Monday already but I don’t have to work today so that’s a plus. Plenty to catch up on and also to procrastinate with. Saturday was the
GEOGRAPHIC AT THE TRON happening at The Tron in Glasgow. A yearly event as part of TripTych, Stephen McRobbie and Katrina Mitchell’s services to their outrĂ© are beyond mere curation. Unfortunately we got there too late to see the screening of two episodes of the Swedish programme,
“This Is Our Music” which featured
Mahar Shahal Hash Baz and
Juana Molina. These were introduced by the film makers, Andres Lokko and Lisa Milberg.
The Television Personalities are a combo whose appeal always escaped me. They say there would have been no Creation or Postcard labels without Dan Treacy’s Whaam imprint. And that would be a bad thing why? Anyway, I approach Stephen and Katrina’s event with as open a mind as I can. In addition to this, I recalled how
ATV blew me away in Kassel last October and prepare myself for a bit of possible hat eating. But no worries, the TVP’s matinee was awful and underprepared. Treacy’s demeanour was rudeness wrapped in some manner of misguided attempt at irony. It didn’t mask the embarrassment and methinks a coupla wheels have come off the wagon of this comeback. When they came on there was some dry ice pumped onstage and DT asked who was responsible for that. Some wag shouted
“The Sisters Of Mercy” and that was the only humour evident for the next half hour. I hope that they got it together for the later set and Edinburgh on Sunday. We’d shot the craw by that time.
The DJ action at these events is always stellar. You hear stuff and immediately need to have it. Stephen and Gerry played some amazing stuff. There’s so much out there still to hear and so little time in which to discover it.

Next up in the restaurant setting was
Open Field Church, imagine The Polyphonic Spree in civvies comprised on folks from the Glasgow scene with Eduardo and some fellow Brazilians rousing a spirited rabble with his Country’s music. This was the best part of the day and all too short. A wee bit of Jorge Ben of an early Saturday evening is good for what ails ya.
Juana Molina is a lady who was a very famous stand up comedian in Argentina who only really did that so she could eventually make music. I think she played too long but will investigate the records. It’s an atmospheric sample and loop process that builds during the performance. Very accomplished but too much to take in at a first introduction.
Mahar were Mahar. There is nothing like them anywhere else. I’d rather they’d played in the theatre rather than the restaurant but there y’go. The overall effect of this verges on overload. Geographic Music is a broad church and could hardly be described as having instant appeal. This is something you have to work with and it won’t always be easy but there are rewards at the end of this inconsistent (for a Screeching Weasel/Demolition Doll Rods fan) rainbow. The world is a better place for it’s existence and I know that it would have happened irrespective of Creation or Postcard. Imagine no O*sis, go on… you can do it.

On Sunday there, those
BMX BANDITS came to Falkirk, we saw 'em and are pleased to say that they followed Tony Christie without incident. With surprisingly good sound, they gave 'til it hurt without any sign of missiles or abuse. The sun actually made a brief appearance during the set too so somebody up there obviously likes them. In that case, isn't it about time he gave them a coupla shots at the hit parade?