Friday, November 16, 2007
Halfway through November already, it'll be 2008 before we know it. Actually, the way it's going, it'll be 2010 at least before I have a scoob. A mix of circumstance and technology has conspired with a basic inability to be arsed. Anyway I try to square it, we're talking about some serious deck clearing to a life laundry extent. It would also be useful to try and get my bloody jukebox fixed or even establish if this is indeed possible. Finding someone to undertake such an activity hasn't proved easy but it's a high priority. But anyway, General Johnson and Joey Ramone are on Cake, it's Friday night and I'm going noplace anytime soon and this thing is being turned off in about 10 minutes. There are Curb's to be viewed and I need to know what happens to LD.

Saturday is mad scary for me, since I'll be playing alone. So if you live in the new york area, come out! Parkside Lounge presents Gotham Blowout with Emma Vikingskull, Dj's and Go Go Dancers. PAY WHAT YOU WANT (100 % goes to starving swede in new york city) AND OPEN BAR (or one dollar drinks for whoever's not a jerk or foreign). Parkside Lounge: 317 Houston St, btwn attorney and suffolk (no worries, it's just where ave b and c turns across the street). 21 + or fake id's. Acoustic goes massmedia chaos with distorted sounds and monkey growls. Various songs from various times/countries and in various tempos (not really, but it reads good). Great covers of course to save up for whatever might lack in my own work. Cover choices should be a surprise, but some Vagrants is to be expected. I'll take requests from now til' sat at 10:00 pm. I go on at 10:30 pm, the open bar is btwn 10-12.
SATURDAY IS NOW ALSO SUNDAY AT FONTANA'S... every sunday, you know this by now. See for more info on. but.... YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS BY NOW

The Pub on December 17th has been in the works since the summer. I will reveal details in my next newsletter.
For you swedes who can't attend the shows. new york och musik bloggen rullar på som vanligt med uppdateringar nästan varje dag.
As for The Jadewalkers, well, we hope to keep Rico. He was awesome at our last show and he also dresses really sharp. And yeah, he's a rockin' bass player. Jadewalkers might play in Dec, details tba, but most likely we'll be going underground polishing our set and our new members til' we head out of town beginning of next year.
hope to see you limeys out.
Emma Vikingskull
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