Had a couple of messages asking about these Tom Waits tickets. The conditions of sale make it all a bit complicated and the tix will be personalised plus you'll need photo id to get in.
These actions are being taken to prevent touting, if you can't go then your ticket really won't be transferable. Perhaps Waitsy will come to your house or at least call you to let you know he was sorry you couldn't make it. Fuck all that for a game of soldiers, wouldn't it be great if a wad of tickets was left unsold?? I'm sure the touts will find a way around it. It's the public that'll get fleeced whichever way. Who would you pay an arm and a leg to see? I'm not talking going overseas or whatever, I mean in your own travelable 'hood? Hey, maybe Tom'll be worth it... here's one critter that will never know.