from Screaming Apple (act now because those will vanish fast) CD version is coming via Rum Bar (USA), Waterslide (Japan) and House of Rock (Europe). If it's a download you're after then Rum Bar and Waterslide.
It's typical that their first UK show ever has had to be postponed however, the 2020 edition of Pump It Up! will be rescheduled as soon as direction to how that can happen becomes available. Ditto for a celebration in the wee Norwegian idyll where it all began. Meanwhile, you’ll have FTATP so you can work up your moves ahead of time. See you ‘doon the front’ when this distancing malarkey is abolished, ideally in the company of Ms Gry Hartvigsen.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Friday, June 26, 2020
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Devastated to hear that Kathy has departed this increasingly horrible orb upon which we find ourselves. I did wonder why there was no response after I sent her birthday message but there were often months between contact. It seemed like she could just have been having fun.
I hadn’t seen her since 1999 when a bunch of us went for Indian food with Gina G, singer of one of the greatest Eurovision songs of all time. When Sid Griffin was here with Peter Case last year we sent her a picture and indeed it was a message from Sid that broke this news.
KK was outright lovely and I recall when visiting Grangemouth, she couldn’t get over the difference between the pubs in London and up here. Kathy was also the biggest Robert Palmer fan ever and she worked with The Long Ryders during her tenure at Island Records.
She LOVED Maltesers.
I’m assuming that she lost her tussle with cancer. My condolences to her family and friends.
The photo is from 1992’s In Search Of Elvis tour.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Monday, June 08, 2020
Saturday, June 06, 2020
Friday, June 05, 2020
The Zantees - Lost
Highway (intro)
The Dictators - What’s
Up With That?
The Slingbacks - All
Pop No Star
The Dahlmanns - I
Know You Want Me Back
Young Fresh Fellows - Gear
Summer 2013
Al Bloch - Alpha-Omega
Full Toilet - So
Matt and Kim - Block
after Block
Hayley Mary - The Piss, The Perfume
Flaming Hands - The
Lucy and the Rats - September
The Christian Jacobsen Project - Bli Bra Igjen
The Yum Yums - For
Those About To Pop
Dollsquad - Six
Pack Generation
The Primevals - Best
Helen Love - Songs
From My Teens
Zelators - Makoki
Borrowed Books - Altona
Ben Vaughn - When
Losers Rule The World
The Cornell Hurd Band - The
Long Goodbye
The Tuesdays - It’s Up To
The New Piccadillys - Judy
Is A Punk
The Zantees - Lost
Highway (intro) (Bomp/Charly)
The Zantees - Lost
Highway (intro)
The Courettes - Night Time (The Boy Of
The Piggies - She
Ran Away
Eric Ambel - All
Down The Line
Bithammer! - Urban
Danger - Good Times Overload
Matilda - No
Kid Gulliver - Susie
Survived Chemotherapy
The Yum Yums - She’s
Got Everything
LHD - Boiling
Water, Dreamy Girl
The Third Mind - Claudia Cardinale
Family Spree All Stars -
We Are The Worst (No Hay Rocanrol Me Quedo En Casa)
Ben Vaughn - I
Get Vibrations
Baby Shakes - Am
I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again
The Dahlmanns - Already
Gelatinas - Sin
Geoff Palmer & Lucy Ellis - In Spite Of Ourselves
The Courettes - Want
You! Like A Cigarette
The Zantees - Lost
Highway (outro)
The Zantees - Lost
Highway (intro)
Goldie Dawn - What’s
Inside (Never Dies)
The Phobics - Waiting
For Whatever Comes Our Way
Fuck Y’all - Nookie
The Ratboys - Everybody
Loves The Ramones
Crackhouse - Soy
Un Terminator Nena
Kill My Coquette - Put
Me In Your Movie Quentin Tarantino
The Pandoras - Run
Down Love Battery
Bad Scene - Young
Rage To Live - Enough
Is Never Enough
The Dahlmanns - Do
You Want Crying?
Teenage Head - Ain’t
Got No Sense
Travis Ramin - Right
Hot Dog, Wrong Bun
DM3 - One
Time Two Times Devastated
The Dahlmanns - Party
Screeching Weasel - Losing
My Mind
New Math - Living
on Borrowed Time
Juniper - Punk
Rock Boy
The Zantees - Lost
Highway (outro)
Thursday, June 04, 2020
upon a time, a couple of guys in San Francisco cooked up an idea to form a
French '60's covers act. One bet the other he could find some chick who
could sing in French to front it. If he did, the other had to play
bass. Our fairy godmother waved her wand... et voila: a tall blonde
California girl who'd studied at the Sorbonne appeared before them. The bet was
won, more musicians were found and the band called themselves Rue '66. Before
long, yet another lovely, tall American gal appeared who could sing in French
and shake a mean tambourine besides. Now the band was graced with a harmonizing
rehearsed, cut some demos and started doing gigs. A horn section offered their
services and the band could hardly fit onstage. Audiences seemed pleased,
smiling as they recognized some of their old favourites, this time sung in
French, and dancing to the 60s go go beat. At one of these shows, a real
Frenchman by name of Serge hopped up onstage and joined them for a couple of
numbers. The atmosphere suddenly went from euphoria to mania. When the set
ended, the crowd yelled for more... they wouldn't let the group step offstage. Serge
had literally whipped them into a frenzy. He was subsequently invited to guest
appear with the band again. Each time the same thing happened. Even when he stepped in with a band opening for Rue '66, the crowd went
nuts. Finally, Serge became an official member and now the band had no
less than three people who could sing in French. The fellow from the start
of this tale, who'd lost the bet and had taken up the bass in payment, shook
his head in happy disbelief.
happiness was not to last however as it was known that the talented performer
who had just joined was living with a terminal illness. Against all odds, Serge
hung on, no doubt strengthened by his love of performing with the band. This
situation was not new to the group. Mark Zanandrea, the guy who dared the
other that he could find a singer, was also in dire straits, physically. The
odds finally began to catch up with him and he left the group and died after
awhile. Serge now dug his heels in even further... when he wasn't kicking them
up on stage... ever the entertainer. The group's last show with Serge was in
San Francisco, the venue sold out... oversold in fact... with people spilling
into the space next door just to hear, if not see the performance.
'66 talked for years about cutting an album. Serge made that happen. Organized
it, found the money and helped with the production. He contributed an
original song that he'd written in 1968 and co-wrote a new song just for the
album. He also adapted French lyrics he wrote for a song the bass player had
released back in the 80's with his band, The Trip. Serge played 12 string guitar
and sang chansons by Jacques Dutronc and Eric Charden. The songs from the Rue
'66 repertoire doubled when he joined because now the band was not only doing
the ye ye girl stuff but the guy stuff as well.
of all, Serge Martial kept Rue '66 going. His enthusiasm and hard work
never wavered. It truly was an inspiration to all and his tireless efforts were
unmatched plus, he was a real charmer. Cyril Jordan of the Flamin' Groovies who
sat in with the band occasionally called him his "favorite
Frenchman". Serge was truly one of a kind and this author feels greatly
blessed to have known him and having been fortunate for getting the opportunity
to work with him.
He really loved the group. Serge was Rue '66's biggest fan.
He really loved the group. Serge was Rue '66's biggest fan.
revoir, mon ami.
Ciccone (or as Serge called me, "Antoine")
Wednesday, June 03, 2020
Monday, June 01, 2020
Over the last couple of months, there’s been a new post here every day
and I appreciate the regular visits. At this point, to extend my device
distancing regime, those might not be so frequent over the next wee while. In
some consolation, I’ve added to the archive NBT back issues, thanks to the
assistance of Mr Simon Birrell. I know not how those might look on a phone
browser but we’re up to Number 21 so go laugh, cry and all points in between at
that stuff. I’d forgotten there was no Number 22 and can’t recall why – one of the
benefits regarding the onset of auld age. Issue 23 was next – the Tenth Anniversary Edition
with a Thee Roman Gods 45. It’s been a journey and who doesn’t have regrets? We’ll
get from 23 to 27 in due course, just no holding your breath – alright? And if
after seeing this lot, you don’t care, well that’s dandy too.
Some of the source material hasn’t aged well (the reportage - in my
case - perhaps worse) and the PDF images aren’t great. Not having access to the
scanner that I started out compounds the problem but the purpose is to entertain
and any shortcomings are unavoidable. The plan is to work through
other material and to park that, including the recent tip sheets, here too.
The initial scan resolution is high but the documents themselves have
been reduced so the file size isn’t stupid. These are provided for
reference only and if anyone involved wants anything removed then I can do
that. My toes have curled a lot.
Beyond that, I was genuinely surprised because much of it I didn't remember at all. As I often remark, you cannae unscramble eggs.
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