Saturday, October 08, 2005

Just returned from the Teenage Fanclub show with the same "bummin' heid" that's been bugging me all day. Also squeezed in a Tesco visit. Shopping is almost bearable when there are just a few people around. Of course there are the little arseholes that race around the carpark playing their alleged "music" at tilt volume but the only ones they're harming are themselves. One can only hope that they'll escape their pointless treadmall existences at some point but most of them appear to be too gormless to even contemplate so radical a culture shock. This is NO FUTURE in action.

But anyway, a busy FTH saw Laki-Mera open the show. I didn't catch much of it but the fractured dance nature of it didn't really come across in such a large setting. It's their third show ever apparently. I'm not sure if this is the first time that Malcolm Middleton has played his hometown but it might be. Full band in tow. I never warmed to Arab Strap but find his most recent solo outing, or what I've heard, to be fairly agreeable in a bleak sense. The third song is full pelt rambunctious folkabilly. Heck it practically rocks. TFC overcame the teeting troubles with the sound to deliver their patented beyond Big Star chimes. I always remember the old 13th Note where they played with Lx and the version of Telstar. It was indescribably mind blowing. But anyway, this was a good show. Norman appeared to be going though a consultancy about his hair with a section of the audience. Not sure what the outcome was. A guy behind me kept shout-mumbling "The Con-sepp". When they launched into it he damn near had a puhleery. A triumphant warm up to the Euro-jaunt which will see the troops travel from Paris to Seville this very weekend. I hope it turns out to be every bit the adventure Gerry expects it to be. There should be a gig in town like this every Friday night. Where people will travel from Glasgow and Edinburgh to a properly curated event like this. It could happen. Or could it?

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