Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I wonder how the post-punk conference is going? Good I hope and furthermore – maybe it’s been exposed as the utter bollocks that much of what touts itself as that is. I heard the GO4 on the wireless last weekend and was not impressed. Neither do I give a fuck about PIL reforming, this is something your humble scribe reckons to be akin to a YES tour. Or am I getting mixed up with post-prog or something else. The only thing I can be sure of at all anymore is the getting mixed up part. Out on a limb as ever, this box set/computer game/download fleecing that’s going on as of today does nothing except irritate me. Football tonight? I’m looking forward to the roads being deserted when I go to pick up Ms Allison. It’s an ill wind...
Let’s see, I was looking at Everett True’s blog and he wrote about a combo called Visqueen that I never heard of but will be double darned if they don’t sound like the late-lamented Fastbacks. This, to my mind, is a very good thing and exactly what today and yesterday's pop kids need.
Mr Edwards also hepped me to some sad but inevitable news about two great London institutions. I wish both parties nothing but top vibes.
Mr Macdonald sent me the link to this and it ties in with the fact that Paul Morley who fronted a wee film about this band on C4 recently is at the aforementioned PP extrav being pummelled by Messrs Coleman and Kiszely.
And finally, I posted the first 4 episodes of "Svengali" the other day and #5 has just been unleashed so here it is.
And that should all keep you sweet for a wee while at least. More later? You never know.
I hadn't seen the dates for the ATP - Raw Power shows but just saw the info on James Williamson's site after reading this article that Tex flagged up. Maybe you already have your tickets?
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