"Look out, here come those Wildebeests again with a whole new bunch of tunes to make you the listener perk up and take heed. Whether it be 'rivvum and bloos', 'tank pok', 'instro-mental larkabout', or 'skewed sick-stays styled beat-noise', these Lairds can KO with the best of them, fuck it, let's make with the fact that The Wildebeests, the band that features (ex)-members of the MILKSHAKES, KAISERS and THANES, can knock any and all others off the blocks anyday, anywhere, and at anytime.
After a pile of single, EP and album releases on Norton Records, Sympathy For The Record Industry and Smartguy Records in the US the Wildebeests have returned to Germany and Screaming Apple (who coincidently released their first single way back in 1995) to release this the groups 4th long-player and has taken many a long long while to arrive (often thought to have been lost in the peat bogs deep in the Tripe valley) and for that you have not to thank the efforts of the 3 goons who, heretoforeandthereafter,should be referred to as the artists, but for the efforts of record company blunders and problemos reaching near and far across the desert-scapes of days, nights, weeks, nay months I say, bouncing here and there almost resulting in a veritable record label tennis! The Lairds of the Boss Racket themselves had almost given up hope of this LP ever seeing the needle of a record player...
Holy gnu, its years now since the artists first threw this lot of rumbling artefacts onto magnetic tape after at the very least 3 long minutes of rehearsal and preparation. What could be better? Well just listen to the dim simplicity of 'Lucinda' and the untamed beauty of 'Your Mind' to say nothing of the wracked emotion of 'It Ain't Right' to get the measure of what these sensitive artists had to wade thru in order to bring their fans a steaming product of damn near perfection. The CD version of this new gnu-sound classic and bluesy beat-punk masterpiece will be out sometime later this spring."
Iggy Drab