It was a cold one this morning. Hard frost. The shape of things to come for the foreseeable future and something that will undoubtedly eat into early morning blogging time. Drive to work in the dark and home likewise. If I glance up from my work station then there are bright blue winter skies to be seen. Shame I don’t have a camera. Still, I got my OX column in on time so that was something given my diminishing powers of recall at the minute. Motivation is another factor that seems to be lacking but cynicism is flourishing. These are peculiar times and I feel further away from the consensus than ever. Certain aspects of stuff that one might have taken for granted are also in question as time marches on. It all begins to make you think. Or at least me anyway.
All this talk about Berlin on the news today makes me realise that it’s way too long since I was there. Something I need to address because it’s an amazing place with so much going on. I’m not talking about the Boner Squad and Jay Z slaughtering “Get Up, Stand Up” in the shadow of the Brandenburg Gate either. Did you clock any of that? It was way beyond the pale. Actually I should say pail because I nearly spewed – if you forgive the rather graphic detail. This (atrocity) exhibition plumbed new depths of an already deep abyss.
My own memories of the city are very fond though and the first time, the year before the wall came down, Norton Records was just starting out... my, how they've grown!

SWEETS by Andre Williams
Who: Andre Williams, paperback writer!
What: Debut reading by Andre from his fabulous, action-packed new pocket book SWEETS with Q&A and autograph session, followed by all-Andre dance party-- stay to Shake A Tail Feather, as Chi-town boss DJ John "Mr Wiggles" Phillips spins Andre record 'til closing time!
Where: Phyllis Musical Inn, 1800 West Division, Chicago IL
When: 8 PM this Saturday night, Nov. 14
Duds: Casual, washable
How Much: Free! It's a tavern, so 21+ only, please
SWEETS will be available for purchase from the author--
Limited first edition PBO!
Bad boy music legend Andre "Mr. Rhythm" Williams will be reading excerpts from his hot off the press, semi-autobiographical collection of stories, SWEETS. Please join hosts Miriam Linna (Kicks Books) and John Phillips (aka Mr Wiggles) for a fantastic voyage into the imagination of Andre Williams! Get your heads rearranged and your books signed by the Godfather of greasy R 'n B and swing to the fine tunes of Mr. Wiggles! Mr. Williams will be fielding questions, so come prepared - this promises to be an historic evening! ANDRE!!!!
Come as you are, or tramp through the rigors of a facebook hazing
Full press release and excellent forward by Nick Tosches
Announcing Kicks Books
Order a copy today