After that "Support the next generation, dagnabbit!", or whatever it was Lindsay stated a couple o' days ago, I figured it was about time I clued you in on a trio of young 'n upcomin' contenders;
First up are the Little Killers from NYC who have just released their debut full-length on Crypt. If you can imagine a head-on collision twixt prime Velvets, NY Dolls 'n Saints you're about halfway there. Easily the best new band on the scene since, uh....., the Leg Hounds (no kiddin' !).
Speakin' of the next generation; the Diskords are about as young as bands get these days without bein' directed at the kiddy-porn market. Their EP on Vinyl Warning is solid p-rock action that ol' foggies like me will compare to Eater or the Lurkers but may in fact be much better then either of those ever was...
Closer to home we find the No Goods who's latest 45 on High School Refuse offers some ace Dutch beat/garage sounds.
Hey, I could go overboard 'n analyze these discs to death, but if in anyway you are inclined to the NBT sphere o' thinkin' I suggest you pick these up like pronto so you'll be able to congratulate yourselves w/ bein' well ahead of the pack somewhere in the near future, but best of all are up for some truly wild sounds that piss all over just about everything offered as an "alternative" these days.