Tuesday, August 22, 2006

If you are a "musician" headed for the UK then you might want to consider this. Is there a sturdy enough product on the market to be baggage-handler proof? Perhaps not, such a vessel might be viewed as a challenge to their art... then there's the temperature/pressure issue? Who could blame you if you decided to cancel. Or maybe you could arrange to borrow an instrument? Of course, it's not the same as having your own but it beats the heck outta having your beloved guitar or whatever trashed. The very thought gives me the heebies...
Upcoming REZILLOS shows! Spanish dates with Suzy Y Los Quattro!!

14th September - Madrid - El Sol
15th September - Murcia - Lemon Pop
16th September - Durang0 - Kultural Platermina
17th September - Barcelona - Apolo

29th October - Glasgow - Academy

17th November - Sao Paulo - Hangar 110
18th November - Sao Paulo - Hangar 110

A SYNERGY promotion. Check out their site.
No sooner is The Cameo "saved" than the burghers in Edinburgh are at it again. Now they want to close The Queens Hall... I only just found out about this. Please sign the petition. Also some background to the situation here. A waterfront Concert Hall eh? Oh that'd be handy... this utter stupidity needs to halted now. If I didn't have other stuff to attend to then I could really go off on one. Why not just flatten the Castle or at least scoop out the insides and make it into a mall? Then it could look down on the sorry-ass state of Princes Street from its primo retail position. I think the people that run the city need to be thinking about restoring the vital signs at its heart and doing everything in their hamfisted power to keep great OLD venues like The Queens Hall alive as a positive aspect of their acreage. These (insert term of abuse here) have no respect so why should we show them any. On the other hand, this for Bo'ness...
Check out Kitty Kowalski's pictures from last week's Nomads boat trip. If you keep going you'll find her shots from Gearfest also.