Wandering around the corner to the paper shop yesterday morning, I was suddenly - for a second - under the impression that I might be going the wrong way. It was a time/space continuum type feeling and a tad louder on the weirdometer than I'm used to. I should add that there was no medication involved. Memory lapses have been all too frequent recently and reportage in the media suggests that I might be doolally. It's (sort of) official then...
I'm about to embark on an adventure that will take in two shows by one of my favourite combos on earth. This is exactly the kind of medicine that I need. It seems like forever since Spain even though it wasn't. So offsky it is then, out of the radar of the "we're all fucked" stories in relation to the crumbling economies. The greedy bastards have their escape pods but all we have is rock'n'roll. And, for my dwindling money, them Boonaraaas divvy up a mighty fine example of this. Who knows, I might check in here back and forward. Or is that sideways and down.
To the fine climes of Chiswick it is then. Ching ching...