We don't like to write this message, because it's not with us to cry or ask, but we have been forced to do it because of greater strength, because, for a problem that does not come to the case, we have been thinking of closing the seal and the management agency. But yes, we need money, and since we're not going to ask you for handouts, the best way we can think of is to offer you some huge deals on almost all of our edited and distributed material.
casi The discs edited before 2024 and the ones we have for distribution by other labels we leave them to you at 50%, so, in addition to the discounts we already have, some are almost a gift.
The albums we edited this year before summer, we're giving you 25% discount. To get it, you just have to go to our website:
and in cart add codes SOS24-50 and SOS24-25. Both can be used in the same order. If you have any questions, you can consult us.