Big News! Five
Morells albums in one year has to be a positive thing - I don't have one yet but I soon will and there'll be more then but meantime...
"The Morells Anthology "LIVE" - 101 Songs about Cars, Girls, and Food!!! Nearly 5 hours of Morells Magic from 5 '80-'84 shows on 4 CDs. Limited to 500 hand-numbered copies. 8 page tri-fold booklet. $50 with free shipping in U.S. - add $5 for foreign unless you reside in some weird, expensive to mail to place, like South Korea! Available from Tom Taber, Almeron Records, 344 West State St., Albion, NY 14411 USA, e-mail him forth-blinkin'-with at"You can
listen to practically all the songs at CD Baby. I warn you though, once you hear 'em you'll be hooked...
Hey Lindsay,
What do you mean 5 CD's - this box is 4, what's the extra one ?
Is the 5th the live Skeletons CD or do I miss something ?
Keep on blogging, legend,
Brother P,
The 5th is the "Think About It" album that Hightone released over the summer. If you don't got it then you need it...
I've ordered the , Lindsay, and for the rest, your blog and so on ...
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