Got myself a double dose of culture yesterday to add to my general procrastination. I imagine that if I'd stayed at home I'd be no further forward anyways. Not that I'm trying to convince you either way. So anyways, it was Doors Open Day here and as part of that, the old
Hippodrome renovation in Bo'ness was one of the buildings involved. You may have caught me gabbing about the place before. T'was an interesting wander indeed and it's hoped that the place will be open as a cinema and heritage centre sometime in 2008. It's an amazing space, sort of like the Roundhouse in London only minatureised. I'm not sure it would be possible to be used for live music but I can't see how it couldn't be utilised in an acoustic sense. Time and some investigation will no doubt tell. There were a lot of interested parties. Let's hope that keeps up when it actually opens. Then it was off to Glasgow to see a movie that might actually have played there back in the 60's, Sam Fuller's
"Pickup on South Street". It was shown to launch the publication of
The Dark Page by
Kingly Reprieve which I just saw on
Amazon for the bargain price of £7.67! It's possibly a mistake so score your copy now at this canny rate. Couldn't hang around for the Monorail Film Club shindig but I did get my tickets for the David Lynch/Donovan event in October. Tried to buy a couple extra incase any of you folks were up for it but they were all gone. Many thanks to Marc Baines for hipping me to this particular trip...