Ms McBurnie has checked in to alert we all to the fact that David GODLIS is selling 8 x 10 prints from his NY Rock portfolio. Check 'em out.
Also tonight, in good ol' Madrid...
Meanwhile here in Scotchland, we're gearing up to be hit over the head with the baton emblazoned "Make Poverty History". Wee George is headed for Gleneagles where The Del-Lords were once flown in for an EMI convention. Presumably "Judas Kiss" isn't something that figures on the Bush iPod. Anyway, maybe Geldof will threaten to "do a set" if they don't stump up. "Make All These Sorry-Ass P(l)op stars History" is an alternative event that will take place this weekend within these here walls. I shall tape the TV coverage and fast forward through it on Sunday because, I can't put the boot into something I haven't suffered now can I?
Edinburgh City Council buttcheeks are firmly clenched in anticipation of Seattle style riots but such activities are somewhat unlikely methinks. All Police leave has been cancelled and the barricades are up just itching for a spark to ignite the expected fuse. Apparently this event is a great advert for Scotland, well by this time next week we'll know if that's the case.