It brings together material from all across the shop into one handy dispenser on Kid Tested , home of The Parasites, Sloppy Seconds and The Manges and includes cuts from scattergun releases from labels like Sneakers, Alien Snatch and Screaming Apple plus more. All collected in one handy vessel for your listening pleasure. This is one instance where the CD format is double handy. Think what Ramonesmania was to the brudders, this collects The Yums likewise. 25 pulse-pounding chestnuts including the monumental "9,999,999 Tears", "Prince Of Dorkness" and their version of The Distractions "Valerie". It's enough to restore your faith in the power of popular music.

“Finally here is the re-release of the most important power-pop album of the nineties. This album is a real masterpiece.These Norwegians deliver all you need, a perfect singer, excellent songwriting, catchy as-hell melodies and ace production make this album the perfect soundtrack for every season of the year!!! 12-songs that make you wiggle & go-go like you've fallen in love for the first time! These guys are the missing link between the RAMONES and the PLIMSOULS!!! Album includes their version of The Pointed Sticks "Out of Luck" and Jane Weidlin’s "Rush Hour". Comes in thick blue vinyl, limited to 300 copies only!!! "
E-mail Screaming Apple and reserve your copy now... screamapp@aol.com
I can personally vouch that these guys can elicit a far better looking stage invasion than that hairy-arsed display in San Paolo the other night.