Friday, March 19, 2010
I wouldn’t even have listened to Billie Joe Armstrong’s induction of The Stooges had it not been on the DFFD blog. To hear him quote Scott (Top Ten) Kempner from “Please Kill Me” was pretty amazing and of course, The Dictators were one of the combos that are responsible for carrying the torch of this group across several generations. Essentially when nobody else gave a shit. It was also odd to hear them and The Cramps mentioned together.
A growing number of folks recognise that The Dics deserve wider recognition too. There are even more who don’t even know that such a force of nature exists. I purposely will not use past tense even although a question mark lingers over whether or not they’ll ever roll in the thunder again.
Even a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist like myself is capable of hope. Particularly on a Friday afternoon with the refrain of "Every day is Saturday" rattling around the old noggin.

Mr Spence would like to invite you to...
ERUPTION at PIVO PIVO, 15 Waterloo Street, Glasgow; SATURDAY 20TH MARCH; 8.30, £5
Another great ERUPTION night ahead with Glasgow's 'orrible KBD punkers, THE JACKHAMMERS, in the company of THREE! great punk/rock'n'roll/garage bands from Leeds. Come on out and act stoopid ....or be even more stoopid for staying in!!!
I would like to add that - in my experience - staying in is not "stoopid" but a lifestyle choice/art form. Ha ha.