Anyways, I'm tempted to order the dvd of Paris, in order to brush up on places to visit the next time I'm lucky enough to swing a trip out there. Anyways, this is just a quick in and out to post the following items...
Suicide live in Hamburg circa 1978 anyone?
Gregg Turner at Cool Dude Quarterly
Still Game meets Big Brother (Thanks to Mr McLean for this link)
It's a funny old world. I imagine that there's an Anti-terrorist "Team" getting down to manoeuvres in and around Glasgow as I type... "they" (the would-be bombers) have absolutely no idea what they're letting themselves in for.
Another record retailer down... (link courtesy of Mr Percival)
It seems like it's hard out there. Support your local real record store. Not Virgin and HMV. Proper record stores. If you don't use them...