If you heard a loud clang a minute ago, then that was the realisation of it dawning on me that this is March 27th. I'm lost in the vortex of time and space due to a mixture of work which involves a certain degree of play also. Confused? Not as much as me matey... then there's the case of not seemingly being able to read. I've misinterpreted more than my fair share this past day or so. I'm not sure new glasses would help. I think that it's what's behind the peepers that keeps misfiring.
Still, if you're around Cologne tonight then here's the hot ticket for that 'hood. If you're in Brooklyn then it's rockin' heaven tonight. I posted the poster yesterday for that particular mainline to a high ol' time. To paraphrase Margaret DollRod. So yeah, been kinda sidetracked but it's all for the greater good. I'm not complaining
(for once-ish). Not sure about the weekend, I have an assignment that will take precedence but me will be dippin' in and out.
And of course we lose an hour on the Saturday/Sunday segue. Getting to Monday a little early, maybe some of you would fancy this
Vashti Bunyan thing at Filmhouse on that very day.