Laura Cantrell’s celebration of Kitty Wells is out and about as of now. Just ahead of her upcoming visit to the UK that commences this coming week. It’s a fine distillation of tribute and education that will hopefully elicit some interest in the more extensive back catalogue of its subject.
Like all good country music records, it’s short and sharp and it makes a strong impression. Wish there was a dynaflex vinyl version because I’d snap up several safety copies. The set opens with the title track “Kitty Well’s Dresses” that Laura wrote with “wir ain” Amy Allison and for some reason, the tune reminds me of “Chariots of Fire”. Maybe I just finally completely lost it.
There’s a wee promo video on this page if you scroll down a bit. Here’s an interview that appeared in The Scotsman last weekend and the tour dates are here. This time next week she’ll be in Edinburgh and thusly so will I. So you’re all tooled up with everything you need to partake of some damn sweet music that harks back to a time that maybe wasn’t so complicated.