Yeah, you figured that with my absence on the NBT blog my life was pretty lame right? Not so, me 'n my friends are hanging out with the stars!
OK, truth be told; I just took the pic and got a nasty look from Bill when the flash went off...
Right now it's rainin' outside, complete with lightnin' 'n thunder. I guess the summer's finally over 'n done with. Time again to fire up HQ's hi-fi and return to this bloggin' biz. Maybe a good start is try 'n give you a rundown of what's been doin' the rounds on my trusty ol' Thorens.
Minor keys 'n vocal harmonies have topped my personal charts in recent weeks; the Zombies, Impressions, Hollies, Everly Brothers, Paragons and Searchers, they seemed to make plenty sense in that Indian summer daze...
The Music Machine's The Ultimate Turn On 2CD on Big Beat has also been takin' up plenty o' time, as did the amazin' Garagemental! comp on the same label. Thee album of this summer has been Johan's THX JHN, A-grade six-0 tune-age w/ hints of early, pre-lame, Undertones and REM. Not really sure what to make of those new Radio Birdman 'n New York Dolls discs... Some good tunes obviously, but taken in the grand scheme of things I'm not too sure if any of those will last alongside their past glories...
Wednesday the Dolls 'll play Amsterdam, and it'll be curious to see how things will turn out. After that we'll be leavin' for London later this month to catch the Fleshtones at the Dirty Water Club, and (hopefully) an NBT staff meeting...