Today I got an e-mail from Arlanda Express, just a newsletter thing but I took it as an omen that in any ideal situation, Dean would still be with us and I'd be on board said transport heading for the Voladoras show tonight. Reality precludes either though I'm afraid.
So let's see, couple other things here to keep you from wearying whilst I attend to other matters...
Jo Callis has now officially left the Rezillos, read his statement here.
Matt and Kimmel... or is that Got in Himmel? Wee Commando comics flashback there... but in real life, some good things do happen and Matt and Kim were on Jimmy Kimmel the other night as they continue to sweep the USA. Evidently there are kids out there that have good taste. It's time their counterparts on this sceptic isle got hip. Anyway, you evidently are hip so if you don't have satellite or super cable (like me - do we even get Kimmel here?) then you can see what we all missed. And do something about getting your tickets for the upcoming shows in November.
And to close this one, Alec Downie on "The Barra'lands" Pt. 1.
Got a full dance card tomorrow but I guess I’ll be on here in the am at some point...