Coming up next Sunday (November 6th)...
will be doing a free show (well, there'll be a PA donation) at MONO in Glasgow.
This will mark the release of their ON THE RED EYE collection that has just been unleashed by Last Call. A limited quantity of these items will be available on the night but you can order it directly from the label shop ahead of a full Euro release in Spring 2006. Festivities get underway at 9pm so get on down there and claim your (damn) spot.
Let's see what else... just read the Billy Childish interview in The Stool Pigeon and I like the cut of his print jib but don't get the fervour with which his music is enjoyed. However, if YOU do then tank on over to this Richmond appearance.
These are the mighty Messer Chups whose Crazy Price cd is available in the UK now via Southern. They're doing 3 shows which i doubt I'll be able to attend but maybe you can? Imagine The Raveonettes if they actually raved with a surfatronic, rockabilly-fixated side salad with extra twang. Well the Chups tower over any of that.
26th November: Munich - Bavarian Open
8th December: Rennes - Transmusicales
10th December: Rennes - Transmusicales
That word verification thing seems to have worked... he typed optimistically...
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