Bobby Conn started his set with a movement that approximated a Gibb Brother (you decide which) being accompanied by Hawkwind but the resultant noise wasn't as interesting a canvas as that might suggest. We made it out into the night to grab a couple of haggis samosas, a little fusion cuisine fast food.
Due to continuing stuff and nonsense here, I haven't been in a position to file a report on the Danny and Dusty thing from last week. One of just three shows in the UK on their way to Europe. They do that bar-music pretty good and Dan Stuart has a kind of Hunter S. Thompson doing John Belushi thing going on. Wee bit of Phil Alvin too. Some “hobbit-rock” combo called Porcupine Tree was giving it big licks upstairs in the bigger venue. Every now and again the noise would emerge and try to engulf D&D. “Song for the Dreamers” is one of the great anthems and no amount of prog thunder can halt it. I haven’t heard their new Blue Rose release but the material they did from that sounded pretty good. The whole band was right on the money and sometimes it really soared. If they roll into a venue anywhere near where you are, then head along. This damn thing is still playing up but stay tuned as much keyboard rassling is on the cards.
And how's this for a segue... from Black Lips to Wooden Shjips...