Brother Patrick kindly sent me this mag a couple or three weeks ago and I just remembered that I hadn't mentioned it. The advancing years seem to be ramping up up the memory loss, what can I say... so yeah, Rock Hardi is all in French and it comes with a cd that includes The Sonic Angels and The Fleshtones. It also has Ivy on the cover and I know that'll be enough for some of you to be reaching for the trigger.
Nowt much else to report. Heading out to hook up with The Rt. Hon Peter Tjolsen so no time for the jibjab right now. I did have a fusion breakfast which involved haggis and coca cola, which seemed like a reasonable idea at the time. Those old Andy Shernoff commandments are a hard habit to break.
It's all pretty quiet in all, 'cept for the weather which sucks but when I don't have to venture out to the stalag, that's really not a problem.