"BROTHERS, SISTERS, AUNTS AND UNCLES! It's been long overdue, but the GREASE MONKEYS' first Edinburgh gig of the year's happenin' this Saturday. As well as blastin' out our brand of cranked-up garage punk rock'n'roll, we'll be celebrating/commiserating your last chance to smoke inside a licensed venue in Scotland - so SMOKE 'EM IF YOU GOT 'EM!!! ...it's yer last chance to light up while watching live rock'n'roll! Supports come in the form of Glasgow hardy perennials, the POISON SISTERS ...long-standing masters of crafting twisted but catchy punk-edged toons and Edinburgh's very own PLASTIC ADULTS who do a good line in hooky rock/punk tunes. Soo, here's the full gen...........
17 West Register Street, Edinburgh (0131 557 4792). Doors: 9pm, £4 entry...hope to see y'all there - remember to bring a spare pack of cigs! Yours in Good Faith......................Jim (Grease Monkeys CEO)"
and if you're not flagging and need to smoke indoors once more before tis forbidden then cut through Waverley Station or head round past the Black Bull to...
"come and smoke your last nightclub fag, or celebrate the end of passive smoking at...... MONDO a GO-GO - Saturday 25th March, in The Loft @ The Venue, Calton Road, Edinburgh. 11pm til 3am, £5/4 before Midnight, £6/5 after. Residents Tall Paul Robinson and Angus will be there to play; 60's, Mod, Garage, Punk, Surf and Psych. But much more important than that will be the Guest DJ presence of Edinburgh Vinyl Guru, Professor Plastic, spining some mighty 60's European Beat and Pop, Soundtracks and Ska - all from the depths of his vinyl vaults."