Lot's going on, posting might be a little intermittent. Such is the nature of the beast at the moment. I'm bloody annoyed that I neglected to plug the Nomads annual
"doon the watter" shindig that happened last night. The Rev. Peter Tjølsen tells me it was
"bloody marvellous" and he knows a thing or three. There are no excuses for such tardiness other than outright daftness tempered with a smidge of auld age on my part.
Tracklist details of
"More Modern Short Stories from Hello Saferide" can be found at the
Razzia site, just scroll down the RH side to the upcoming releases. At the album entry, click on
more. The surrealist cover art reminds me of the first Ian Hunter solo album with a hint of Escher.
Trying to get details on where to score Dictators tickets online and will make this available as and of course when. And that's just about your lot...
except that, news has reached me that a well known Swedish home furnishings are to launch a line of bedding in honour of Stockholm's finest... it could happen?
(photo courtesy of Peter Tjølsen)