Given the wealth of material that they can choose from, a Gurus set is never going to be long enough. Tonight there was a curfew that you get in these venues where the gig is a precursor to the disco. Although I’m pretty sure there couldn’t have been anything on a Tuesday night? You can see from that what was played and it was great to be in the company of so many people who knew the songs. I was curious to hear Dave introducd “Death Defying” as “the closest he’d come to writing a country song”. Just the other day, I was thinking that Amy Allison could do a corking version of that very number.
When all is said and done they have a whole caboodle that should have swept the world. Tonight they let us have it with some of ‘em at full tilt volume. They closed the night with a Persian Rugs song (I think it was “Be A Woman”?) and the perennial “Like Wow Wipeout”.
Edinburgh was a strange choice. Maybe next time they’ll shimmy back to the West Coast and I’m sure most of those who were present would make their way there too.
It was great to meet those guys too after all these years. I think I was the first person to review “Stoneage Romeos” here in the UK, a couple of lifetimes ago. The fact that three-fifth’s of the band from the “Mars Needs Guitars” is still available to throw a party of this magnitude (cum loudness) is testament to the world’s rock audiences being largely deaf and/or stupid.
With some Bow Bar pies for pre-show sustenance, The Gurus brought some considerable hoodoo down on this otherwise sleepy Tuesday night in Auld Reekie. They’ve still got it and you need some. I hope the flood gates will open and more Australian combos will make it this far north.