Sunday, December 13, 2009

I had all kinds of plans for this weekend but the weather and a weird mood sort of put paid to the good intentions. Pretty sure that everything went along swimmingly without my participation. And besides, I got the Mickey Leigh/Legs McNeil memoir and wanted to get that read before I got the urge to look at reviews.

When I was watching the Dolls the other night, I got to thinking that there might well have been no Ramones without them. Seeing a busy venue with the throng screaming “your mirror's gettin' jammed up with all your friends” sort of made me do a double take. The expression often comes up that we never fought the punk rock wars for X, Y or Z but this was exactly what we did time in them trenches for. I can’t say that I wasn’t wishing that it was The Dictators up there but I’ve had a giant fuck off NYD poster on my wall for more than 35 years now. I might not think much of the new songs but those first two items and most of their comeback defined a lot of what came later and I never did ever hear The Harlots of 42nd Street.

I guess that my favourite artists appreciated The Be*tles so I wouldn’t have to.

So anyway, I finished the book and will gather my thoughts and post something later but probably not tonight. Even although we know how it ends, doesn't make it any less devastating.