Monday, October 31, 2005
I'll readily confess to actually likin' some of the Cockney Rejects' stuff back in the day, so I dug into lead singer Stinky Turner's autobiography with an open mind. The book paints a very bleak picture of a couple of young kids who hooked on to the punk thing with the mindset of soccer hooligans. Subsequently the amount of violence in here is insane, on every other page noses are broken, teeth knocked out or worse. Obviously most of the victims "asked for it". I ploughed my way to the end of the book lookin' if there 'd be some kinda remorse or whatever but found none. Tellingly, only the final chapter concerns the actual music. Get this only if you are into soccer-related violence, otherwise better stay clear...
"Thanks to all that turned up to make our first night in our new venue such a success. Was great to see a proper-size dancefloor bomp and stomp to the Sonics, and good to know the cats can still dig Human Fly without 2 Many DJ's.
We're chuffed to bits to have DJ Laurent as this months guest - expect some great Ska, Soul, RnB and French Beat, and some tunes wot you perhaps never heard before.
MONDO a GO-GO - Saturday November the 5th,
in The Loft @ The Venue, Calton Road Edinburgh.
11pm til 3am, £5/4 before Midnight, £6/5 after.
Guest DJ Laurent, Dr No's/Red Dot Radio (60's Soul and RnB, Ska, French Beat)
Residents Tall Paul Robinson and Angus will be there to play;
60's, Mod, Garage, Soul, Punk, New Wave, Surf, Psychedelia and Ska."
Sunday, October 30, 2005
From Agent Killen in Belfast, anybody with access to BBC Northern Ireland should keep a lookout for this being screened tomorrow night (31st)...
"Noel and Roy Spence are twins who've been making their own films for about 50 years -a lot of them were local stuff about the building of by-passes, motorbike races etc but they're also rock'n'roll fanatics and they made some horror shorts which apparently had lots of cardboard props and they tended to try and get a jiving scene into all of them - they told me once that in one movie they made the male "actors" wear cardboard sideburns to make em look more rockin'. Back in the 80's they made a film called Greenisland Rock which was about the rockin' scene round Belfast but mostly centred on a family of Teds who'd started a Rock'n'Roll society in their local community centre for the kids who were too young to go to the bars in Belfast -A whole 'nother world. The other thing about them is that they've each built their own cinemas at their houses with stuff they salvaged from cinemas that closed (complete with ticket office) - the cinema in the pic is one of them. last time I was there they showed Attack Of The Giant Leeches - pretty typical fare for them."
More info HERE!
"We are a new small record label based in NYC and our first release is Messer fur Frau Muller "Triangle, Dot & Devil" That's the project out of which Messer Chups developed... you can check out a couple of their mp3's here".
Messer fur Frau Muller - Mr. Pshik
Messer fur Frau Muller - Rock Rock Rock
Top-grade, twisted-natured cut and shut post-lounge soundtrackarama. the kind we like. More info when I hear the whole kaboodle.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
The amount of books available on the late 70s UK punkrock scene is truly staggering, entire rainforrests mashed to pulp so agein' faces can (re-)claim their position in the punk wars. Having read most of these, I was kinda reluctant to dig into yet another one. But lo and behold, Andy Blade's books is an absolute laugh-out-loud read. His band Eater was there from the git-go, so he was able to observe a lot of "historic" events from up close. The main difference bein' that he did so with the view of a 16 year old. And it's just that, that make this book such a refreshing read. Funny, honest (I guess) and not afraid to offend. Just the stories of his run-ins with Rotten's girlfriend/wife Nora are worth the price of admission, but there's plenty more on offer. So, maybe it is time for a Johnny Moped biography....
I got excited for about 30 seconds when I saw the words PSYCHOTRONIC CINEMA in the new Edinburgh Filmhouse brochure. However, it doesn't seem to be sanctioned by Michael Weldon despite the use of his lettering in the logo so far as I can tell. Anyway check the cinema website for details on what will run as the short PC season. This still is from The Mack which will kick things off on Thursday 10th November.
The Beat Poets are supposed to be playing The Ashton Lane Beer Festival tomorrow (Sunday 30th) at 7pm. I guess that'll depend on the weather but maybe it'll take place at Brel instead if it's pissing doon.
Coming up next Sunday (November 6th)...
will be doing a free show (well, there'll be a PA donation) at MONO in Glasgow.
This will mark the release of their ON THE RED EYE collection that has just been unleashed by Last Call. A limited quantity of these items will be available on the night but you can order it directly from the label shop ahead of a full Euro release in Spring 2006. Festivities get underway at 9pm so get on down there and claim your (damn) spot.

Let's see what else... just read the Billy Childish interview in The Stool Pigeon and I like the cut of his print jib but don't get the fervour with which his music is enjoyed. However, if YOU do then tank on over to this Richmond appearance.

These are the mighty Messer Chups whose Crazy Price cd is available in the UK now via Southern. They're doing 3 shows which i doubt I'll be able to attend but maybe you can? Imagine The Raveonettes if they actually raved with a surfatronic, rockabilly-fixated side salad with extra twang. Well the Chups tower over any of that.
26th November: Munich - Bavarian Open
8th December: Rennes - Transmusicales
10th December: Rennes - Transmusicales
That word verification thing seems to have worked... he typed optimistically...
Coming up next Sunday (November 6th)...
will be doing a free show (well, there'll be a PA donation) at MONO in Glasgow.
This will mark the release of their ON THE RED EYE collection that has just been unleashed by Last Call. A limited quantity of these items will be available on the night but you can order it directly from the label shop ahead of a full Euro release in Spring 2006. Festivities get underway at 9pm so get on down there and claim your (damn) spot.
Let's see what else... just read the Billy Childish interview in The Stool Pigeon and I like the cut of his print jib but don't get the fervour with which his music is enjoyed. However, if YOU do then tank on over to this Richmond appearance.
These are the mighty Messer Chups whose Crazy Price cd is available in the UK now via Southern. They're doing 3 shows which i doubt I'll be able to attend but maybe you can? Imagine The Raveonettes if they actually raved with a surfatronic, rockabilly-fixated side salad with extra twang. Well the Chups tower over any of that.
26th November: Munich - Bavarian Open
8th December: Rennes - Transmusicales
10th December: Rennes - Transmusicales
That word verification thing seems to have worked... he typed optimistically...
Friday, October 28, 2005
Well, much as I appreciate the help with all aspects of life on earth, I'm turning on the word verification feature of the comments facility. Hopefully this will block the generation of "comment spam" and won't piss off prospective commentary too much. The next stage is to 86 it all together if it doesn't stem the pish that clogs up my mailbox all through the day. So it's nearly hallowe'en and it doesn't seem much like it. Christ, The Cramps aren't even doing it this year t'would seem.
I plan to spend this weekend mostly digging into the Morells set and also the episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm that just turned up. The clocks go back so there's a bonus hour to be savoured come Sunday if you can find it. The "indian summer" we've enjoyed for the last couple of days is about to come to an abrupt end according to the weather report. No Wayne Shorter jokes please.
I plan to spend this weekend mostly digging into the Morells set and also the episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm that just turned up. The clocks go back so there's a bonus hour to be savoured come Sunday if you can find it. The "indian summer" we've enjoyed for the last couple of days is about to come to an abrupt end according to the weather report. No Wayne Shorter jokes please.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Our friends SUZY Y LOS QUATTRO are on the plane for Japan as I rattle the keyboard.
Check their progress in covering the place in lipstick right here!
“The Place to Rock” celebra su 10º cumpleaños los días 29, 30 y 31 de Octubre, con 2 conciertos en la sala Copernico de Madrid en una super-fiesta de lanzamiento del nuevo álbum-recopilatorio “Greetings From Rock Palace” (35 de las mejores canciones de la historia del rock interpretadas por los 35 mejores grupos de R.P.) y como guinda, la 5ª entrega de los premios “Elvis” en el mismo ROCK PALACE el día 30.
ATENCIÓN: Como podeis ver han habido cambios en el programa: por motivos personales (muerte de un familiar de la bajista), NASHVILLE PUSSY se ha caído del cartel, en su lugar tendremos a la no menos potente y rockera TEXAS TERRI. También actuarán el mismo día los madrileños artífices del Follartour: THE INMORTAL BANK OF FORTUNE.
Sábado 29 de Octubre - Sala Copérnico - 20:30h.
Fernandez de Los Ríos, 67 - MADRID
entrada anticipada: 18€ - taquilla: 15€
Apertura de puertas 20:00h. - OJO: Los conciertos empezarán PUNTUALES!
Fiesta durante TODO EL DÍA con aperitivos, cocktails, juegos, donde además actuarán:
14:30h. - EL POLLO FUNKY
15:30h. - TUMBITAS
20:00h. - LOS SENTÍOS
22:00h. - Ceremonia de entrega de los premios "ELVIS"
22:15h. - MOTOCICLÓN
Lunes 31 de Octubre - Sala Copérnico - 21:00h.
Fernandez de Los Ríos, 67 - MADRID
entrada anticipada: 18€ - taquilla: 15€
Apertura de puertas 20:00h. - OJO: Los conciertos empezarán PUNTUALES!
“The Place to Rock” celebra su 10º cumpleaños los días 29, 30 y 31 de Octubre, con 2 conciertos en la sala Copernico de Madrid en una super-fiesta de lanzamiento del nuevo álbum-recopilatorio “Greetings From Rock Palace” (35 de las mejores canciones de la historia del rock interpretadas por los 35 mejores grupos de R.P.) y como guinda, la 5ª entrega de los premios “Elvis” en el mismo ROCK PALACE el día 30.
ATENCIÓN: Como podeis ver han habido cambios en el programa: por motivos personales (muerte de un familiar de la bajista), NASHVILLE PUSSY se ha caído del cartel, en su lugar tendremos a la no menos potente y rockera TEXAS TERRI. También actuarán el mismo día los madrileños artífices del Follartour: THE INMORTAL BANK OF FORTUNE.
Sábado 29 de Octubre - Sala Copérnico - 20:30h.
Fernandez de Los Ríos, 67 - MADRID
entrada anticipada: 18€ - taquilla: 15€
Apertura de puertas 20:00h. - OJO: Los conciertos empezarán PUNTUALES!
Fiesta durante TODO EL DÍA con aperitivos, cocktails, juegos, donde además actuarán:
14:30h. - EL POLLO FUNKY
15:30h. - TUMBITAS
20:00h. - LOS SENTÍOS
22:00h. - Ceremonia de entrega de los premios "ELVIS"
22:15h. - MOTOCICLÓN
Lunes 31 de Octubre - Sala Copérnico - 21:00h.
Fernandez de Los Ríos, 67 - MADRID
entrada anticipada: 18€ - taquilla: 15€
Apertura de puertas 20:00h. - OJO: Los conciertos empezarán PUNTUALES!
"Hey Everybody!
I have to tell you about a film that I am involved with that is both heartwarming and heartwrenching at the same time. It's the story of New York Dolls bass player Arthur "Killer" Kane and his life as rock star, down and out alcoholic, reformed Mormon and back to rock star again.
The movie, entitled "New York Doll" recieved high honors at the 2005 Sundance film festival. It stars Arthur "Killer" Kane, of course - but also features artists like David Johansen, Sylvain Sylvain, Mick Jones, Chrissy Hynde, Bob Geldof, Iggy Pop and Steve Conte.
It opens this Friday in NYC at the Angelika Cinema on Houston St. Read on below for more details and the honors the film has recieved (" of the 100 Greatest Rock & Roll Movies Of All-Time" - Blender Magazine). Read on...
The following blurbs are from Greg Whitely, the film's director:
We are getting set for "New York Doll" to open in NY and LA on October 28th, with Seattle, Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, Salt Lake, etc. to follow.
You can find the theatres and times at NEW YORK DOLL"
Chronic Epoch
THE STRIPCHORDS - Sunday 30th October, 12noon-2pm
As part of the Chronic Epoch exhibition at the BEACONSFIELD GALLERY, nr Lambeth Bridge, SE11, Bob & Roberta Smith presents a FREE Sunday lunchtime diversion with London's famed smutty twangers THE STRIPCHORDS, featuring Capt. Standish (50 Watts Of Power/Speed Of Sound), BigKegShandy (Sonic Reducer/Problem Hair), and Yan Quellien (The Barracudas/Chris Wilson's Groovin' Flames) ...
SEE! - Scratchy super-8 movies of gyrating ladies, now elderly or dead!
SEE! - Flickering images of a forbidden past!
SEE! - Upsetting and confusing soft furnishings and appliances!
SEE! - Some blokes sat down, twanging nearly £100-worth of guitars!
You will believe your own eyes and ears!!!
"Food and Concrete available" - Bob & Roberta Smith's Cement Soup Kitchen will be offering durable, art-style items.
12noon-2pm: THE STRIPCHORDS on promptly at 1pm. FREE entry, beer available.
22 Newport Street London SE11 6AQ Tube: Vauxhall
THE STRIPCHORDS - Sunday 30th October, 12noon-2pm
SEE! - Scratchy super-8 movies of gyrating ladies, now elderly or dead!
SEE! - Flickering images of a forbidden past!
SEE! - Upsetting and confusing soft furnishings and appliances!
SEE! - Some blokes sat down, twanging nearly £100-worth of guitars!
You will believe your own eyes and ears!!!
"Food and Concrete available" - Bob & Roberta Smith's Cement Soup Kitchen will be offering durable, art-style items.
12noon-2pm: THE STRIPCHORDS on promptly at 1pm. FREE entry, beer available.
22 Newport Street London SE11 6AQ Tube: Vauxhall
It's A Sonic Reducer Hallow'een Thang!!
Hey Ghouls and Ghoulettes!
Get ready to leave yer crypt this Saturday night, and zombie-walk along to the Sonic Reducer Hallow'een Thang! Expect plenty of undead-friendly rock'n'roll, garage punk, soul, rockabilly, R&B, and other horrible sounds from beyond the grave, creepy movies showing on the big screen, and late opening until 1am! And it's FREE!
AND THAT'S NOT ALL! No, siree! Come down between 7-8pm, pick up your FREE Sonic Reducer badge, which entitles the wearer to a FREE shooter with EVERY pint ordered between 7-8pm at EVERY Sonic Reducer nite. Free booze - wahey!
PLUS, at the witching hour, we'll be giving five lucky monster mashers the chance to win a copy of Ace Records' eerily awesome new compilation of horribly great Hallow'een rock'n'roll tunes, entitled These Ghoulish Things!
Our guest DJ this time around is Sean 'Murkleman' Prince, whose lengthy turntablist's CV stretches back to London's legendary Sugar Lump club, and he'll be dropping hip 7"s faster than a leper loses fingers.
Stay tuned for our special Sonic Reducer Xmess Thang night, and what's more, a mind-blowing set-up for New Year's Eve!!!
See ya at the bar!
Joss & Joe
Sonic Reducer At Filthy MacNasty's
Saturday Oct 29th
68 Amwell Street EC1
Tube: Angel
Tel: 7837 6067
Hey Ghouls and Ghoulettes!
Get ready to leave yer crypt this Saturday night, and zombie-walk along to the Sonic Reducer Hallow'een Thang! Expect plenty of undead-friendly rock'n'roll, garage punk, soul, rockabilly, R&B, and other horrible sounds from beyond the grave, creepy movies showing on the big screen, and late opening until 1am! And it's FREE!
AND THAT'S NOT ALL! No, siree! Come down between 7-8pm, pick up your FREE Sonic Reducer badge, which entitles the wearer to a FREE shooter with EVERY pint ordered between 7-8pm at EVERY Sonic Reducer nite. Free booze - wahey!
PLUS, at the witching hour, we'll be giving five lucky monster mashers the chance to win a copy of Ace Records' eerily awesome new compilation of horribly great Hallow'een rock'n'roll tunes, entitled These Ghoulish Things!
Our guest DJ this time around is Sean 'Murkleman' Prince, whose lengthy turntablist's CV stretches back to London's legendary Sugar Lump club, and he'll be dropping hip 7"s faster than a leper loses fingers.
Stay tuned for our special Sonic Reducer Xmess Thang night, and what's more, a mind-blowing set-up for New Year's Eve!!!
See ya at the bar!
Joss & Joe
Sonic Reducer At Filthy MacNasty's
Saturday Oct 29th
68 Amwell Street EC1
Tube: Angel
Tel: 7837 6067
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Susquehanna Industrial Ghoul & Die Co. / Thursday, October 27th / Otto's Shrunken Head / 538 East 14th Street (just west of Avenue B) / Two shows, from 8:00 until 10:00 sharp / Free /
And, yes, we haunt Otto's EVERY Thursday. Being undead and all. Come visit us beyond the grave, too, at
Sincerely, Michael, SIT & Die Co. "Ballads, Boogies & Bloooood"
Sad news for the Dictators, the Coyote Men, the Mighty Ions and all you other fans of Pro Wrestling...RIP: The Crusher
Posted by
Thank you for loading this concert by The Grass Roots. Their live chops suggest they were more than a Sloan/Barri vehicle. In adding "Feelings" you have duplicated song and removed "House of Stone".
7:05 PM
No comments:
Four shows in three days. Not bad for an auld geezer that should probably be sitting in front of the telly. Heck, I even missed the final episode of “Monarch Of The Glen”. The pummelling heavy soul stylings of The Dt’s hit Glasgow on a driech Sunday night. This is not a lightweight foo-foo appropriation of riffage, this is the real deal.
The folks culpable in bringing this monster to the UK are The Grease Monkeys and they opened the show in gonzo punk glory. Their recent time spent in the Tim Kerr Boot Camp has honed their sound and having a crisp, sharp drummer to propel their fare indicates a considerable improvement. Not sure what’s happening with the TK produced album but you’ll read about it here when I do.
Nice to have my old mucker David Crider in the ‘hood. Most of you will know him as the man who brought Estrus Records to the world. We fought in the first proto-garagerock wars together and he remains true to his school. The Dt’s are his latest combo and if you imagine the Detroit Cobras amped up with an animated frontperson then you’d be getting a snapshot of their sound. However, this is an almost industrial strength strain of classic rockin’ soul. Borne out by a trashing of instrument after instrument suggesting that they need to get some kind of sponsorship to keep things moving. Some kind of deal where guitar manufacturers road test their product so see how much abuse they'll stand. It’s a mighty beast in full flight. And who could even imagine the voice that emits from Diana, a slight lass. Nice, quiet and composed until she stalks the stage and a Maggie Bell-sized growl flies into play. A set of pipes from beyond Joplin and enriched with the warmth of Lulu. Taste their loud, proud racket that takes no prisoners as the band brings the noise to a locale near you over the coming week so make a point of going out to catch ‘em.
So there y’go, a report from the front line instead of the cocoa and biscuits one might expect from a critter of my late years. I’m looking forward to the smoking ban kicking in here next Spring. If there’s one thing that I dislike more than going out it’s coming back honking of smoke. I’m coughing and spluttering today as a result. But maybe it’s the bird flu? Like I should be so lucky.
So there y’go, a report from the front line instead of the cocoa and biscuits one might expect from a critter of my late years. I’m looking forward to the smoking ban kicking in here next Spring. If there’s one thing that I dislike more than going out it’s coming back honking of smoke. I’m coughing and spluttering today as a result. But maybe it’s the bird flu? Like I should be so lucky.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
So I kinda made both shows but had to bale during The Grease Monkeys set but I’ll se them and the DT’s tomorrow in Glasgow. I don’t drive at night unless absolutely necessary anymore. I can’t see and ever since our accident some four years ago now there’s no great desire to have a passenger cut free by the fire brigade or whoever. So this generally means leaving for the last train which is a zoo but there’s no alternative. Noisy drunk assholes scooped up on whatever the fuck it is they neck in enormous quantity to make them so obnoxious. But anyway, The Café Royal Bistro was busy so that’s good. The kids there were all hopped up and ready to go, but in a good way.

Earlier, across town at Cabaret Voltaire (a bloody tidy venue by the way), The Hacienda Brothers did their thing in front of a small but appreciative throng consisting of folks (like myself) of let’s say, more mature years. The guys (who aren’t real brothers nor do they bear the surname of hacienda) got a standing ovation for their trouble and closed tonight’s second set with an encore version of Dave Alvin’s “Fourth Of July” which would have brought a tear to a glass eye. Absoferkinglutely outstanding.
Earlier, across town at Cabaret Voltaire (a bloody tidy venue by the way), The Hacienda Brothers did their thing in front of a small but appreciative throng consisting of folks (like myself) of let’s say, more mature years. The guys (who aren’t real brothers nor do they bear the surname of hacienda) got a standing ovation for their trouble and closed tonight’s second set with an encore version of Dave Alvin’s “Fourth Of July” which would have brought a tear to a glass eye. Absoferkinglutely outstanding.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
As the papers this morning update the Python’s Parrot sketch for the impending 21st Century apocalypse let’s cruise the more important things. Seeing as we’re all doomed from bird flu or whatever pestilence, we might as well go down in relatively good spirits and I am still buoyed by the experience of last nights Hacienda Brothers show. Being in no doubt that they wouldn’t deliver, I had no idea as to the heady heights they’d take the less than decent turnout to. They can whip it up and they can take it down as only the most choice tex-mex soul can. By the encore, a version of The Intruders “Cowboys To Girls” which included a sliver of “Just My Imagination”, everybody in the room was floored. This kinda delivery deserves a better platform than a place that resembles a decent squat on the third floor of a Merchant City tenement. Dave Gonzalez guitarnastics were mesmerising, at points like getting hit by a train. Gaffney is a total fucking star, or at least he should be. There are singers and there are singers and he also plays accordion to punctuate the storming run through “Cry Like A Baby”. They did almost everything from the album and this band is literally smoking. Opening combo *Attic Lights played a set of loud, identikit country pop that sounded like an album in sequence and everything. Very well realised but not indicating much of a sense of themselves. I’m sorry that more folks didn’t get to experience the Hac experience but you have one shot at redemption tonight at Cabaret Voltaire in Edinburgh’s Blair St. It's not A Madchester tribute combo though so baggy critters be warned.
*Update at 3.18pm - Went to the band's website. The recordings there are very reminiscent of Teenage Fanclub and thusly hit most all of those power pop with Gram overtones spots. Check 'em out for yourself... maybe I'm just, er, jaded.
Couple other things, Kopper was in contact to light the blue touch paper on his garagepunk blog so you should visit there often for the skinny on what’s up in this global rock’n’roll village. Before the bird flu gets you. And also tune into garagepunk pirate radio and get a decent soundtrack to what's left of your life.
Also, on a non-rock note KIRK ELDER has been launched into cyberspace and his diaries will take you into portals of the Scots psyche you possibly never considered.
And remember, The DT’s are in Edinburgh tonight and Glasgow tomorrow. Some fancy footwork might be able to include both but I’m not sure about stage times. If I can find out then I’ll post them before I head out.
Dt's update - Onstage late in Edinburgh tonight (after 11pm)/Tomorrow - doors 8pm: Gig over by 11pm. (Thanks to Jim for that info)
Also I know how you kids in other countries like to get these things so tomorrow there’s a Franz Ferdinand thing in The Observer…
“On Sunday 23rd Oct, take an atmospheric leap to your newsagent and pick up The Observer. The publication will feature a covermount CD featuring previously unheard material by the band.. The 5-track disc features Matinée, Van Tango, new album tracks You Could Have It So Much Better and You're The Reason I'm Leaving as well as an acoustic version of the next UK single Walk Away.”
I’ve no idea what any of that means but I’m happy to score copies for anybody who needs a copy at whatever the paper costs plus postage. All part of the service. You need to e-mail by 10am Sunday GMT.
*Update at 3.18pm - Went to the band's website. The recordings there are very reminiscent of Teenage Fanclub and thusly hit most all of those power pop with Gram overtones spots. Check 'em out for yourself... maybe I'm just, er, jaded.
Couple other things, Kopper was in contact to light the blue touch paper on his garagepunk blog so you should visit there often for the skinny on what’s up in this global rock’n’roll village. Before the bird flu gets you. And also tune into garagepunk pirate radio and get a decent soundtrack to what's left of your life.
Also, on a non-rock note KIRK ELDER has been launched into cyberspace and his diaries will take you into portals of the Scots psyche you possibly never considered.
And remember, The DT’s are in Edinburgh tonight and Glasgow tomorrow. Some fancy footwork might be able to include both but I’m not sure about stage times. If I can find out then I’ll post them before I head out.
Dt's update - Onstage late in Edinburgh tonight (after 11pm)/Tomorrow - doors 8pm: Gig over by 11pm. (Thanks to Jim for that info)
Also I know how you kids in other countries like to get these things so tomorrow there’s a Franz Ferdinand thing in The Observer…
“On Sunday 23rd Oct, take an atmospheric leap to your newsagent and pick up The Observer. The publication will feature a covermount CD featuring previously unheard material by the band.. The 5-track disc features Matinée, Van Tango, new album tracks You Could Have It So Much Better and You're The Reason I'm Leaving as well as an acoustic version of the next UK single Walk Away.”
I’ve no idea what any of that means but I’m happy to score copies for anybody who needs a copy at whatever the paper costs plus postage. All part of the service. You need to e-mail by 10am Sunday GMT.
Friday, October 21, 2005
There's some great music around Central Scotland this weekend and I hope that some of you folk can drag your bahookies out into the driech night to catch it. It's hard, believe me, I know. You get in from dealing with nonsense all day and the last thing you want to do is move but c'mon. This time it's REALLY worth it.
So tonight, anybody in the vicinity of Glasgow should make a bee-line for The Carnival Arts Centre where The Hacienda Brothers will be doing their thing. They'll be doing likewise at Cabaret Voltaire in Edinburgh tomorrow (Saturday). And that's where the ol' venn diagram thing comes intae play because also in the Auld Reekster tomorrow are those DT's at The Cafe Royale Bistro. I'm not sure that too many of you would be able to catch both and in that case the Pacific Northwest Rockin' Soul Party will be moving to Glasgow at Mono this coming Sunday. So do what you can OK?
I'm heading out now, before I get too cosy. Before the wee procrastination gremlin comes to visit. Tonight, I'm voting GAFFNEY!
So tonight, anybody in the vicinity of Glasgow should make a bee-line for The Carnival Arts Centre where The Hacienda Brothers will be doing their thing. They'll be doing likewise at Cabaret Voltaire in Edinburgh tomorrow (Saturday). And that's where the ol' venn diagram thing comes intae play because also in the Auld Reekster tomorrow are those DT's at The Cafe Royale Bistro. I'm not sure that too many of you would be able to catch both and in that case the Pacific Northwest Rockin' Soul Party will be moving to Glasgow at Mono this coming Sunday. So do what you can OK?
I'm heading out now, before I get too cosy. Before the wee procrastination gremlin comes to visit. Tonight, I'm voting GAFFNEY!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
From Brother Patrick over yonder in France…
"Anybody who never saw Margaret, Christine and Dan live can’t imagine how sexy and full of soul their shows are. But the next best thing to catching them in person is to grab these two great DVDs.
Demolition Doll Rods Live at Fortune Records is, without doubt, one of the coolest concepts for a recording I’ve ever witnessed - my friend Sean reckons “it’s so cool, you could keep beer on it”. It goes like this : the group drove down to the old Fortune Records shop/factory. Well in fact, the place where Fortune used to be: a wall with open door and windows and playing songs by Dr Ross, John Lee Hooker, Nolan Strong & The Diablos … to the delight of the public (2 passers by and a dog !). The band also proudly show their original copies of the records they covered.
Perhaps this indicates the direction that DDR music is taking. I wouldn’t be surprised to find some of these songs from this on their forthcoming album (please DDR, maybe consider doing other Detroit soul greats like something by The Falcons or maybe The Ohio Untouchables).
Demolition Doll Rods Live at the Perineum (great title !) is both a retrospective of shows (1993-2003) and a collection of rare songs. Some covers - Velvet Underground (“Heroin”, “What Goes On”), Rolling Stones (“I’m Free”, too bad “Stray Cat Blues” isn’t included, this song fits the band so well) but most of the songs are originals sung by Dan. The quotes on the cover suggest that the material is from gigs that have been recorded by fans over the years. Not professional quality but who cares, this is real rock’n’roll, not prog.
It would be great to see more rare material for sale officially. Maybe that killer show from the Empty Bottle, Chicago, 8/24/2000 or this the Magic Bag shindig from 1998. Here’s hoping…"
"Anybody who never saw Margaret, Christine and Dan live can’t imagine how sexy and full of soul their shows are. But the next best thing to catching them in person is to grab these two great DVDs.
Perhaps this indicates the direction that DDR music is taking. I wouldn’t be surprised to find some of these songs from this on their forthcoming album (please DDR, maybe consider doing other Detroit soul greats like something by The Falcons or maybe The Ohio Untouchables).
Demolition Doll Rods Live at the Perineum (great title !) is both a retrospective of shows (1993-2003) and a collection of rare songs. Some covers - Velvet Underground (“Heroin”, “What Goes On”), Rolling Stones (“I’m Free”, too bad “Stray Cat Blues” isn’t included, this song fits the band so well) but most of the songs are originals sung by Dan. The quotes on the cover suggest that the material is from gigs that have been recorded by fans over the years. Not professional quality but who cares, this is real rock’n’roll, not prog.
It would be great to see more rare material for sale officially. Maybe that killer show from the Empty Bottle, Chicago, 8/24/2000 or this the Magic Bag shindig from 1998. Here’s hoping…"
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
You can listen to practically all the songs at CD Baby. I warn you though, once you hear 'em you'll be hooked...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
A company called Orange Production up in Norway has made a documentary about Kike Turmix. Check their site for the trailer...
Monday, October 17, 2005
Update at 19.00 hrs...
It’s true then, the big fella has made his exit. Sad news. I knew Kike for what seems like forever but I only actually met him once. He had a tireless passion for rock’n’roll and was absolutely key to the spread of this music as a virus across Spain and indeed the world. Kike got me on board to write the liner notes for his Dictators tribute volumes that came out on Roto and though we weren’t in constant contact, I guess we knew where the other one was should a situation arise. Last I recall was when he needed a copy of Girl Trouble’s "Hit It Or Quit It", which was retrieved from the vault and shipped forthwith because I knew it was going to a good home.
Mr Turmix made a difference and was a pleasure fucker through and through by all accounts, the man lived his short life to the full. Faster and louder than most all of the competition, we’ve lost one of our Generals here. Kike was a real character and the legend can only grow like topsy from here. Wonder who’ll play him in the film?
Photo from
Sunday, October 16, 2005
You know when you read about something and it states that said object/music/movie/whatev is like nothing else going on anywhere else? Well, this is actual proof that art of such a nature does exist. It might be rarer than sasquatch shit but these guys have been ahead of the game for at least three decades and are quite possibly further out than ever. How's about them apples?
You ever hear that “group” Massive Attack? I always reckoned that they should get done under the trades description act. Their music never moved me one way or another but MX-80 is a whole ‘nother enchilada. Their attack is sizeable, perhaps even massive but they aren't into bragging. A lingering, afterburning quasi-rocktastic soundtrack to dark places with a soothing menace that really hits the spot. There’s some nifty musical shape shifting with the metallic shards of that patented guitar wail haunting most every portal.
It’s a foreboding tapestry of subliminal breakdown. Rich in humour and Rich Stim narrating the noisescapes really punctuates the material to make damn sure that the delivery is never what you expect. “No Brainer” opens “We’re An American Band” with a cerebellum-kicking disregard for your noggin from the off. Like a mutant Jeff Beck sustain being applied directly to the front, centre and rear lobes. The MX twist of the Grand Funk tune is a slothlike trawl but still manages to “party down”. Down being the operative word in a totally up sense.
I’m wondering who outside of the US will ever hear this potentially life-changing set of, er, tunes. Sure, I’ll confess to my bias right now. Having been smitten since hearing “Hard Attack” in 1977 and having had the immense luck to have seen them deliver their mayhem in their home port of SF, this twisted avant-rawk has infected my blood, soul and bones. No point in any undue worrying about it.
There’s something oddly satisfying about songs like “Don’t Hate The French” where Rich warns that Wee Bush fella that he’ll “put a frog in his bidet”. This isn’t something that you might derive instant sensory gratification from. It works on many levels. All the way from background music to full volume, room shaking, eyeball searing tilt. This is the kind of slow-burn genius the planet needs right now and you may well be banned from hearing it, as the drawbridge on Fortress America prepares to be raised another notch or three. I’m sure CD Baby and Family Vineyard will take pity on your unfortunate euro-ass. And I’ll bet Volcanic Tongue is making contingency plans right now. The, um, “authorities” can’t keep something this infectious from infiltrating your musical immune system. Can they?
Saturday, October 15, 2005
It’s been a weird week. Not in terms of any psychedelic shenanigans or anything like that but I’ve been doing some thinking in between and during headaches. Got a message from Bruce (e-mole) Mowat which saw him renounce his blogging and whatnot and it really struck a chord. I’ve been feeling blogged out and not entirely sure why I feel the need to drag my tuppence worth out to air it online let alone anywhere else. As a vehicle to pass on information it’s fine but in the grand scheme of things, the thought of pulling the plug is never too far away. In amongst these thoughts, there are shards of why I should maybe carry on. The fact that tickets for the upcoming shows by the Hacienda Brothers in Scotland haven’t sold out weeks ago is obscene to me. It might be a question of profile but to me it’s a grave oversight on the part of anybody around these parts that’s supposed to be into good music. Out here in the trenches, it rankles and smacks of outright stupidity (bad stupid not good) but if we manage to connect one lost soul with the majesty of their country soul stylings then my mithering is worth it.
Listened to Laura (Cantrell’s) short set at the Peel thing there just now and tis a thing of great beauty indeed. An amazing performance under a considerable strain of nerves and emotion I imagine. If you think I’m exaggerating hear it for yourself. The version of Don Gibson’s “(I’ll Be) A Legend In My Time” is particularly moving. I remember her performance of it on an early Peel Session, worked up specially for the man after hearing that it was a favourite of his on a tape I’d sent her of his commentary on playing cuts from “Trembling Kind”. She’s come a long way in these last five years and it’s a positive example of being able to watch something grow that’s real and not some lab experiment. I imagine that this short set would have made an impact on all that were there last Wednesday night. Wonder if it was filmed?
Listened to Laura (Cantrell’s) short set at the Peel thing there just now and tis a thing of great beauty indeed. An amazing performance under a considerable strain of nerves and emotion I imagine. If you think I’m exaggerating hear it for yourself. The version of Don Gibson’s “(I’ll Be) A Legend In My Time” is particularly moving. I remember her performance of it on an early Peel Session, worked up specially for the man after hearing that it was a favourite of his on a tape I’d sent her of his commentary on playing cuts from “Trembling Kind”. She’s come a long way in these last five years and it’s a positive example of being able to watch something grow that’s real and not some lab experiment. I imagine that this short set would have made an impact on all that were there last Wednesday night. Wonder if it was filmed?
MON 17TH OCT - STEREO, Kelvinhaugh St., Glasgow:
DEM/HOBO record players
£4/£3 conc. 8 -til- 12
"JAWBONE: Jawbone is a one-man band, that man being Bob Zabor of Chicago, who plays harmonica, guitar, and drums (well, bass drum and tambourine) and sings. Although starting as just stand up harmonica in coffee houses and cafes, in a desire to play r'n'r shows Bob has become a raucous blues racket from the Bo Diddley/Lightning Hopkins tradition. John Peel of course adored Jawbone and played his debut "Dang Blues" on LOOSE Music (a totally home made album) tirelessly. He is well aware of fellow primitivist Bob Log III and like him, is no purist. This is hard and fast rock'n'roll stomp with heavy slide guitar. Check him out at...
THE GREASE MONKEYS: Definitive local rock and roll whoopers. Prime rump tunes that sizzle in a pan of international punk rock fat ...tasty. (...nice one Tom!)
...well, hopefully see yers down there - failing that, we gotta coupla gigs in Mono
comin' up: Sun 23rd Oct supporting the DT's; and Halloweennight (Mon 31st Oct).
Rock On! ...................Jim & the Grease Monkeys"
DEM/HOBO record players
£4/£3 conc. 8 -til- 12
"JAWBONE: Jawbone is a one-man band, that man being Bob Zabor of Chicago, who plays harmonica, guitar, and drums (well, bass drum and tambourine) and sings. Although starting as just stand up harmonica in coffee houses and cafes, in a desire to play r'n'r shows Bob has become a raucous blues racket from the Bo Diddley/Lightning Hopkins tradition. John Peel of course adored Jawbone and played his debut "Dang Blues" on LOOSE Music (a totally home made album) tirelessly. He is well aware of fellow primitivist Bob Log III and like him, is no purist. This is hard and fast rock'n'roll stomp with heavy slide guitar. Check him out at...
THE GREASE MONKEYS: Definitive local rock and roll whoopers. Prime rump tunes that sizzle in a pan of international punk rock fat ...tasty. (...nice one Tom!)
...well, hopefully see yers down there - failing that, we gotta coupla gigs in Mono
comin' up: Sun 23rd Oct supporting the DT's; and Halloweennight (Mon 31st Oct).
Rock On! ...................Jim & the Grease Monkeys"
Friday, October 14, 2005
I was gonna head into Edinburgh tonight but a bursting napper suggests perhaps not. I'm pondering taking some of the fantoosh new medication that's supposed to quieten said nip but I found that it made me woozy last time out. It's one thing being spaced out at work but fuck that for a game of soldiers in my own time.
So we'll see, maybe easy and quiet will work just as well. Brother Joss dropped some dvd comp action on me the other day so perhaps I'll just have a swatch at that instead?...
Also managed to get my hands on the "not for export" MX-80 "We're An American Band". Their discriminating noise might just kill or cure me and either would be fine at this juncture. Time to blog off...
So we'll see, maybe easy and quiet will work just as well. Brother Joss dropped some dvd comp action on me the other day so perhaps I'll just have a swatch at that instead?...
Also managed to get my hands on the "not for export" MX-80 "We're An American Band". Their discriminating noise might just kill or cure me and either would be fine at this juncture. Time to blog off...
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Spend some time at the Boijmans Van Beuningen museum in Rotterdam today, and was absolutely floored by the work of Olafur Eliasson. The basic collection is very much worth your while, but Eliasson's water 'n light projections really stood out. Unexpected beauty...
It's THIS FRIDAY - clothing is optional, but advisable
Friday October the 14th 2005. The Subway, Cowgate, Edinburgh
doors open 7:30, gig over by 10:00 when the Subway reverts to its usual glamourous friday night self
A free gig of short sharp songs from the world famous Shock And Awe to promote their new album "School For Scoundrels" with the bonus of a rare set of multi-media art/punk/disco interface from Scars mainman Paul Research (onstage 8pm)
come on down, the gig is free to get in - if you want you can buy a cd to help us pay for the night (14 songs !, professionally recorded ! with real drums !, available at a special bargain offer price on the night !), tell all your friends and anyone else who might be interested
more details, mp3's etc here... Shock And Awe
Friday October the 14th 2005. The Subway, Cowgate, Edinburgh
doors open 7:30, gig over by 10:00 when the Subway reverts to its usual glamourous friday night self
A free gig of short sharp songs from the world famous Shock And Awe to promote their new album "School For Scoundrels" with the bonus of a rare set of multi-media art/punk/disco interface from Scars mainman Paul Research (onstage 8pm)
come on down, the gig is free to get in - if you want you can buy a cd to help us pay for the night (14 songs !, professionally recorded ! with real drums !, available at a special bargain offer price on the night !), tell all your friends and anyone else who might be interested
more details, mp3's etc here... Shock And Awe
I wish Mr Vedder all the best with his investment program and hope that this credo will serve the ol' modus op accordingly. Meanwhile here, the UK awaits the arrival of the heavy, heavy monster soul sound of The Dt's. They'll be landing in a week to give their big rawk'n'soul rave up to you with both (double) barrels. Bringing their Nice'n'Ruff Hard Soul Hits down on your ass following their haul through Spain.
Mr Spence has seen fit to organise these shindigs to give those eardrums of yours a wee testdrive the like of which I'm sure they haven't been subjected to since Zen Guerilla last blew though.
Sat 22nd - EDINBURGH - Cafe Royal Bistro, Rose St.; £4; doors 9pm;w/ the Grease Monkeys & Denghis
Sun 23rd - GLASGOW - Mono, 10 Kings Court, King St.; (0141 553 2400); £4; doors 8pm; w/ the Grease Monkeys
Mon 24th - LIVERPOOL - Heaven & Hell, Fleet St.; (07743 343 056); £4; doors 8.30;
w/ Red Panda & the Dry Retch
Tues 25th - BRIGHTON - Polo Bar, Queen St.; £4; doors 8.30;
w/ Social Disorder
Weds 26th - LEICESTER - Charlotte, Oxford St.; (0116 255 3956); £4;
doors 8pm; w/ the Dry Retch
Thurs 27th - LONDON - Brixton Windmill, 22 Blenheim Gardens, SW2; (020 8671 0700); £5; doors 8pm
Fri 28th - NOTTINGHAM - Junktion 7, 6 Ilkeston Rd., Canning Circus; (0115 911 6959); £5; doors 7pm; w/ Gods Chosen Dealers & the Kull
Sat 29th - BIRMINGHAM - Academy 3, Dale End; (0121 224 7707); £5; doors 10pm
Sat 22nd - EDINBURGH - Cafe Royal Bistro, Rose St.; £4; doors 9pm;w/ the Grease Monkeys & Denghis
Sun 23rd - GLASGOW - Mono, 10 Kings Court, King St.; (0141 553 2400); £4; doors 8pm; w/ the Grease Monkeys
Mon 24th - LIVERPOOL - Heaven & Hell, Fleet St.; (07743 343 056); £4; doors 8.30;
w/ Red Panda & the Dry Retch
Tues 25th - BRIGHTON - Polo Bar, Queen St.; £4; doors 8.30;
w/ Social Disorder
Weds 26th - LEICESTER - Charlotte, Oxford St.; (0116 255 3956); £4;
doors 8pm; w/ the Dry Retch
Thurs 27th - LONDON - Brixton Windmill, 22 Blenheim Gardens, SW2; (020 8671 0700); £5; doors 8pm
Fri 28th - NOTTINGHAM - Junktion 7, 6 Ilkeston Rd., Canning Circus; (0115 911 6959); £5; doors 7pm; w/ Gods Chosen Dealers & the Kull
Sat 29th - BIRMINGHAM - Academy 3, Dale End; (0121 224 7707); £5; doors 10pm
THE HACIENDA BROTHERS are heading North...
21st October - Glasgow - The Carnival Arts Centre
22nd October - Edinburgh - Cabaret Voltaire
23rd October - Newcastle - The Cluny
Tickets are available now and I strongly advise that you get your tail along to one or all of these shows. If you caught Mr Gaffney on recent visits with Dave Alvin then presumably you have yer tickets already...
21st October - Glasgow - The Carnival Arts Centre
22nd October - Edinburgh - Cabaret Voltaire
23rd October - Newcastle - The Cluny
Tickets are available now and I strongly advise that you get your tail along to one or all of these shows. If you caught Mr Gaffney on recent visits with Dave Alvin then presumably you have yer tickets already...
"Hey folks
Yup, the last Sonic Reducer was a real whap-dang'n'doozy of a night, thanks to the capacity crowd, who dug mightily the tunes that guest DJ Chris Bailey (The Saints) was picking-to-click! From The Runaways to Bobby Bland, Mr Bailey had the crowd eating outta his hand! He sure do know his pro-duct ...
But now (sweet lord!) it's time for THE SONIC REDUCER BADGES FOR BOOZE DEAL!
At Sonic Reducer on Saturday October 15th, you'll be able to pick up your exclusive SR badge, which will entitle you to a FREE shooter (hic) with each pint ordered at future club nights, between 7-8pm!
That's right, folks, FREE booze - all you gotta do is get down earlier in the evening, wearing the badge, starting with the 1am-closing Sonic Reducer Hallow'een Special on October 29, and simply start digging our righteous mix of Dixie Fried garage, R&B, blues, beat, punk, funk & junk!
Our guest DJ this time around is THE gentleman photographer of rock'n'roll, Mr David Arnoff, who not only made the wee wee hours much more fun with his own Xfm show, but also gave the Manson girls a lift once, and lived to tell the tale.
Plus there's gonna be choice music footage from the Sonic Reducer archive on the big screen!
ALSO ... stay tuned for our Hallow'een Special on October 29th - late license until 1am, creepy flicks, hairy monster hands, and a chance to win one of FIVE copies of Ace Records' fiendishly brilliant new horror rock'n'roll compilation: These Ghoulish Things!
Are we good to ya, or wot? See ya Saturday ... at the bar!
Selah, Joss & Joe"
Sonic Reducer At Filthy MacNasty's
Saturday October 15th - 7-11pm
Saturday October 29th - 7pm-1am
68 Amwell Street EC1
Tube: Angel
Tel: 7837 6067
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tomorrow is John Peel Day in the U.K. The BBC has put up a great online archive of everything Peel: Videos, music, picture galaries and a very detailed archive of all the Peel Sessions.
"The Beatstalkers are back {all original members}. This legendary band from Glasgow will be taking to the stage for a one off reunion concert at the Barrowland Ballroom in Glasgow on the 23rd December 2005. It will be their first time on stage together since their heyday 35 years ago when they caused mayhem wherever they played. They were famed for their riotous shows, selling out venues across Scotland, which attracted thousands of screaming fans crammed into venues such as The Barrowland and Dennistoun Palais to hear their authentic brand of r’n’b, soul and psychedelic sounds. During a lunchtime concert in Glasgow’s George Square they whipped their audience of 7000 fans into such a frenzy they caused a riot which brought the centre of Glasgow to a stand still. They also had a residency at the famous Marquee Club in London and appeared on Ready Steady Go. The Beatstalkers reached Beatle-like "superstar" status in their homeland becoming the first Scottish pop phenomenon. The support bands will be "The Thanes" and Figure5 plus Special Guests. They've been revered by fans and collectors over the passing decades, with only snatches of the group's material trickling out on compilations aimed at the '60s beat-mod connoisseur. Finally after years of fruitless waiting, Ika Records released the first ever anthology on CD in June this year. Due to its success, this lead to endless calls for the band to reform and play live. Read more about the fascinating times of The Beatstalkers."
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
Well, I expected DIG! to be a lot funnier than it turned out to be. I also expected The Dandy Warhols to come out of it a lot worse than they do. Wrong on two counts straight away. It’s a much darker piece than I imagined, quite depressing actually. Never having been a fan of the Brian Jonestown Massacre, this sort of underpins all of the shortcomings I figured their records had. Of course there were flashes of accidental sonic brilliance but ultimately this paisley underground with a shot of Altamont never really hit any spot for me. There’s a part in the movie where Anton Newcombe goes to disrupt a DW’s gig wearing rollerskates and a Davy Crockett-type bunnet. He looks ridiculous and he cannae go his skates. Actually he looks like Mike Nesmith on The Monkees. No dis intended. DIG! is worth seeing but couldn’t exactly be filed as entertainment. Jonestown is like Primal Scream with a performance artery bypass. I don’t feel that it’s kosher. Whatever modicum of talent Newcombe possesses, the destructive aspect towers over it. Anyone who has had to deal with an addictive personality will recognise that. The Dandys’ on the other hand went the corporate route and it seems to have worked for them. They’ve enjoyed a little more than the designated 15 minutes. Whether they deserve it is neither here nor there, they put in time at the office and made the compromises. The dying embers of the music industry, desperate to hang on to former glories can be felt choking all through the movie. It doesn’t make pleasant viewing or bode well for its future.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Ok, some stuff that I've come across lately that I think might be worthy of your valuable time,. They certainly diverted me from more pressing tasks...
HAPPY BLUES - great short interviews and stuff. Some with folks very close to our hearts.
This "alleged" phonecall to WFMU is a bit contrived but oughtta tickle you regulars also. It takes a wee while to load but i hope you reckon it's worth it. (Thanks to Mr Ulf for the link).
On the subject of Mr. U, he's got the FEBER and he'll be sharing it come October 19th.
Mr McLean is responsible for the next couple, GRUMPIER OLD MEN is something I'm totally down with and the terminology therein is dangerously close to what passes as reality in the day to day.
Also GLASGOW SURVIVAL, absolutely not office-friendly or for the faint hearted but damned funny.
My SF-based friend Marcos Sorensen designed the iconic Ask Jeeves logo and some pillock wants to can it. Read more about that and badger the idiot in question via the SAVE JEEVES BLOG
While Murray is somewhat flabbergasted by my liking the 'feldy, he was good enough to pass on this RED INVASION link. Nothing you haven't heard before but cool '77 NY punk sounding glam from MA.
So that should keep y'all goggle-eyed for a while. Hasta la eyesight...
HAPPY BLUES - great short interviews and stuff. Some with folks very close to our hearts.
This "alleged" phonecall to WFMU is a bit contrived but oughtta tickle you regulars also. It takes a wee while to load but i hope you reckon it's worth it. (Thanks to Mr Ulf for the link).
On the subject of Mr. U, he's got the FEBER and he'll be sharing it come October 19th.
Mr McLean is responsible for the next couple, GRUMPIER OLD MEN is something I'm totally down with and the terminology therein is dangerously close to what passes as reality in the day to day.
Also GLASGOW SURVIVAL, absolutely not office-friendly or for the faint hearted but damned funny.
My SF-based friend Marcos Sorensen designed the iconic Ask Jeeves logo and some pillock wants to can it. Read more about that and badger the idiot in question via the SAVE JEEVES BLOG
While Murray is somewhat flabbergasted by my liking the 'feldy, he was good enough to pass on this RED INVASION link. Nothing you haven't heard before but cool '77 NY punk sounding glam from MA.
So that should keep y'all goggle-eyed for a while. Hasta la eyesight...
In and around the fact that I don't seem to be able to manage my time to any great degree lately, there's been an upsurge in the amount of blog spam that's coming in. Lord knows it takes me enough time to respond to real messages at the minute that shit like this just makes me want to can the comments facility. Blogger has a feature now that can fox the automatic generation of this shit but I know how annoying it is when I'm checking hotmail and that kinda thing kicks in. It's good to receive comment om posts but would you still use it if you had the hurdle of letter and number recognition to go through in order to leave your tuppence worth? Let we know.
Just returned from the Teenage Fanclub show with the same "bummin' heid" that's been bugging me all day. Also squeezed in a Tesco visit. Shopping is almost bearable when there are just a few people around. Of course there are the little arseholes that race around the carpark playing their alleged "music" at tilt volume but the only ones they're harming are themselves. One can only hope that they'll escape their pointless treadmall existences at some point but most of them appear to be too gormless to even contemplate so radical a culture shock. This is NO FUTURE in action.
But anyway, a busy FTH saw Laki-Mera open the show. I didn't catch much of it but the fractured dance nature of it didn't really come across in such a large setting. It's their third show ever apparently. I'm not sure if this is the first time that Malcolm Middleton has played his hometown but it might be. Full band in tow. I never warmed to Arab Strap but find his most recent solo outing, or what I've heard, to be fairly agreeable in a bleak sense. The third song is full pelt rambunctious folkabilly. Heck it practically rocks. TFC overcame the teeting troubles with the sound to deliver their patented beyond Big Star chimes. I always remember the old 13th Note where they played with Lx and the version of Telstar. It was indescribably mind blowing. But anyway, this was a good show. Norman appeared to be going though a consultancy about his hair with a section of the audience. Not sure what the outcome was. A guy behind me kept shout-mumbling "The Con-sepp". When they launched into it he damn near had a puhleery. A triumphant warm up to the Euro-jaunt which will see the troops travel from Paris to Seville this very weekend. I hope it turns out to be every bit the adventure Gerry expects it to be. There should be a gig in town like this every Friday night. Where people will travel from Glasgow and Edinburgh to a properly curated event like this. It could happen. Or could it?
But anyway, a busy FTH saw Laki-Mera open the show. I didn't catch much of it but the fractured dance nature of it didn't really come across in such a large setting. It's their third show ever apparently. I'm not sure if this is the first time that Malcolm Middleton has played his hometown but it might be. Full band in tow. I never warmed to Arab Strap but find his most recent solo outing, or what I've heard, to be fairly agreeable in a bleak sense. The third song is full pelt rambunctious folkabilly. Heck it practically rocks. TFC overcame the teeting troubles with the sound to deliver their patented beyond Big Star chimes. I always remember the old 13th Note where they played with Lx and the version of Telstar. It was indescribably mind blowing. But anyway, this was a good show. Norman appeared to be going though a consultancy about his hair with a section of the audience. Not sure what the outcome was. A guy behind me kept shout-mumbling "The Con-sepp". When they launched into it he damn near had a puhleery. A triumphant warm up to the Euro-jaunt which will see the troops travel from Paris to Seville this very weekend. I hope it turns out to be every bit the adventure Gerry expects it to be. There should be a gig in town like this every Friday night. Where people will travel from Glasgow and Edinburgh to a properly curated event like this. It could happen. Or could it?
Friday, October 07, 2005
Falkirk’s WAY TO BLUE festival kicked off last night. This year’s bill is the most impressive to date and infiltrates all strata. It’s a canny piece of organisation given that people in this area are notorious for not supporting live music events. They’ll pay a tenner to get into a disco but somehow won’t shell for a band, well, not often. Anyway, there was a respectable crowd in the Town Hall for this 3 band bill of Aberfeldy, The Pearlfishers (with string quartet) and The Trashcan Sinatras. In the past I’ve seen Alex Harvey and T. Rex there amongst others and to my mind, the place hasn’t changed. Of course there are many more facets to actually just putting on a gig in such a venue these days. The effort involved generally goes by un-noticed and the way that the seating is laid out leaves something of a psychological moat between the performers and the audience. However, in the bar – you can pre-order your drink for the interval. Cannae be bad even although I never took advantage of this facility.
But anyway, Aberfeldy kicked things off and are getting better as they notch up the gigs. The new songs, particularly one called “Hypnotized” bodes well for the second album. The ‘feldy employ a quaint line in banter that is quite possibly unintelligible outside of Central Scotland but adds an extra dimension to their pop thrills in tonights setting. They’re only wee but they’re pretty bloody good and that, as much as anything, could be an obstacle. The Pearlfishers delivered a bijou set complete with strings. A lush assault fused with that patented old school showbiz charm. “Todd is God” conjured up extreme visions of Rundgren and “Your Stars” is a cracking slice of anthemic Scotpop, even in this acoustic setting.
We left two numbers into the Trashcan Sinatras set. I don’t get the pathological fervour that surrounds them. Never did, never will. The singer (Frank Reeder?) made some comment about things being amplified that made me want to vom. Their music is anaemic, a cut and paste pot pourri of other things I don’t care for so ‘tis best in such an instance to leave ‘em to their believers.
But anyway, Aberfeldy kicked things off and are getting better as they notch up the gigs. The new songs, particularly one called “Hypnotized” bodes well for the second album. The ‘feldy employ a quaint line in banter that is quite possibly unintelligible outside of Central Scotland but adds an extra dimension to their pop thrills in tonights setting. They’re only wee but they’re pretty bloody good and that, as much as anything, could be an obstacle. The Pearlfishers delivered a bijou set complete with strings. A lush assault fused with that patented old school showbiz charm. “Todd is God” conjured up extreme visions of Rundgren and “Your Stars” is a cracking slice of anthemic Scotpop, even in this acoustic setting.
We left two numbers into the Trashcan Sinatras set. I don’t get the pathological fervour that surrounds them. Never did, never will. The singer (Frank Reeder?) made some comment about things being amplified that made me want to vom. Their music is anaemic, a cut and paste pot pourri of other things I don’t care for so ‘tis best in such an instance to leave ‘em to their believers.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
No Bambi Molesters sadly but check out the BIG BIG WORLD roster taking place all over Glasgow. Also note that Soundsfine have John Doe and Peter Case at Brel in Ashton Lane, aff the Byres Road on Sunday November 20th.
Little Steven's Underground Garage Halloween A Go-Go.
With: Gluecifer (Last show EVER!), Rocket From the Crypt (Last East Coast show EVER!), Boss Martians and Special Guests.
Hosted by Little Steven. Go-Go Dancers! Costume prizes!
Friday, October 28, 2005. Doors 8pm, 21 and Up. @ Hard Rock Times Square 1501 Broadway / 43rd St New York City
With: Gluecifer (Last show EVER!), Rocket From the Crypt (Last East Coast show EVER!), Boss Martians and Special Guests.
Hosted by Little Steven. Go-Go Dancers! Costume prizes!
Friday, October 28, 2005. Doors 8pm, 21 and Up. @ Hard Rock Times Square 1501 Broadway / 43rd St New York City
The big news, just in, them NOMADS will play at the FV fest in Cvetlicarna Mediapark, Ljubljana on December 2nd!
"DJ's Tall Paul Robinson and Angus A-Go-Go are excited to announce The GO-GO will return this October as MONDO a GO-GO! After a short summer break the club will return - but monthly on Saturdays! - at The Venue on October the 8th.
To pay respect to the old and bring in the new, it was decided to support these changes and the expansion of the playlist - with a slight name revamp. In addition to the popular and ecclectic mix of Sixties that made The GO-GO such an established retro-hideout over the last five years, the club will now also play 60's Ska, and (selected) Punk and New-Wave:
"We're still going to be a Sixties club and the flavour of the dancefloor wont change" said Paul, "but we're adding new genres to give it more dimension and scope."
"We'll still play 60's garage, Nancy Sinatra, The Sonics etc, but can now spin The Cramps, The Fall or the Ramones if it feels right. Its very liberating.
MONDO a GO-GO's first night is Saturday 8th October, in The Loft @ The Venue, Calton Road Edinburgh.
11pm til 3am, £5/4 before Midnight, £6/5 after.
Tall Paul Robinson and Angus will be there to play;
60's, Mod, Garage, Soul, Punk, New Wave, Surf, Psychedelia and Ska.
Guest DJ Vic Galloway (Radio 1/Radio Scotland - 50's/60's/Punk/Rock and Roll)"
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