Thursday January 8th, 2009
Venue change: the Avalon, 1735 Vine in Hollywood, just north of Hollywood Blvd across from the Capitol Records Tower.
5:30 through 10:30 p.m.
$25 admission
Benefit: proceeds go to L.A. Fallen Firemen's Memorial
Benefactor: L.A. City Councilman Tom Labonge
Acts so far:
Jimmy Angel, Ray Campi, Danny Dean, Lisa Finnie, Blasters, Manny Gonzales, I See Hawks In L.A., Groovy Rednecks, Keith Allison, Carlos Guitarlos, Michelle Shocked, Dusk Devils, Rip Masters, Lisa Haley, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Mojo Monkeys, Lightnin' Willie, Karma, Ronee Blakley, Rod & The Tonemasters, Dave Serby & The Sidewinders, Charlotte Orlove, Clive Kennedy, Joey Buttler, Ridge Route Romeos, Glen Glenn (?), Justin Curtis, Mike Stinson, Harry Orlove, Barry Holdship, Simon Stokes, Lori Dewitt & Todd Eckhart, and from France - Ervin Travis.
The Elvis Bash continues to be the nation's leading Elvis Birthday celebration drawing people from L.A. and all over the world. More guests are being added.