This morning, I woke thinking it was Friday. This is happening with alarming frequency and I'm wondering if my hard drive or motherboard might be on the blink also. Still, Friday is looming now but on the wrong end of Thursday that can be traumatic. Anyways, let's get to it...
The Accidents “Stigmata Rock ‘n’Rolli” 6 song 10” on
Bootleg Booze fuses Slade with Motorhead and sprinkles a little Ramonic garnish to unleash some kind of superfastpoppunkrockabilly rave up that pushes all them right buttons.
“Lonely Streets” has an anthemic Undertones go Dictators quality. They sound like they’re having a ball too as opposed to deconstructing a finite record collection like so many soulless tosspots do these days. The Accidents have redefined the term
“blazing” to the point of rambunctious but they never ever lose the reigns of melody.

On the same imprint.
The Dee Rangers “Upside Down” was mislaid in a pile of 45’s here for awhile. It’s nearly a whole year since I saw them in Stockholm and this reminds me that we’ve got to get them over here. The Wildebeests are the lairds of the boss racket hereabouts and the DR’s are the Swedish equivalent. With a cover of 4PK’s
“Down and Out” on the flip, the savage beat is in safe hands.
The funeral service for our pal Lennart will take place in Malmö tomorrow
(12th). It's my understanding that the family have requested that donations be made to Cancerfonden instead of flowers, etc. You can enquire as to how to go about that at the
facebook shrine that Per has set up. Cheers LP, you can never be replaced! The new RJaP is dedicated to his memory and it's reverberating around my noggin as I tap away here.