"Thanks to all that turned up to make our first night in our new venue such a success. Was great to see a proper-size dancefloor bomp and stomp to the Sonics, and good to know the cats can still dig Human Fly without 2 Many DJ's.
We're chuffed to bits to have DJ Laurent as this months guest - expect some great Ska, Soul, RnB and French Beat, and some tunes wot you perhaps never heard before.
MONDO a GO-GO - Saturday November the 5th,
in The Loft @ The Venue, Calton Road Edinburgh.
11pm til 3am, £5/4 before Midnight, £6/5 after.
Guest DJ Laurent, Dr No's/Red Dot Radio (60's Soul and RnB, Ska, French Beat)
Residents Tall Paul Robinson and Angus will be there to play;
60's, Mod, Garage, Soul, Punk, New Wave, Surf, Psychedelia and Ska."
Hey Lindsay,
On second I thought it was a reunion show by those great Mondo A Go Go who issued "Cry Of The Blonde Goddess", "In Go Go We Trust" and that live Halloween killer show from 1999.
Happy Halloween to yall,
Well I do intend to play their fab cover of Land Of A Thousand Dances at some point soon. The club had been called The GO-GO for 5 years, and Mondo A GO-GO was the only new name we liked. Having put the advertising to press, 2 days later I remembered where/how I'd heard the name before.
Tall Paul R,
The club called MONDO a GO-GO.
Hi Tall Paul,
Thanx for the explanation. Anyway, a good name is a good name and i'm sure that Sean and the other boys from mondo A Go Go have appreciated the quotation.
Hi Tall Paul.
Nice that some folks remember the Mondo a Go Go! I remember, at the time, you gave "In Go-Go We Trust" a positive review in some Edinburgh fanzine. Anyhow, cheers! for subconsciously remembering the name and if you want a copy of Cry of the Blonde Goddess, let us know.
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