Mr Spence has more information for you...
"First off thanks to everyone that came out for Saturday's Starfucker night - hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Anyways, we got another Glasgow show next Tuesday - and it's gonna be mental!!! We're supporting the magnificent BLACK DIAMOND HEAVIES from Tennessee - check 'em out at www.blackdiamondheavies.com or www.myspace.com/blackdiamondheavies and it's gonna be a FREE show in a pub in Partick!!!
Due to it being in a residential area, it's an early show - so doors 7pm, show over by 10pm (unless the fuzz shut it down!) ...we recommend you turn up early, not just to see us, but 'cos this is gonna be packed out - the 'HEAVIES filled out Stereo last April ...and that was a fiver on the door!!!
So once again, here's the full gen...
TUESDAY 3RD APRIL at the RIO CAFE, 27 Hyndland St., Partick, Glasgow, G11 (nearest tube - Kelvinhall or Partick) BLACK DIAMOND HEAVIES with THE GREASE MONKEYS
Free Entry, doors - 7pm, over by 10pm
...oh, and if you check the comments on our Myspazz page www.myspace.com/thegreasemonkeysrock you'll see "Noisy" has posted a photo of us from Saturday's gig w/ new secret weapon, Gogo on guitar! ...welcome aboard big fellah!
Anyways, see y'all next Tues, unless you don't know a fuckin' bargain when you see one!
............Jim, THE GREASE MONKEYS"