Laura's show in Edinburgh last night went great. And the Pleasance Theatre - what a great room. The sound was crisp and clear and I was thinking that someone needs to book Dave Alvin in there. Anyway, it was LC, Mark Spencer, Jimmy Ryan and (for one night only) Francis Macdonald doing it for the most attentive audience I've been amongst in a long time.
There was no furtive phone fumbling or yattering at all that I could tell. An abject lesson in concert ettiqutte. There was even a sing along to "The Whiskey Makes You Sweeter" for chris'sakes. The run through "14th Street" was just perfect and today, I need to look out the Emily Spray version. It's too long since I heard it.
If you can get to Gateshead (tonight) or London (tomorrow) then do so.
Photo by Julie Hayward. L-R: Mark Spencer, Laura Cantrell, Francis Macdonald, Jimmy Ryan