Meanwhile, here's something to keep you amused... as far from the rock firmament as you could ever expect to be. The anti-Archers that reside at the Page Family Page. And while you're at it, listen to Eric on Jonesy's Jukebox from 6th December. Top sociological debate, including a consderation of Millets.
And in advance of an impending Australiathon from here, The Eastern Dark have a myspace which you should pledge allegience to forthwith. If you don't know what I'm talking about then I envy you but there's been a new intake of visitors here lately and you just never know.
One burst of activity outwith the bunker to go and then the hatches will be batoned well and truly down. Christmas eve will be spent far from the lemmings piling over the cliff scenarios that will be happening across the planet. However, if you're in Glasgow and you need to get something for somebody who doesn't have the Hello Saferide album yet... I happen to know that Avalanche in Glasgow just got a bunch in. I'll leave you pondering that top tip and am about to switch this thing off for the evening. Thankyer and goodnicht...