Friday, August 27, 2004

In a Lindsay-like turn of events I lost all mail send to me on Friday 27th. Whatever you said, say it again...

Whatever people find attractive about picture-discs is beyond me, but this one really should win prizes for being ugly to the point that it actually hurts to look at. Yes dear readers, the new Nitwitz 10" EP is out and ready to scare away prospective buyers. Too bad, 'cause the sounds included are up to the band's usual high standards. If, like me, you've long lost track of the several dozen line-up changes within' the Nitwitz, rest assured that the Slugman's signature is easily recognisable in all four tunes, 'cause no matter who else is involved it remains his band. Riff heavy as always, all songs are winners, but for me 'Nuke Rock City' (co-written with Turbonegro's Happy Tom) tops the lot, pounding to the point of bein' almost glamrock-ish, this should help 'm sell at least another dozen copies. 'Cause if this thing gets the same kinda distribution as previous Nitwitz wax, all I can say is "happy hunting".
(BTW: Anybody out there able to land me a copy of the N's split 10" w/ Holy Sheep?).

Laura Cantrell's Edinburgh show t'other night was a big success and featured a wad of new material that will grace the third album (to appear sometime in 2005). The audience was attentive and the sound, first class. It was a rare treat not to have to listen to chattering gimps who seem to attend shows these days to have a chin wag. Among the fresh produce showcased was L's breeze through Emily Spray's "14th Street", destined to become a classic. A number entitled "Khaki and Corduroy" didn't slouch none either. The event was recorded for broadcast by the BBC so I'll keep you posted on when to expect that. The night ended on a highpoint with Amy Allison joining them onstage for "The Whiskey Makes You Sweeter" during the encores. Not a dry seat left in the house mateys...