Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Chez Asheton update. This piece has been updated from the original post.

The comments after the article feature a great entry by Danny Fields and a lot of other stuff that is somewhat "inappropriate" under the circumstances. The human condition is not pleasant.

These I-94 BAR tributes are more in keeping with the positive rememberance.
RIP - Alfred Shaheen (info via Staysick digest)
The new austerity blew a little closer to home today. Not entirely unexpected but I'm continually disappointed when things pan out the way they're foretold. As you may or may not be aware, I'm very much from the "half-empty" school of thought. In light of this, I don't feel much like gabbing but here are a couple of things you may care to check out...

The jury is pretty much out on Elvis Costello these days. I know some of you still care though. And I do too, when he enlists the help of my good friend, Ms Laura Cantrell.

Elsewhere, read Mike Davis of the MC5 on the passing of Brother Ron Asheton.