Thursday, April 30, 2009

Here's the situation. Any posts made here over the next few days are unlikely
to be accompanied by images. Photoshop no workee y'see. No idea what's up
but it'll be in the air until this time next week (at the earliest). Other than the
jpegs I'll sort out tomorrow in lieu of the long weekend.

If you have something you need circulated in the near future then make
sure it's with me by noon GMT tomorrow and there's an outside chance.
End of public service holler.

Swine flu? Bring it on. I'm a little more concerned about getting my bloody
printer/scanner reinstalled after this carry on last weekend. It's a
huge inconvenience. Maybe not as big as croaking but then again, if that
happened then it wouldn't matter if I got the install done or not.
It's an ill wind... right? I'm not buying this bug thing anyway.
I wonder what it's been concocted to snow over? Dropping that into conversation
has caused much rolling of eyes and downright disbelief. Me and my daft
conspiracy theories... the naysayers think I'm half kidding but I've
managed to convince them eventually, that I am actually nuts. Actually now
I come to think about it, isn’t Swine Flu a punk band from Livingston?

Talk about unexpected. NBT gets the B2C treatment. Blimey. (Thanks Chris)

I'm wondering how Imants managed to copy those early issues? The quality of
the xerox was pretty iffy at best. I'm sort of out to graze now but I stll
gots sharp teeths if the need arises. Extra kudos for including the
word "toidy", an expression taught to me by the Lady ACC,
currently residing in SF. As for The Erasers, if I ever
get to "digitising" tapes, and I mean to then consider it
done. Think that one's a double header with Steel Tips.

As for swipes, yeah - I used to be quite the wind-up merchant. Some of it
stupid and childish to the point of puerile and some of it, well, not.
I'm a little less likely to judge and prefer to act upon my radar sense.
Such as it is. Anyway, I appreciate the retrospective.

It's Friday tomorrow and with one thing and another, I'm a tad behind with a
few things. At least it's a long weekend so who knows, I might even be able to
catch up. However, my photoshop seems to be on the blink too and that could
be what's futzing the scanner.

No bets are being placed, that would be tempting fate just a little too much.
And this fucked up formatting is driving me mental!
RIP - Vern Gosdin

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dependency on this box in the corner of the room here came into sharp focus this
past couple of days. Would it really be so bad if an enforced bout of seemingly dropping
off the face of the earth occurred. Well actually, from my worldview - yes.
Something that needs to be addressed but meanwhile it was pretty traumatic
not to be able to communicate and connect within a heartbeat.

So far so good with the fix. Couple of little hiccups such as the printer/scanner not
operating but I can live with that. Probably. It strikes me that I need to wean
myself off spending so much time on here. Sitting in front of a computer is
something I do day in day out for purposes of eating and what passes for a lifestyle.

Often by this stage in the day my napper is pretty mooshed (steady! - I know what you
blighters up the back of the bus are thinking). Sometimes it's pretty hard to muster
the energy to do anything far less attempt to string several sentences together.
However, there's a duty to fulfil. This is one of those blogs that requires to be
updated at least daily. So while I try to figure what's going on, Mr Duff sent in this
report from Ponderosa Stomp... quite the "Bonanza" of good gear!

Got into town on Saturday Evening and spent the evening and the next day with friends.
Chose to miss out on Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings at the House of Blues 'cos I knew
there was going to be plenty music over the coming days...

So Monday was the start of the whole shebang. There are in-stores every hour, all

day at the Louisiana Music Factory. Dropped in to see Henry Gray, Howlin' Wolf's
old pianist. I saw him a few times but this was maybe the best ever, only one slow blues in
a 50 minute set of rockers. He gave the first ever airing to his new song,
the Rock Obama Boogie - the first Obama song I've actually heard and
probably not the last. 15 minutes later, Rockin' Dopsie Jr took to the
stage although the band was so large - 12 members - not all of them would
actually fit on there.

Not everyone likes the generic zydeco sound, and I admit that sometimes it gets
a little samey to me too but Rd Jr is a charismatic and good looking performer
and there was more than enough variation in the sound to keep us interested -
and not one song in the bunch that wasn't a dancer. Hard on the heels of THAT
was Leo Nocentelli, one of my favourite guitarists although a lot of people
I know don't rate him. In a 50 minute set, he managed to play 4 songs.
The first one was new, from his first solo album only just released that day.
Then an extended workout on Cissy Strut, following which Dr John shuffled
through the crowd to join him to sing and play Piano on Hey Pocky Way.
Not bad for a free show in a record store!

That night was Ponderosa Stomp pre-party at One-Eyed Jacks, one of the

coolest venues in one of the greatest towns on the planet. I saw the Cramps
there on my first night ever went in New Orleans and I met a girlfriend there
another time so I have more than a few fond memories. Four bands on the
bill, first up, a German crew called Redondo Beat, I only caught their last
two numbers. Reasonable 6Ts inspired rock but there's a half dozen bands
sound just like them play in my local so I wasn't hugely impressed.
After that the Condo Fucks played. I didn't know them either and when an
acquaintance advised me they were they guys from "that band Yellow Tango"
I was still none the wiser. Turns out they are basically YO LA TENGO doing covers,
mainly NY punk and classic sixties punk covers and very good at it.
Ira had a seriously dirty guitar tuning and when the girl drummer (Georgia)
sang 'With a Girl Like You? Fantastic. I could have lived without two
Richard Hell numbers in a row but that's a minor point.

I went outside for a bit of fresh air and bumped into Miriam Linna

whose band was up next. I've never been a huge fan of the A-Bones
but as an infectious, funny, party band they are hard to match.
(I hope you’ve seen the light Colin) Ira Kaplan sat in with them on piano but
the REAL highlight was when a small figure clambered up on stage causing
Stomp organiser, Dr Ike, to ask, Hey, who's that guy? That guy was only Roy Loney.
Sporting a new and very suave moustache since the last time I saw him.
The band ripped into "Have You Seen My Baby" (appropriately enough for a NOLA show -
it was written by Randy Newman) and he danced like a man possessed.
It looked like that was all we were getting until Ira strapped on a second guitar
and Bruce Bennett kicked off THAT riff. The crowd went wild and Roy the Boy
like he had just written it.

I knew it wasn't likely to get any better but I stuck around despite the jet lag

kicking in to see a rare Royal Pendletons show. They didn't disappoint and
being on their home turf, probably made it make more sense than it had been
on their recent European tour. They are one of the few bands that manage to
remain authentic without being curatorial. And who clearly know and
understand the history of rock and roll as the Toussaint McCall and
Cookie and the Cupcakes covers attest. We thought it was al over when a
clearly inebriated King Louie kicked over the drums but someone set them
up again fairly quickly and they came back to give us their classic "Losing Hand".
Yes, the same one that the Oblivians (soon to hit blighty for the blast off festival)
made, um, famous.

So that was it. I'm off out right now for night 1 of the Ponderosa

Stomp proper. Further updates as I find the time...


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A tip from Duglas Bandit... Magic Kids.

I hope that those good folks at Goner will have "Hey Boy" on a 45 before too long.
It's been a fraught couple of days but this thing is operating
for now at least.

It was touch and go I guess and the situation flags up the
need to have alternate means of getting on this danged internet.
It also indicates the need to get a life and spend less time online.

Normal service may or may not resume in due course...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Fistful of Records is a 7” label based in The Netherlands. They’re responsible for a steady trickle of fab 45 sized platters (some of which spin at 33) that will reaffirm your faith in this rock’n’roll thing. In this disposable age, it’s easy to just stick out a track as a file. It takes a certain disposition to go that extra few yards and create something that you can’t just “delete”. To forge something permanent, dressed in captivating hand-screened covers, all numbered for your collecting pleasure if that’s what floats your boat.

The Hussy are from Madison, WI (hey, that’s Ben W country!). Bobby and Heather Hussy have concocted 6 short, sharp bursts of primo punk rock action on this perfectly formed format. Not an ounce of flab and maximum use of floorspace available, gotta be impressed with that. I guarantee that “Drinking Song” will hit the spot, as will the other 5.

The Griefs are a proto-beat 3 piece from Ohio and “Little Dutch Maid” is a noisy little bisom. Just goes to show that you can’t judge the proverbial book. Nice little Kinks-ish (as opposed to kinky) twist in there.

Polar Strong hail from Bordeaux and their “Young Virgin” EP is pressed on white wax and the cover recalls “Soldier Blue”. It contains the first recorded cover version of a Bassholes song “Platform Blues” which might hint at their trajectory. One of the new breed of French combos that dredge the more psychedelic, blues-ridded tar pits, the title track vocal sounds a little like Tom Verlaine. Murkier aspects of what Television might have sounded like if technology was in short supply. I imagine that these guys would kick up quite the stink in a club.

The Forbidden Tigers roam the plains of Nebraska looking for victims to pummel with their primal power pop yelping. And I’ll be darned if there isn’t a cut titled “Nebraska Plains” that sounds like The Black Lips might if they ever discover Johnny Horton. “Crab Nebula” sounds like a cut’n’shut Franz/Rezillos hybrid. Bracing stuff.

The Glow release has just 3 tracks and the first of these “Anthem No. 1” sounds like it was recorded in a submarine. Makes the first Panther Burns EP sound like a stereo sampler. From NY, there’s something a little Primal Scream-y about this and y’all know that such a thing is likely to rub yours truly the wrong way entirely. The closer “That Kind Of Feeling” is almost endearing in a kak-handed busking Velvets fashion but I think that I’ll stick with The Hussy. Maybe The Glow will be a grower?
When I woke up, I thought it was Monday.
Not for long but for long enough to discombobulate me.
It was a relief to find out it wisnae.
I'm writing sentences like this because something is awry with the formatting.
Probably because of yon big YouTube windaes...
Or maybe I just fancy pretending its a poem.

More through the course of today, meanwhile:

RIP - Bea(trice) Arthur

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm a little perplexed that I more or less find myself in
agreement with Paul Morley about Camera Obscura
but it's for the greater good...

Camera Obscura: A band beginning with C from Iain & Jane on Vimeo.

(missed this the other night after I mislaid Mr Percival's message but found it via their website)

Inspired by a fb post from TJH...

Wow, Fleshtones and Twisteroos is Stockholm next Friday. maybe I should go out and buy a lottery ticket?

Just futzing about here, listening to new stuff - getting distracted by magazines and other bumf. Not sure if I'm into blabbing much today, we'll see as the day rumbles on.

Hope to have some info on next weekend's DEAD BY DAWN event in Edinburgh soon. Trying to clear the decks to do the all-nighter but dunno if I have the stamina.

Of course, ideally I'd be in Madrid. Having an aperatif or three and digging the CulturaPop extravaganza that includes The Wrigbys and The Quattros. But of course, this is real life and whilst it doesn't outright suck, the ability to gallivant is curtailed at the minute.

Might check in with you later, then again..

Friday, April 24, 2009

Den Finska Nikotintanten - 122 Hours of Fear - Fun for all the family....!
Murray just hepped me to this from this week's Popbitch, apparently following an appearance on "Family Guy"...

>> UK Top 40 <<

We predict this week's new entries/high climbers

++ Number One
LA ROUX In For The Kill

++ Top Ten

++ Top Twenty
GREEN DAY Know Your Enemy
PINK Please Don't Leave Me

++ Top Forty
The Prodigy Warriors Dance
ASHER ROTH I Love College
TRASHMEN Surfin Bird
JACKSON 5 Who's Lovin' You

Er.... WHAAAAAAT?! and PJ just sent the link to the cause of this siesmic activity...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'll feel a little better this time tomorrow because the working week will be over. Talk about feeling like not being able to get outta the bit? No major gallivanting, can't muster the energy. A movie on Sunday will be the extent of that me'reckon although perhaps I haven't altogether ruled out the Gurf Morlix thing. No that's not some rhyming slang for something to do with horlicks before you ask... and now this is going off for the evening.

Goodnight or whatever part of the day it is as you're reading this.

Oh and, Ponderosa Stomp hits up NYC. (Thanks Tim!)

RIP - Jack Cardiff

(Thanks to Ben for the info)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This month's MONORAIL FILM CLUB screening! -
TUVALU, GFT, Sunday 26th April at 8pm.
Hey, check out Brother Joss having a good ol’ mump over at the Rock Backpages blog. There’s a lot of other neat stuff over there too.

Site visits are on the rise and it doesn't appear to be with regard to Stewart's encounter with "Blackburn's finest" either. The reportage in recent days with regard to YouTube views and that particular phenom makes one think that it's all perhaps a wind up. C'mon, it must be? It makes me wonder about these "hit" statistics and how they correspond with the "hitee" responds to what they find.

Here the mechanics are simple. I want you to check out the material and maybe act upon it as in spreading the news or maybe even buying something or seeing a movie. Website traffic is another tool in the arsenal of the professional snowjob artist as far as I'm concerned. As any attempt to join up any publicity for anything gets more fragmented by the day, it's difficult to get anybody to sit still for any reasonable duration.

I’m just listening to Dave Alvin cover “Dynamite Woman”. I’ll take this guy’s work over all your Dylan’s and Young’s anyday. Hearing him tear through this Doug Sahm tune is a joy right to the jews harp outro.

Let’s see, what else should you be checking out… oh – there’s an exhibit of the sterling photographic work of Stephanie Chernikowski at Morrison Hotel Gallery Bowery, 313 Bowery New York, NY 10009. Recognise that address?

(thanks to Randy and Martin for that info)

And there's The Couple - Pt. 2 over at JD's... (18th April entry). Epic writing. If this guy was properly published then I'd read books!

Two days, two great new videos. Not to mention a stew of amazing scopitones courtesy of Bedazzled TV. Who needs the fresh air when you can stay in and watch stuff of this calibre? Incidentally, the "explicit" here refers to a little swearing although those of a nervous dispoz should note that Adiam is messing about with ciggies and guns during the course of this video...

Possibly not safe for work... the new Matt and Kim just like nature intended!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I never met Sable Starr but vividly remember a photo of Lance Loud from The Mumps carrying her. It was in NME around '75/76 I think. I don't like to hear of people that are the same age as me shuffling off this mortal coil. Not because I fear the reaper myself or anything like that, it's just something that saddens me. There are more deserving candidates for some scythe action, surely? I've been hunched over a computer screen all day and don't feel much like a couple more hours of that tonight but I didn't realise that Eric and Amy's Spanish jaunt starts tomorrow.

If you're in the following locales, please go and see them. You won't be disappointed.

April 22nd - ZARAGOZA, Teatro De La Estacion
April 23rd - BILBAO, Colegio de Abogados de Bizkaia
April 25th - MADRID, Cultura Pop Festival (The Quattros are on the bill too!!)
April 29th - VALENCIA, Teatro Octubre
April 30th - TARRAGONA, Groove Bar

Wish I was headin' out that way with them. I'm outta here now... later folks...

Oops, one other thing ... here's the full timetable for Hinterland, Glasgow.

Fangs at 7pm on the Thursday anyone?
RIP - Sable Starr

Monday, April 20, 2009

"More sauerbraten, please!" Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. returns to the charming Cafe Steinhof in Park Slope this week for more of that good ol' Viennese home cooking and tasty German brews: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd / CAFE STEINHOF / 422 Seventh Avenue (at 14th Street) in Park Slope, Brooklyn / Two teutonic shows, from 10:30 sharp until 12:30 / No cover! / Dining optional, but with a full menu until 11pm!

Plus, next week, on a more tropical note...

/ OTTO'S SHRUNKEN HEAD TIKI BAR & LOUNGE / 538 East 14th Street (just west of Avenue B) in Manhattan / Two portly shows, from 8:00 sharp until 10:00 / No cover charge!

Auf Wiedersehen! Michael

"Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
RIP - JG Ballard
At the end of the last episode, you'll remember that your reporter was not in the frame of mind to go to the big rock show. I've seen The Supersuckers a bunch of times, as it happens on occasions I didn't remember until my memory was jogged. They're a great band. Not as Eddie kept telling us, "the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world" but capable of opening a can of whupass when called upon. They've been hauling this particular circus around for two decades now and I'm wondering if Mr Spaghetti is sponsored by Gilleys? How many of those t-shirts does he have exactly? Anyway, you get what they give and the sound last night was horrendous. Worst I ever heard in a place where it's generally good. I have it on legit authority that it was the same in Malmo but that's another story.

Had never seen Nashville Pussy but was always underwhelmed with the records. Nine Pound Hammer on the other hand is something I'll never tire of, because they have songs. "This one is about going down" said Blaine C. "Not again" was what crossed my mind. It's all so 1974, but not in a good way. True, you wouldn't fancy the bass player in Black Oak Arkansas but they had hot and nasty down pat. (Of course, I'm talking about myself here, maybe YOU would and that's your beeswax.) I really wanted to be convinced otherwise but it fell a bit flat. A cover of Slade's "Why Why Why" raised the game slightly but by that time, it was too late. NP could be great with a little calibration but I doubt that's ever gonna happen

The addition of another opener was a mistake too because that was beyond awful. It's time the "rock show" as an art form - cut to the chase. Stop fannying about and give us your best 35 minutes. Leave us wanting more for fucks sake, not wishing it was over. Make us believe. It's like people will whoop and holler for anything at this point if it makes them feel like they've had their moneys worth. I saw a guy wearing a leather jacket with Forbidden Dimension on the back. That was pretty cool and there was a girl with some very impressive tattoo work standing just to the left of me at one point. Those shouldn't have been the highlights but they were.

If only Mr McLean's fb message had come in just a few minutes earlier yesterday evening...


Mr Duff informed me that Roky is playing in London at the HMV Forum (formerly T&C and most recently, Kentish Town Forum) on August 20th and also that the Shjips are at The Borderline the night before. Anybody know who RKE’s band will be?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

RIP - Nancy Overton (The Chordettes)
Forget the special RSD releases of retread Stooges/MC5 and whatever, the big item of the day has to be Wooden Shjips "Dos" complete with mix cd compiled by the band. The roots of the Shjips are definitely showing on this limited edition. Vinyl is two weeks away but from what I could see, this was doing brisk business meantime. Not sure if the comp cd will be accompanying that. Probably not.

Anyway, I think that the leaking of this particular release didn't result in sinking sales. Anybody who heard it was babbling uncontrollably about how damn great it is. Track 5, "Fallin'" is quite simply the most hypnotic groove that I've come across in many moons.

Not much info on the packaging. Once again it's the music itself that's doing the talking. If you're in the market for some space rock with a bite then this is your "man" - man. And I use that term as a greeting to all and every gender. Peace? That's a different story, this is anything but peaceful but the perfect Neu/Suicide melding with a "dusting" (yo Tarq!) of Iron Butterfly, has kind of blown my napper innards. (S)h(j)ips don't lie...

I don't completely agree with this review but infowise it has a neat tempo.

"Muchas garcias" to for Dr H who made it possible to hear this several weeks ago.

This has been posted elsewhere I know but Russell and I were talking about it yesterday and decreed that it rules!

Another day, another ISP hassle. No blueyonder this morning but waht's the point of getting agitated. Plenty time for that later as the realisation of burning a weeks holiday kicks in.

Record Store Day was a hit in terms of the social aspect. I'll reserve my more cynical take on it all because even although every day is RSD for some people, it did stir up some very good vibes. I particularly applaud the "home baking" aspect and Katrina Pastel in particular for the scrumdiddleyumptious cheese sticks! I saw a couple of guys from a new signing - The Virgins - at Avalanche. Do the kids really want a new Doobie Brothers? Probably not.

The big story of the day though had nothing to do with RSD really. It involved the Boyle phenomenon that is seemingly sweeping the earth. True story, you couldn't make it up. A whole lot of you guys are familiar with the Rt Hon. Stewart Cruickshank, and you know his standing in the community not only locally but globally. So 10 years ago, the intrepid and selfless Captain Krunch finds himself in Whitburn Town Hall (look it up) judging a talent show. That was the self-same competition that resulted in this "Cry Me A River" track that's turned up. So there you go - the one and only Stewart Cruickshank gazumped Cowell by several light years.

The situation this woman finds herself in will hopefully provide her with the wherewithall to want for nothing anymore. the way her business has been dragged through te neighbourhood, she deserves it. Don't give me that crap about her sounding like Peggy Lee - she sounds like Lena Martell and I guess that she's taking one day at a time right about now. And it's true, she doesn't look anything like Julie London but as Jaki McDougall rightly pointed out, that's what wee wifie's from that part of the world look like.

Irrespective of the freakshow aspect, there's a John Waters factor here. Ultimately it doesn't matter what her background. Whitburn has been twinned with Baltimore by the sickness of this trumped up version of The Gong Show.

The Sexual Objects played as a duo at Mono and the Tyrannosaurus Rex vs Alex Harvey boded well for a full on electric assault. Would love to have stayed for Peter Parker, soundcheck was great but it had been a long, very cool shift. It's not often that you bump into a guy who's a mate of the great Roger Armstrong that you can reminisce about "Rock On" with.

At this point, I'm pondering whether to go to The Supersuckers/Nashville Pussy show. Not sure.

Elsewhere in Glasgow - Camera Obscura have an album launch in Mono tonight. They're not playing but the considerable djing skills of Traceyanne Campbell and Carey lander will be on display.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's Record Store Day then... I had a thought, maybe there are some of you folks that don't have access to a real shop. It's pretty sick but I know that's a possibility. I'm not sure what the "limited" aspect of these special releases are but if there's anything you need then let me know before 10am (GMT) and I'll do what I can to hook you up. "Dos" by Wooden Shjips is to be made available today so I'm hoping to come back with that. OK, back at you much later...

Don't bother with the Susan Boyle 7" though. They're all sold out already...

Friday, April 17, 2009

GFT's birthday: 1974 film - you decide!

This is the elusive Per Gessle song... it's a little "Primitive", right?

Thanks to Carolline...

"Malcolm Tucker" onstage in Glasgow, February 2nd 1979.

No idea who took the shot...

... anyway, the subject's new film is out in cinemas today!

It’s been quite the week for anniversaries of people shuffling off this mortal coil.

Wednesday it was 8 years without Joey (Ramone), Thursday it was Johnny Thunders (18 years!) and today, it’s exactly a year since the great Chris Gaffney went to the great roadhouse. 49 today since Eddie Cochran. It occurs to me that this is worth mentioning...

Some shows this weekend...

Firstly, Shock and Awe in Edinburgh tonight.

"the world famous shock and awe are playing at henrys tonight - at the moment its a bit uncertain whether we're playing with our stand in drummer Barry Ands or our stand in drum machine Debbie Suicide, or you if you fancy it ! either way its going to be different from the gig we played the other week Either way we are on at 9pm sharp, so plenty time for a pint and a chat after - henrys cellar bar, morrison street at the lothian road end, I'll probably be playing my silver sparkly guitar because I broke my other one while kicking it round the stage the other week also performing tonight in a ear pleasing punk rock new wave frenzy are THE AXIDENTS + PLASTIC ADULTS + CHATEAU GREYSKULL + UGLY BABY so 5 bands for 5 quid and a free cd from me if you want onesee ye there ? Cheers, Murray"

Girls on Top in London and a reminder that The Phobics are in action dahn there also...

Tom, you want to take it from here?

"Call yourself my mates? - Further to my earlier begging missive, I STILL have tickets for our gig at the Dirty South in Lee High Road this coming Saturday 18th April and they are slower moving than the veg in a kebab. Come on guys and gals, 4 bands plus us for six quid - a recap - You will be entertained by: CATFIGHT / WONK UNIT / THE PHOBICS and THE BERMONDSEY JOYRIDERS featuring Garry Lammin from Cock Sparrer and Keith Boyce from The Heavy Metal Kids and - playing a rare London gig - PETER AND THE TEST TUBE BABIES. (Haud me back! - ha ha) Doors open at 7:30pm is and the bar is open til 2am so come early, stay late and spend Sunday saying hello to God on the big white telephone - you know it makes sense - It'll cost more on the door so act now save money and help the desperate old punk rockers - it's the gift that keeps on giving!! Thank you for your kind indulgence. TIGHTWADS!"

If you need to get in touch with Tom to take up his kind offer then do so via The Phobics myspace.

Record Store Day Happenings here and there…

Reverse the trend of driving the record stores into extinction. Stay the fuck away from your iPod or whatever on Saturday April 18th. Embrace the concept of leaving your billet and visit a record store. Here’s an example of what’s happening but if you go to the RSD website then you can zoom in on what’s happening near you.

I’ve already heard griping about it being an opportunity for record companies to cash in by releasing special items. Wake up you diddies! – there’s a full blown crisis going on. In these times, when the populace is more likely to vote for a crap singer or some drongo that puts their pants on their head during a so called reality TV show (because it's in the script) – instead of who runs the country then y’know, that concerns me a little.

Listen to what Joni said. “You never know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone”. I think that was a prediction of what might happen if the record stores vamoose.

So in Glasgow for starters…

Monorail Music just had a big Norton Records trove arrive…

Sir Sandy McLean in The Herald today on the subject with details of whaappen in Dundas Street.

Avalanche Glasgow schedule for the day (could be subject to chopping and changing over the course)...


In Stockholm – A Rawk slant at Sound Pollution!

In Rochester, NY – New Math Now are doing an instore at Record Archive!

I bet that Plato in Utrecht are doing something and don’t forget the big bash that’s going down at the Record Fair there on behalf of NederGlam!!

If anything particularly tasty rolls in then I’ll post that later. If you want to blab anything special that’s going down on your watch, then send an e-holler. Operators are standing by...

With all the reportage of the vinyl single reaching a ripe old age recently and the fact that sales of these things are up, let's just keep these "special editions" out of the hands of the tossers that are out to fleece you on ebay. Let's flush those blighters out of the system. Re-live the days when you used to spend that well-earned pocket money on a shiny black thing that would provide hours of repeated pleasure.

Something you had to interact with that wasn't a mobile phone. It may take some convalescence but you can do it!

This just in from Mr McLean... (click on image to enlarge).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thanks to Duglas T Stewart via facebook...

Ahoy there Frat-friends!

There's 60s Shenanigans all weekend (17th - 19th April) down on the Good Ship Corrine/Ferry Station Cafe (opposite Watershed) in Bristol. On Saturday - there's The Deltics, Magic Tractor and musical fun galore up on deck during the day. The evening moves indoors where you can enjoy 60s Garage band The BRUTES, all the way from Glasgow for one show.

Plus a fine selection of Bristol DJs spinning 60s Soul, Psych, R&B, Rock'n'Roll, Go-Go and more!........... 8pm till late.

Oh and it will all be broadcast live on Radio Corrine!!
Hope you can make it along for this cosy nautical shindig!
EMPRESS OF FUR and The LA STOOGES at the Lava Lounge on 18th April! A night of drinkin' yellin' and shakin' in tribute to Lux Interior and Ron Asheton...

EMPRESS OF FUR - Playing a special one-off Cramps-heavy set!

THE L.A. STOOGES - The best Leicester area all Stooges band!

Pay your respects between 9pm-3am.

Only £1.99 entry! Firebug Bar, Millstone Lane, Leicester, United Kingdom
RIP - Peter Rogers (Carry On Films producer)

This is amazing. Thanks to Sébastien Favre and of course to Spike for posting it in the first place!

Wednesday night at The Cathouse in Glasgow, believe me - it’s not a lot like its LA namesake.

But needs must and MC Lars is in town and, despite having at least 10 years on the character he raps about in “Signing Emo”, that’s where the scene required to be made. When I got there the first band was on. Apparently called Track 9 they looked about my nephew Jamie’s age. They weren’t bad and if they muzzle their bass player and nail him down they might even go on to better things. The synth sound definitely set them apart from their ilk and I’m definitely not in their target demographic.

Next were Failsafe which is a terrible name on the face of it. However there’s a notion of prog to their sound that makes it almost acceptable. If the energy they expend could be harnessed then a small power station could easily be run from that. If Rage Agin Thon Machine had Bruce Dickinson on vocals, they might sound like this. This is the sound of the generation gap. The kids seemed to like it and I wanted to scream “Turn It Down”. In fact I was – in my head. Eventually they relented and they stopped…

…for a break, because they were Lars backing band… Which worked better for me it has to be said. Does this hip hop thing work live then? Yes it does. Even in the face of some technical problems. Lars came on dressed in an Aquabats costume and tore through a set of what should be big hit singles. If there were still such a thing. I have to deduct points for the non-appearance of “Hipster Girl” but by the time he got to “This Gigantic Robot Kills”, the show was in the bag.

I’m not sure if its just a little too savvy to go global but the audience here tonight were verging on ballistic. A small moshpit erupted next to the auld bloke during “Hot Topic (is Not Punk Rock)”. If we had that store here then maybe it would make more sense to the potential listener. We do have similar things here, the biggest being Camden market in “the London” of course.

And last but least longest, The Aquabats bounded on and for 25 minutes they could have been the best band on earth. Their Ed Wood meets Hanna Barbera schtick coupled with the Dickies via Devo with hints of ska was incredibly good natured and well, just plain fun. Why then did they need to burst that bubble with some toe curling “comedy”?

Talk about killing the buzz. We left and went for chips. The end.
Rather than cut and paste the extensive new NORTON NEWS parrot fashion, click this link, select that item from the menu and blast off into that whole 'nother world. It's all laid out pretty with sleeve art. etc.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Lucinda Williams/Willie Nile workout video...

Thanks to Francesco Calazzo via Rock Backpages Blogs

At a loose end in Stockholm tonight...

So what is with monks mania! Mojo, NME, The Guardian – all going under the thunder to a lesser or greater degree. This is great and an undeniable thread from the days when combos like Das Furlines were preaching the gospel when nobody else was. Those girls even have a UK cousin in The Nuns right now. Anyway, for whatever reason, “Black Monk Time” is enjoying something of a Disney-like resurgence and that has to be a good thing. The apocalyptic “Oh, How To Do Now” would be a perfect closing theme for the endtimes.

I don’t know if the Light In The Attic release is the same as the recently reissued Universal version, the latter sounds great, way crisper than the one on Repertoire. This is all due to, in no small part, the documentary “monks - the transatlantic feedback”. Dietmar Post and Lucia Palacios created a monster when they made it possible to see this phenomenon as well as hear it.

To wit… there are three chances to dance coming up in the building site known as Edinburgh. The Cameo is screening the monkumentary thusly so hop to one of ‘em accordingly:

Fri 17/Sat 18 April - Screen One – 11.45pm
Thu 23 April - Screen Three – 6.15pm

(Thanks to Ian and Paul for the info)

After that you can go to Play Loud! and score the dvd direct from the filmmakers to help keep their coffers afloat. Extras include the full TV clips and also a very good interview with the late, great Dave Day.

Lucia and Dietmar with Dave - Photo by Theresa Kereakes - Los Angeles 2006

Two louder than the cadbury's gorilla! (Thanks Chris)

If you are ANYWHERE in the Philly area then this is a must attend. No excuses.
(Thanks Rich)

After humming and hawing about catching a couple of movies this past wee while, I seized the day after a pisser of a start. I remember sitting here and thinking that I have 12 minutes to catch a bus. Guess that would be what high flyers call an executive decision. Anyway, I didn’t want to drive to the station then to take a train. There’s something reassuring about cruising in the bus lane past the traffic that’s creeping slowly toward its destination. If I can bodyswerve driving then I will. Always.

12.45pm screening of “Let The Right One In” (LÃ¥t den rätte komma in)? Don’t mind if I do. The film has been getting big licks in the press. A Swedish vampire yarn with a twist, I’m not sure what's hit a nerve with the critics but for once they’re at least offering a good tip. It is good and the thing I dug most about it was the locations and the tranquillity of the sequences with the snow. Set in the Stockholm suburb of Vällingby, it reminded me of the long walk I took with Qina last summer.

I need to find out what the 45 that Oskar played for Eli was. Think that there was something in the credits about Per Gessle, but I couldn’t figure it out. At that point, I was the only person in the cinema. What is it with people that don’t stay until the bitter end? Should you see this? Well, yeah. It’s not for everybody and although it did drag a teensy bit, I think that the ending is good. Apparently it’s a faithful take on the original novel. You’d really have to get the definitive word on that from somebody who has read the Swedish version. I can’t read so there’s no use in asking me. Not sure about the trailer, but you can see it at the film website.

So that got me back out on the street and from there I headed for the 3.30pm show of “Religulous”, a documentary about religion as “neurological disorder” with Bill Maher as your reporter, directed by Larry Charles. Don’t about you but I’m de-sensitised to this type of film now, to the point that I can't tell if it's actually a spoof or for real. If reality TV isn't real then there's always the poss that a documentary might not be either. You can trace that back to my "guilty until proven innocent" credo. Probably. There’s always the possibility of Chris Guest or Michael McKean walking on screen. Particularly in the “Holy Land” theme park segment. The Bob Tilton footage got a big laugh and my thoughts were very much with Brother Randall and Sister Donna at that point. I imagined us all sitting watching the "crucifixion" amongst the flotsam that would attend such a thing. some of them clapped when the centurion beat on Hey-soos.

I like Maher, he’s a funny guy. Not as much a household name here as Jon Stewart, he seems to take more chances. For “Curb” fans, there are a lot of those extended pauses at the end of a “scene”. This is presumably an LC device to keep things sweet for himself. It’s a Larry David world we exist in after all...

I seldom think that it would be better to watch something at home but “Religulous” is an exception. There were a couple of points where I could happily have gotten up and put the kettle on. To me, the subjects were just a little too easy to take the piss out of. Couple of other aspects rankled too but in toto, some of it is pretty sharp. Like ouch.

Late news (courtesy of Mr U), the “mystery” tune in “LTROI” could be Gyllene Tider (Golden Times), Per Gessle’s old band. A wee root around identifies this as “Kvar i min bil”. So now I need to hear more. Could be a Gessle jag on the horizon.

The poster images came from here.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Does anyone remember Gruppo Sportivo? John Peel played their first LP, they appeared on TOGWT and Sire picked 'em up for US release...
Phil Spector - The verdict...
Never made it to the pictures (again). So this is like being on "twitter", only substituting an "a" for the "i". Aye. So let's see, a news update before I go watch a dvd. The extrication of the weeds in the drive is coming along fine. Oh, wait - you don't care about that, how about this then? (That sounds justa tad too Jimmy Saville but let's just run with it.)

Mr Duff has highlighted that Roky Erickson will play The Green Man Festival in August. Enterprising promoters might want to check out the ins and outs of bringing the man north? With The Explosives or preferably with The Nomads but either way, it's time that justice was done. He could surely sell out the big ABC?

Russell hepped me from NYC that the Joey Ramone Birthday Bash details for May are now available on the revamped Joe website as well as details of how to score tickets. There's a rumour that Eddie Vedder will appear but far more exciting is the news that Kitty Kowalski will join Bebe Buell onstage that evening.

Jos sent the following news on the imminent release of this. Looks like it would be just up our particular alley...

"Coming out next week, not on A Fistful of Records, but on other Utrecht, NL label - Excelsior. A cd comp of early 70s Nederglam !

Fistful Jos and Brit accomplice Robin Wills worked on this thing for some years now, having done all research, compilation and sleevenotes. The set is entitled "Clap Your Hands And Stamp Your Feet" after Dutch glam's biggest hit at the time by Bonnie St Claire & Unit Gloria. Other songs include some totally unknown Glam Rock stompers & crunchers by acts like Booby Trap, The Heavy Dwarfs, Dump, Zingara, Pantherman and Plastic Feet. Among somewhat better known acts like Lemming, Catapult, Left Side and Long Tall Ernie And The Shakers you will discover a multitude of Glam era obscurities that will blow your socks off and open your mind to some great sounds and beats ! With The Netherlands being the main country in continental Europe to boast a Glam scene, a collection of this stuff is way overdue. 24 songs by 23 acts with a 52 page full colour booklet crammed with cool pics, plus the incredible stories behind all bands and songs. Also included are reprints of all original sleeves, whether Dutch or foreign.

The cd launch will take place at the Utrecht cd and record fair, next saturday April 18th, from about 1 till 3 o’clock. There’ll be dj’s, original Nederglam videos, an exhibition of Nederglam memorablia and record sleeves and a Smyle reunion gig! Many ex-glamstars will be present, like the Catapult guys, the one and only Pantherman, of course Smyle, Lemming singer Wally, some Left Side guys, producer Peter Koelewijn, mr. Pink Elephant Willem van Kooten, the Booby Trap singer and all members of Bonnie st Claire & Unit Gloria, most probably including queen Bonnie herself !!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Clap Your Hands And Stamp Your Feet” will be available in all good Benelux record shops. It can also be ordered direct from Excelsior

Here’s the full tracklisting:

Booby Trap - Kelly, Grace & Sally / Catapult -Let Your Hair Hang Down /
Lemming -Father John / Heart -Lovemaker / Dump -Annabelle /
Long Tall Ernie And The Shakers -Motor Man / Amsterdam - Mary Lou /
Bonnie St. Claire & Unit Gloria - Clap Your Hands And Stamp Your Feet /
The Heavy Dwarfs - Moeder Natuur / Left Side -(like a) Locomotion / Black Fire - Do It
Smyle - She Means A Lot To Me / The Rockets - Rock And Roll Drummer (Part 1) /
Plastic Feet - Big Blond Baby / Cardinal Point - The Grand / Melody - Stepping Stone /
BZN -Sweet Silver Anny / Cherrie Vangelder-Smith - Goodbye (Guitarman)
Hank The Knife And The Jets- Guitar King / Zingara - Girl, Girl, Girl /
Serpentine - Powerful Jim / Hans van Hemert - Because of the Cats /
Pantherman - Pantherman / Bonnie St. Claire & Unit Gloria - The Rock Goes On

And finally, I found two copies of NBT 26 replete with Monomen 45 and would be happy to send a copy to whoever would like to provide a good home.

If you're in and around Boston, that's the city in Mass. not the Tufnel park hostelry, then maybe you need the services of my ol' pal, Ms Stevie Gomez. Primo photographer and long time keeper of the faith. Click on the image for more info.

Looks like another good day out so that trip to the cinema in Auld Reekie is probably on. Of course, there's still plenty of time to talk myself out of it but its looking like "game on" at the minute. The mode of transport is in dispute but that is likely to be settled in due course.

"Scotland is staring into the abyss of social collapse" it just said on the wireless. Plus they're punting the notion that everything going down the pan is herding the masses toward religion. Too late folks, your cards are marked. Might as well go down with a crate of buckie and a 3 cd set of happy hardcore. Or maybe not. Myself? I'll stick with "Let The Right One In" at The Cameo - 12.45 for starters.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did you ever hear of Carl Sigman?

I hadn’t until recently when The Chairman hooked me up with a copy of “Carl Sigman Songs”. A 3 cd set of material he wrote over a long, illustrious career. This has been put together by his sons to celebrate their father and they’ve got a lot to be proud of. I’ve been digging this stuff for weeks now. Always escaping back to it when I’d simply had enough of the countless mp3’s I get sent by acts that quite simply aren’t up to the task of writing anything approaching a real song, let alone perform one.

Maybe that’s a bit harsh but once you’ve tasted the primo stuff and all that…

How does this grab you? “Pennsylvania 6-5000” (Glen Miller), “It’s Square But It Rocks” (Count Basie), Buena Sera (Louis Prima), the theme to Robin Hood (The Richard Greene TV show), “Ebb Tide” (Sinatra/The Platters), the fantastic “The Day That The Rains Came Down” (Jane Morgan), “It’s A Marshmallow World” (Darlene Love) and “It’s All In The Game (The Four Tops) to take but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

When he passed away, in September 2000, Carl Sigman was 91 years old. I guess they call that a good innings. What a legacy to leave. Irrespective of things not being like they used to be in some kind of rose-tinted rear view mirror, this consistent quality of work is surely a benchmark. I can’t even begin to tell you how captivated I am by these songs. They capture an era that came before anybody could pastiche, or beat the life out of a song in the name of faux authenticity.

Things weren’t sullied by bean counters or would be experts. This was a job of work. And that job was to write songs and have them recorded. Did they think they would last? Probably not, but so much of this man's work has entered the dimension of “the standard”. He kicked off his career in 1936 when he co-wrote “Just Remember” with Johnny Mercer. From 1940, he penned words and music of songs that were covered by artists as diverse as Aretha Franklin, Elvis, Louis Armstrong and Dean Martin. Relative youngsters are probably familiar with “Enjoy Yourself (It’s Later Than You Think)” by The Specials? Mr Sigman came up with that one in 1950.

When all is said and done, and the production is laid on thick with a dirty great trowel – it all comes back to the song and this man is responsible for a shed load of the greatest ever written. Carl Sigman had the chops and there’s not much coming out in today’s crop that will stand the test of time like this. I’ll cut out now, before I start to sound too much like my granny.

“Majorsongs… one of the top US music catalogues” strikes me as an understatement.

(Sincere thanks to Michael and Randy Sigman for kindly acquainting me with their dad’s work)
Does this look like fun or what?

This is the closest that Glasgow has been to a SXSW type stramash since "In The City" dropped by several eons ago. Do you have the stamina? There are some good acts involved. Drop by the website and figure out what works for that schedule of yours...
(Click on the image to open it in a legible size)
Not sure whether to see "Let The Right One In" and "Religulous" today or tomorrow. The world is my proverbial lobster or some such crustacean and the weather is holding up too. Down hill must surely be just beyond the immediate horizon.

It's been reported elsewhere but incase you haven't seen it, those New York Dolls have a show at the 100 Club on May 14th. Maybe some of you kids from other countries fancy it? It's just like the old days down there. In the venue I mean - not "The London", Rock On has long since left Camden as has Compendium Books and all the other haunts. Any of you guys heard the new Dolls record? The title track is on their site/myspace and it sounds puh-retty good.

Let's see how it all plays out this sabbath then. I used to be indecisive and well, still am.

Before I head for the kitchen, there's another JD King yarn on the go at his web hangout.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I've made a smidge of progress today. Both with the state of the drive and with filing records. Nothing too drastic but something.

Was reading the Lefsetz thing where he was getting all moist about “twitter”. This is the same guy that’s putting the boot into Record Store Day for whatever reason. Something to do with the internet? It generally is with him. Greetin’ faced is how we’d describe him here in Scotch-land. I’m guilty of being the same (stop smirking) myself but recently this guy has taken the art form to a whole new level. To tear something like RSD a new one is his most flaccid tirade yet. I actually find his attitude to this somewhat wretched, as I do his attack on (Elvis) Costello for something that has less than sod all to do with anything.

Yes, we know the web is killing music (sales) in terms of stores. That’s like a ripe plook on your schnoz that’s just about to burst but we must apply balm to those outlets that are left. If, for no other reason than the sheer joy they’ve given us over the decades. Some will survive and although it’s pretty tough, the hardcore hardware dealers are a fairly resourceful bunch themselves. It’s all a fairly romantic notion, I know. The ensuing generations have no experience of the finer aspects of hanging around in record shops. I could get all nostalgic at this point but will spare you that for now.

I was feeling pretty mellow before I read his pish. His angle on things used to entertain me but now the Apple groupie bit coupled with the continual mantra going over and over and over the same fucking thing has me reaching for the unsub link. His recent rankling of Gene Simmons bought him some time but even that was kind of sullied by his own seemigly creepy supercilious agenda. He has some answers but not them all. I do like clicking on songs that he recommends though, these are (almost) always horrible.

Anyway, RSD is presactly one week away, this time next year there will probably be less of them than ever. Celebrate this vanishing breed and pray that there’ll be a spike – something like the cinema industry experienced – when people started to go to those places again. There’s nothing like a cinema screening and there’s similarly nowt like going to a proper shop to pick up your music. Not Tesco, not Asda, not HMV. And as handy as Amazon or wherever may be, give that a rest, at least next Saturday.

If you have a store - or work in one, and you’re doing something to mark the occasion then please send details and I’ll compile a wha’appen, where in the middle of the week.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Sonics "Way Out West" set from Gothenburg will be aired on Sweden's P3 Live this coming Monday (13th).

(Thanks to Kjell for the nod on this one)
It is with some relief that I can report that - I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO THE SALT MINES UNTIL ONE WEEK FRAE MONDAY! Don't like shouting in cap's like that but that was me getting carried away for a second. I haven't had one entire week off where I had next to nothing planned in a long, long time. Will I use this relative freedom wisely? Quite probably not, but you never know.

The "hotmail" wasn't working earlier but it seems to be now. Intermittent problems with all things internet seem to be ongoing. It doesn't matter really, other than if anybody thinks I'm not getting back to 'em. It's not necessarily my fault. Much as I try to keep on top of these things, maybe I have been a little tardy of late in some aspects of communication. At the same time, this caper with having to be reachable at any given second is not something that fills me with any great joy. Anyways, first things first.

A most excellent Eastertime to all our visitors wherever you happen to be dropping in from. Expect further bulletins in due course.

It ain't GF around here until approx. 12.30 but the wind-down is on, Mr Spence has managed to get this show back on the rails at the eleventh plus hour... have a braw Easter weekend, whatev you're getting up to.

15 Waterloo Street, Glasgow; 8.30pm; FREE!


The first Glasgow show of the year for THE BRUTES, with support from multi-gender garage surf punkers, THE FNORDS.

Good Friday's gonna be VEEERRRY GOOD this year in Glasgow!!!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Admiral Stefan Conrad on the second instalment of Sophisticated Boom Boom on the cyberwireless tomorrow night between 7 and 9 CET. That's 6 til 8 here in the UK... good gear of the musical variety guaranteed.

The very Rev. JD King has posted another one of his fine yarns on his website. Go there and get acquainted with it in due course. All you need do is click this link.

There's 5 more hours to do at the coal face and then I have a week to try and restore order to various aspects of what passes for an existence. Part of this involves what goes on here in the blogosphere. Probably.

Also, I have Comedy Central free until May 4th so I'm making the most of that. South Park and Sarah Silverman tomorrow, after SBB of course. 'til then...

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Autographs on Revolver, found this via Ms Mona's B-Girls tip on fb earlier...

Hard to comprehend that it's just about a year since The Sonics blew through London. I imagine that a bunch of you kids will be taking in the LBB festivities over the impending weekend? No such gallivanting for me but I have a pass out from the salt mines for a week. At this point, there are plans to extricate myself from a number of ruts but that could all go south or down the pan, depending on how you like to describe what will likely amount to procrastination. So long as I keep away from futzing about on facebook then that’ll be something…

A schlep to Glasgow and Edinburgh could be on the cards, actually – it’s the MC Lars show on Wednesday. Couple movies, couple pints of Guinness mayhap? Just the two mind. Some gardening depending on the weather... I'm sure you get the drift. All subject to change.

Let’s get to some info then. It’s been a weird day with some kind of fug implanted where my common sense, such as it is or was, usually lives. This could make sense or not. Oh yeah, and this has nothing to do wit ICP or juggalos or whatever their crew call themselves…

Maybe some of you folks would like to try out Freekly?

I guess it works along the lines of when you order something from Amazon and it suggests other gear you might like? Anyway, it's a tie up with Rocks Backpages and it will deliver yer actual "rock writing" to your portal of choice.

I don't use iTunes or an iPod so I can't tell you if it does what it sez on the tin or not.

It does have an ever growing archive to draw upon though so it's potentially a very good source of information indeed. Particularly for future generations who are yet to discover that before the days of cut and paste, there was actual opinion and sometimes even passion involved with all this malarky.

I've also started to post on the RB blog. The idea is to float stuff on there that might not have made it to the pages of what's left of the inkies yet. We'll see, there's a lot of good stuff in there too so why not have a rake around. It goes like this, you head over to RBP via this link.

You’ll see an ad in the far RH column offering you an invite for a week so click on that and do the bizzo. Let me know what happens after that because I’m not tooled up for the full bhuna.

For those of you in the US, Eddie and the Hot Rods are headed in your direction! Click on the poster to enlarge and find out when they're hovering close to your zip code.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Monday, April 06, 2009

A ton of shows happening over the coming week and months all over. I'm kinda pushed for time right now so maybe I'll try to round those up and, should you be in the 'hood of any of them then feel free to make the necessary arrangements...

In NYC...

It's more off-color action this week with Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. -- working blue at the honky tonkin'est joint in town, the Rodeo Bar!

375 Third Avenue (at the corner of 27th Street) in Manhattan / Two big & bawdy sets, from 10pm sharp until 12:30am / No cover -- and free peanuts! /

Ribaldly yours, Michael
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co.
"Ballads, Boogies & Blues"

in LONDON...

Thomas Phobic Esq sez... "I have tickets for sale for our up and coming gig at The Dirty South on Saturday 18th April.They cost £8 but I'm selling my allocation for £6 quid each - the £2 is supposed to go to us but feck it, theres a credit crunch (is that some kind of biscuit??)

You will be entertained by: CATFIGHT, WONK UNIT, your favorite well mannered deptford guitarslingers, THE PHOBICS, The Wonderful BERMONDSEY JOYRIDERS, featuring Garry Lammin from Cock Sparrer and Keith Boyce from The Heavy Metal Kids and, playing a rare London gig - PETER AND THE TEST TUBE BABIES.

The shindig starts at 7:30pm and the bar is open til 2am so come early, stay late and enjoy a smorgasboord of rock n roll delights. It will cost more on the door - so act now and save money for drink. Thank you for your kind indulgence."


Rob from Crummy Stuff checked in...

Hello everybody... Don't miss The Blue Coupe/Crummy Stuff show on April 17 at Chicago's in Oshawa...

Members of Blue Öyster Cult, Alice Cooper Band and Teenage Head all sharing the stage...

There is a good chance a certain Teenage Head member will join Crummy Stuff on stage for some rock classics!!

Let the music play, Rob.

And that's about yer lot for now, much more gig info to be processed and relayed in due course. I'm off to check out the new BoB and to have my tea. Not necessarily in that order though.