JOHN FELICE AND THE LOWDOWNS- NOTHING PRETTY (CED 302) Norton presents the great lost John Felice album! NOTHING PRETTY, originally on local Boston label Ace of Hearts, went virtually unnoticed on its release in 1987, as all copies of the LP were tied up in a distribution bankruptcy nightmare. This newly re-mastered version finds ex-Real Kid John Felice and his new band (the Lowdowns also featured another former Real Kid Billy Borgioli on guitar) on ten soul baring original tunes with a strong Stonesy feel. An essential addendum for any Real Kids fan! Catch up with the Lowdowns sound! John and the real Kids head for Spain in April! The Real Kids are at CBGB's on Friday April 2! Doncha miss 'em!
Two new Stones split flippers!
THE SWINGIN’ NECKBREAKERS - IT'S NOT EASY b/w THE SHANKS - DONCHA BOTHER ME (45-9647) serves up Jersey’s mighty Neckbreakers and Motor City maulers the Shanks (featuring ex-Detroit Cobra Jeff Meier) on a couple of raw primo AFTERMATH shakedowns for the loud crowd!
LYRES - NOW I'VE GOT A WITNESS b/w THE NEW CONOLLY 5 - STONED (45-9648) Boston's rompous Lyres hop up a crack instro whammy on an early Nanker Phelge dance floor R&B workout in a cage match with flip elusives THE NEW CONOLLY 5, who polish off Phelger flip STONED from their unished 1 x 5 Brit LP!The Lyres are at the Ding Dong Room on Saturday March 27! See ya there!
The Norton news page is up to the minute with new scoops so come on in! Hit the sidebar link ...from the Norton News page... SKY SAXON AND THE SEEDS in Europe... word from Sky and the boys is that all the shows are sold out and that the fans are
going ape for the STARLIGHT DATE WITH RICHARD MARSH album that serves up Sky's
wild teener pre-Seeds recordings... SEEDS entry SINGER NOT THE SONG in Norton Stones trib series arrives in April... ANDRE WILLIAMS headlines Scotland in April... PONDEROSA STOMP in New Orleans is the place to be on April 27 and 28th... all details are at and we suggest you all get tickets, reservations and plane tickets asap because it will sell out but quick... check our wailin' Norton kings THE FABULOUS WAILERS and LONG JOHN HUNTER on tap there with RAY SHARPE, HOMESICK JAMES, BARBARA LYNN, ALVIS WAYNE, LADY BO, EDDIE BO.... and possibly Norton fave THE LEGENDARY STARDUST COWBOY... Snag all the boss new Norton wax (and swank old hootch, too!) in NYC on April 30, May 1 and 2 when the annual WFMU SPRING RECORD FAIR swings into the Metropolitan Pavillion (125 W. 18th St)... Plan to make the scene in Las Vegas at this year's
ROCKAROUND and dig HASIL ADKINS, SKY SAXON AND THE SEEDS, MONKS, DOWNLINERS SECT, GREENHORNES, A-BONES and many mo'! for Rolling Stones trib 45's from the A-BONES, ROTTING STUMPS, ANDRE WILLIAMS, GREASY CHICKENS,'S, CHURCH KEYS, GREENHORNES, SHAMS, SKY SAXON AND THE SEEDS and THE LAIRDS all out by May with more to follow... Coming in April: FORT WORTH TEEN SCENE VOL. 1-3 with the best snarlers Cowtown had to offer, 1964-67...two more Capitol GENE VINCENT LPs...SOUNDS LIKE GENE VINCENT plus the rare stereo CRAZY from RANDY ALVEY AND THE GREEN FUZ, BOTUMLESS PIT and KAI RAY... May releases will include NERVOUS NORVUS and JOHNNY BURNETTE!!!
Be sure to reset your eBay super-snooper-scopes to our new Norton ebay handle
-- we'll be offering an uncanny assortment of original posters, paperbacks, magazines, records, and assorted cool gunk of all persuasions coming up! Low starting bids so here's your chance to get some affordable hard to find crazy stuff plus you can always combine with a Norton order! A vintage paperback set sale just went up so lookie now. Have fun and don't forget to... Crank it up!