Sunday, May 31, 2009

Amy Allison’s “Sheffield Streets” is her first release on the Urban Myth imprint. It comprises 12 songs that she recorded out on the West Coast (of the USA, not in Ayr daftie) with her old Parlor James bud and seasoned drummist Don Heffington. Putting together a crack squad of LA’s finest, Amy revisits some old material and sets those beside new songs to once again display that she’s one of the best songwriters on earth.

The title track is a hymn to the big town she resided in for some time in the 80’s and it features some authentic colliery band style backing. Country and pop styles abound and by my estimation, “Anywhere You Are” is as good as anything Diane Warren was ever involved with. A big hit in waiting for anybody with ears that can admit they could never come close themselves.

There’s a version of her Dad’s “Monsters Of The ID” that features Mose and Elvis Costello. And “Everybody Ought To Know” as a duet with Dave Alvin. I guess this makes Amy one of the Guilty Women by default. Ryan Hedgecock, Van Dyke Parks and DJ Bonebrake are just some of the individuals that pitched in to make this latest selection. I’d hope that readers of this would be familiar with Amy by now and can recognise her greatness.

She’s set to head back this way to continue work on the album with Sir David Scott they began around a year ago. Listening recently to her back catalogue, it’s only the ignorance of cloth-eared radio producers and pundits that has gotten in the way of her success. Not a predictable, malleable talent, Amy is in many ways like her old man. A complete and utter treasure that just can’t be pigeonholed but that ALWAYS delivers.

Listen to "Why Can't It Be?" at her myspace.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

It was my intention to get more done on here today but there have been some obstacles plus my contacts info is in some disarray. My intended schlep to the cinema tomorrow may go by the wayside as a result. My arms bear the marks of a potential self harmer due to the ongoing tussle with the out of control hedge. It was cool to come in and relax to the strains of Bruce Anderson's "The Inherent Beauty Of Hopelessness". More about that later.

It's been unfeasibly warm here today. I don't function well in such conditions. I'd like to, but don't have much practice. In keeping with the regime of not spending hours upon end in front of this thing I'm about to sign off for the evening. Have a blast, whatever you're up to. If you find yerself in NYC, the inimitable Amy Allison is at Banjo Jim's. Onstage at 9pm.

It’s no secret that I consider glam to be the last great golden age of outright teenage pop that rocked. True, it was often created by brickies in make up but that gave it an extra edge. Robin Wills “Pure Pop” blog has spearheaded the pebblefication of bringing material back to life that had little or no profile in the first place. We need to thank him for that. In many ways it was punk rock before that kicked in as a catch-all brand. If you prefer Spandoo Bollocks to Mud then well, you simply shouldn’t be here. I don’t mean on earth – live and let live – but not here amongst us.

The content of “Clap Your Hands and Stamp Your Feet”, the Nederglam comp lovingly curated by Prof. Wills and Dutch Special (Rockin’) Forces General, Jos de Groot brings that ruckus back into sharp focus. And, before we get to the contents - this is the sharpest dressed release I’ve seen in a long time. It comes in a bijou hardback book with extensive liner notes and pictures. This might make it a little pricier than your common or garden jewel box but you get what you pay for and this is high art on the proverbial multiple plateau my friend.

Every one of the two dozen selections sounds like it could have been recorded under perfect laboratory conditions yesterday. Big crunching licks and unstoppable choruses. Bonnie St Claire and Unit Gloria are a collision between Suzi Quatro and Abba in a way that could never be pastiche. They mean it chief. Actually they make me want to go and put on a Smashed Gladys record.

Maybe this stuff just hits home because this is the trajectory that I joined the music bug as a teenager. This was punk rock, as was The Groovies, The Dolls, The MC5 and The Stooges. I guess it was all about power then and this shakes some action a whole lot more vividly than much of what came out in ’77. The Heavy Dwarves “Moeder Natuur” actually has a contemporary rave commotion indicating that the sound which baggy approximated wasn’t entirely new either. At some point, I’ll try to explain why I think that Happy Mondays were better than the excrecable Stone Roses. And not just because they covered John Kongos although that was a masterstroke. Anyway, there are precious few comps that are this wall to wall great in excess of 70 minutes. Is Pantherman Holland’s Kim Fowley?

Available now wherever they sell GREAT records and also direct from Excelsior.
Nortonville is open for business. Please drive carefully...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Spent a bit of time catching up on "reading" and deleting viagra offers. It seems that it's a timely return to the ring as things are going a little skew-wiff. That bloody Susan Boyle has even gone punk rock or is it just part of the ploy? You missed that cynicism in your life, right?

I prefer to do stuff live on here. No overdubs. And since things started to go really wrong at the start of the month there just wasn't the will to premeditate stuff to type up and then drop in here. It was some stroke of luck that meant I didn't have to post a "Closed for the Forseeable" notice in this cyberwindow. I might not have all the bells and whistles that I had before but this'll do just fine for now. And besides, I'm doing this in tandem with some landscaping out in the drive. Multi-bleedin'-tasking innit!?

Today is the hottest day of the year so far and the waterbeds on legs are out in force. I think I'll put off any consideration of new specs in that case. Not pretty but pretty good for putting you off your scran. I read that Ben Weasel is on Twitter and I'm inclined to try it myself but not via a phone or anything. However, before any of that there are recent releases that you need to be checking out. I'll be along with some of those in due course over Saturday and Sunday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mr Ulf's recco from last week, hitting up Tut's in Glasgow on June 11th and on tour in the UK. Dig that poppy Television sound on "Boy, Boy"...

Great to see that Elton Motello thing but this lassie made the definitive rendition in my book...

So here I am, back from wherever the lack of a computer has banished me these past few weeks. I’m grateful to have been hooked up with a rig to tide me over until I figure out what to do about a new one. I have to say that it’s running pretty sweetly but there may be some compatibility issues with old bumf and the firewall malarky until it settles. I can report that the people at Norton internet security were very helpful too although if Norton Records had that kinda apparatus then I'd much rather plump for that. However it’s early days and just being here at all is something of a relief. Thanks for all the messages and apologies for the no-show replies, etc.

This weekend, I hope to catch up with a few things whilst utilising my newfound ability to take some time away from the front of the screen. I’m not sure that can be construed as multi-tasking but who the hell knows what goes anymore. Not me. So this is my first post on the new (to me) set up. Let's see where it takes us.
Nothing is ever simple. I could whine for paragraphs about this computer situation but there’s no point. It’s a right royal pain in the arse. Economics preclude the ability to just shell out for an all singing, all dancing replacement at this time. Sorting out something to bridge the gap has also been fraught with logistical pitfalls and that precious commodity known as time is taking the piss and showing no sign of letting up.

Aside from that and being backed up to Jackson Heights with a ton of stuff, everything is peachy. The punishment continues unabated and 25 minutes doesn’t provide much time to keep you in the manner to which you’ve become accustomed.

Meanwhile, here’s another great story from JD King

Just heard that the next issue of Plan B will be the last. Shame because it was good mag. (thanks to Martin for the info)

Great line up including the first Scottish appearance of Los Lobos along with Booker T on the same bill one night! (Thanks to Colin for the reminder)

And don't forget, The Quattros are in Paris tonight. Make them welcome!


We are extremely pleased to announce the launch of the wonderful new Malcolm Middleton album, Waxing Gibbous. It will take place in Mono on Sunday 31 May from 7.30pm. Malcolm will be playing a few songs, as will Danny Saunders from Correcto. DJ is Noj. The album will be on sale from midnight and the event is free.

Tenniscoats, the enchanted folk-pop duo from Tokyo, return to their other HQ, Glasgow on Thursday 4th June for an unmissable show in Mono with Richard Youngs (songs, acoustic guitar, music stand), and The Apples Of Energy from Croy. Tickets for this one are available from Monorail for £8.50 plus booking fee.

We are once again supporting the excellent Le Weekend festival and will have a stall in the Tolbooth on the Friday and Saturday with Early Songs, Carla Bozulich, Drew Mulholland & Adrian Utley and the amazing Eddie Marcon amongst others. Friday 29, Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 May.

Our next film club takes place on Sunday 21st June at 7pm when photographer, Neil Davidson introduces Christopher Petit's British road movie, Radio On. As ever, we recommend booking tickets in advance. Glasgow Film Theatre.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

FRIDAY 29th May.... BUBBLEGUM BOOGALOO presents.....

THE FIVE ACES at The Voodoo Rooms Ballroom, Edinburgh.

Rockin kickin 60s r'n'b stomp type stuff

Not only is it their first gig this side of Scotland this year,
it's also Lenny Loves 60th Birthday shindig - how can you miss it?

Doors 9pm - First set at 9.30pm. FREE ENTRY.

Groovy retro tunes from DJ's Tall Paul (The GO-GO) until 1am.

Wanda is heading North... tickets here!

An epistle from Mr Spence...
FRIDAY 29TH MAY at the HALT BAR, Woodlands Road, Glasgow; 8pm; FREE ADMISSION
BLACK MONOLITH (-some kinda mutation of Black Mekon!)...a very rare visit North by BLACK MEKON - spawned in Birmingham's legendary COLDRICE club, and featuring a member or 2 of the fantastic COPTER.
Support comes from the two premier local practitioners of garage punk 'n' rock 'n' roll, THE BRUTES, and THE PHARISEES. Don't be a dummy - be there... it's FREE & gonna be shitloads'o FUN!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


While I figure out what to do with regard to getting this show back on the road, there’s nothing much to report. It’s what you might call a slow news day and there’s no real means of scaring up a story with the limited resources that are available right now. So instead, I'm just gonna use this time to catch up on my favourites. If anything shows up then the necessary will be done...

Oops... So Many Records has a new billet. Bookmark that right now!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The e-ma(i)lady lingers on… Friday pm to Monday am with nada computer access would ordinarily have resulted in trauma but recent events tempered that somewhat. Was progress made in other directions? Well not entirely but it did provide time to watch a couple of things that I might have missed otherwise. One was wretched – the Bobby Gillespie/Irvine Welsh thing. This allowed me to vent and fizz in equal measure and underlined why I don’t rate the work of either.

On the other hand “The Night James Brown Saved Boston” was/is an amazing. It’s still on I-Player and I urge anybody that can, to watch it . Detailing events the day after Martin Luther King was shot and how that particular city was saved from the decimation that went on in other locations, a really top notch exercise in the art of documentary.

Later on Saturday, I received my first houseguests of the 2009 season, Aira and Zack of the parish of SF. Headed into Glasgow to catch the Stag and Dagger appearances of St Deluxe and BMX Bandits at Stereo. Watching St. D, I was transported back to Berlin 1988 and that debut performance outside of the US by Mudhoney. They have that sort of dynamic and in terms of noise shapes, it’s all good. Not so sure about the songs to be honest but the band is still in relatively short trousers. No – they don’t wear cut-offs – I mean that they’re only starting out. When they begin to infuse this hooch with their own identities then the fur really could fly.

This Bandits was Duglas and Davie plus the St. D guys. All the D’s in terms of alphabet, but straight A’s in terms of delivery. There was a decisive raunch to the proceedings and an air of the Dolls/MC5 to the outcome. Duglas was in great form and Zack took some photos that will appear here at some point. I’ll have a look to see if there’s anything on youtube too because you really should have been there.

The Aliens (some former Beta band members) followed and embodied everything that blows about the perception of popular music in 2009. Imagine a rave ELP (that’s Emerson, Lake and Palmer) cut with Oasis and Primal Sheep, they’re not as good as that desc. might suggest but they think they are and unfortunately some other people in the room do too so we headed for The Pot Still and left the deluded fools to it. I imagine that the Optimo kids restored some order later on via some of their patented sonic fumigation.

After A & Z left on Sunday, I mithered about whether or not to go into Glasgow for the MFC screening but couldn’t muster the energy being that I’ll have to shell for a new computer set-up in the no’ too distant. I hope that whatever you got up to, and I know that a bunch of you are on holiday today also, went swimmingly too. My efforts this week will be toward restoring to some order to what passes for an existence around here of late.

Meanwhile, here’s some stuff you might care you partake of…

Start your summer season in tropical tiki style as SUSQUEHANNA INDUSTRIAL TOOL & DIE CO. returns to OTTO'S SHRUNKEN HEAD this week for a last-Thursday-of-every-month hillbilly hop! THURSDAY, MAY 28th / OTTO'S SHRUNKEN HEAD TIKI BAR & LOUNGE /538 East 14th Street (just west of Avenue B) in ol' Manhattan / Two balmy shows, from 8:00 sharp until 10:00 / No cover charge! And next week, across the mighty East River... WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd / NORTH FOURTH / A swell new Brooklyn venue! /160 N. 4th St. (between Bedford & Driggs) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn /One SIT & Die set at 9pm -- with The Dirty Teardrops at 8pm and JB Beverley & The Wayward Drifters at 10pm, plus DJs! / $6 cover / Sincerely, Michael

Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. "Ballads, Boogies & Blues"

The Eastern Dando? (Thanks to Bill Gibson for this link)

The Rt. Hon Duane Sherwood is caretaking So Many Records… let him clue you in…

Hi, Just a quick note to let you know that for the next week or 2, I'll be manning the helm at the blog known as "So Many Records, So Little Time". normally run by Kevin Patrick, it takes a different 45 rpm single each day & presents the song as a file to listen to as well as the story behind the record, sometimes personal, sometimes historic.

While Kevin keeps mostly to the rock & roll side of things, I'll be doing strictly Jamaican singles from the '50s - 70's for my stint. It starts tomorrow (Monday) and continues until he wants it back, that could be 2 weeks max. I'll be sick of this by then anyway...

Hope you have a chance to check it out. Regards, Duane

With all that to contend with, and another instalment of Kicksville 66 up, you won’t be missing my piffle one iota.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1976 wasn't too bad either...

1975 again...

The joy that is Youtube; Blondie in 1975...

Friday, May 22, 2009

I don’t have time to do anything other than say that I’ll be off the e-radar until Monday. This computerlessness is, er, character building. I imagine. Anyway, haven’t had the wherewithal to trawl for new stuff so that five tracks malarkey is on ice until things get sorted.

Mr Ulf recommends Lissy Trulie

JD King recommends Polly Cupcake

I've had the Fur and Steve album for some weeks so until I get around to a proper summing up, check out their myspace.

There are two Billie The Vision shows in Germany left of their tour that I only just found out about. Osnabrück, Glanz & Gloria tonight (22nd) and Hamburg, Uebel & Gefährlich tomorrow (23rd).

Jon Savage is blogging!

... and keep checking that Kicksville 66 action! It really doesn't come any better than that. And on a related note, I'll leave you with this. (Thanks Don).

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The best laid plans of the past week have been somewhat difficult to put into practice. I have managed to attend to other stuff that I’ve been putting off for forever. Last night for instance, the hedge at the side of the house was seriously pruned which should mean that I don’t have to touch it again this summer. Been doing my bit in the loft too, so incase you were thinking that I’m just sitting around watching TV or whatever then please be assured this is not the case.

This enforced lay-off is set to run for at least another week, perhaps a little more. It’s out of my hands. In the meantime though, more gardening havoc will be wreaked and the lord only knows what else. Might see St. Deluxe and BMX Bandits this weekend at Stereo in Glasgow, part of this Stag and Dagger thing, but even if I don’t then maybe you could? That's if you can buy tickets for individual venues?

Chris sent me a link to something that reminded me that Raw Power was then and this is now. Shake and vac appeal anyone?

Matt & Kim are in London at Old Blue Last on Monday June 1st. Circumstances prevail that I won't be there but you can find all the Eurodates at their myspace.

OK, I have 6 minutes to eat something and get back to the coal face...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Remember that Adiam Dymott interview I mentioned? It's out now and you can score a copy here for £3.95.

The website is in the process of being updated so I'll put a link up for that as and when.

Conventional mailers should contact:

35a Dalhousie Street, Glasgow. G3 6PW.

Subscription for 4 issues:

UK: £12/Rest of EU: £14/

Rest of the world: £16

This just in from Brother Craig Regan (The Barman)

Raw Power Live Redux with James Williamson!

Joey would have been 58 today. Are you going to the Party tonight?

This was snapped on the reunion tour of some Swedish proto-avant-punk combo. I can't recall the name of said outfit but maybe you know? The members do look familiar...? Hmmmm...

Thanks for the messages regarding the mighty LP. I'm still having difficulty with processing the reality of it. I'll make sure that any missives get to his family in due course.

Photo by Mr Hägred


This Sunday, 24 May, the Monorail Film Club resumes with Ingmar Bergman's masterpiece, Wild Strawberries, selected and introduced by Stevie Jackson of Belle & Sebastian.

An allegorical 1957 road movie, it slips between present and past, dream and reality, exploring the external and internal worlds of its central character, Professor Isak Borg (played by silent cinema actor/director Victor Sjöström) on a poignant journey from Stockholm to Lund where he is to receive an honorary degree from his old university. He is accompanied by his daughter-in-law Marianne, who although pregnant, is planning to separate from her husband. En-route she and Isak meet a squabbling married couple and a trio of hitch-hikers, one of whom conjures memories of a long-lost childhood love.

Tickets from the GFT box office on 0141 332 6535.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It is with considerable regret that I report the passing of my friend, Lennart Persson. I know that some of you know him but for those who don’t then let me explain some. I don’t think that anybody would argue with the fact that he was probably the foremost music writer in Sweden. He lived and breathed the stuff and was that rare breed that never let ego get in the way of his resolute fandom. Starting out with Feber, it was my pleasure and privilege to be able to consider him part of this extended family. The few times that I was able to hang out with him were very precious.

Of course, until recently – I figured there would be many more.

He recently launched a website to collect the many strands of his professorial work and did me the honour of asking me to contribute to that. Lennart was the Dean of all cool things and always a staunch keeper of the rock’n’roll flame.

I spoke to him 2 or 3 weeks ago, just after sending him a copy of Barney’s Tom Waits book. He’d been looking forward to reading it and I hope that doing so, in some way, took his mind off what was happening. Another thing we shared was being fully signed up members of the Annika Norlin fan club. This guy’s taste was impeccable. All the way.

We had hoped that he’d make it out here to Kiltland this summer for a return bout of the Glesgae culture with his tag team companion Mr Hägred. Before fate dealt this mortal blow, he should be in London right now with Mr Ulf having watched Nick Lowe’s stonking Albert Hall performance last night. It’s a cruel reality indeed that takes him from us on that self same day.

Actually, if it wasn’t for Ulf then I probably wouldn’t have met LP anyway. I should mention a bunch of other stuff like Music and Konst, The Nomads, etc. but the technology precludes all that right now Lennart was a fella that made a difference. He set a high standard that so many are just not capable of. Myself included.

In addition to all this, he has a family and I can’t even begin to understand the depth of their sorrow. His wife Bera, his kids and the grandkids and I didn’t know this until yesterday but his mother is still with us. My thoughts are very much with them at this rotten time. At least he’s not suffering and if I know LP, he’s probably looking up Lux right now.

So long pal. You may have left the theatre but you will never leave our hearts and minds. Not ever. Lennart Persson - a “God Only Knows” guy if ever there was one.

Photo by Avy Carroll - Mr Hägred and LP in The Elvis Booth.

Please leave messages in the comments section and I'll make sure they get passed on.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Could be a couple of weeks before this home computer hoo-hah is sorted and the situation, if you’ll excuse the terminology, is cramping my style. This enforced discipline is causing some chaos but in the grander scheme of things is nothing more than an irritation.

Like something you should treat with ointment or a course of pills. I did get to throwing out some stuff from the archive. I developed a relatively ruthless streak to override my packrat mentality and dumped a big pile of stuff. And found some other stuff that’ll maybe find it’s way on here at some point.

Time is tight so if anybody in Madrid is around this weekend then those Coyotemen would be mighty pleased to see you. Meanwhile, I need to figure out what needs to be done in order for me to return to some kind of routine.

T'ain't no big thing in the beleaguered tapestry...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"How many "legendary" bands did you catch in their early days?" It's one of those one-upmanship questions populair among "collectors" or "fans". Me, I'd like to think I've seen it all ;-)

About 25 years of seeing 3 to 4 shows a week. One of the absolute worst was Nirvana right here in Utrecht when they supported Tad @ the Tivoli. Apparently this was one of their worst shows ever and I sold all my Sub Pop/Tupelo discs the next day. If only I knew...

Here's a video of Kurt & Co. playing the Tivoli.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Punk Before Punk Was Punk
It's official. My computer is kaput. Things will be slow here until I figure out what's up re- a replacement (shudder).

Meanwhile, you won't miss me at all because the one and the only Miriam Linna is in the blogosphere.

I also got some rotten news to do with a very dear friend of this parish which sort of kicked my arse perspective-wise. More about that in due course. But I gotta run. See you Monday...

J - you out there? To quote the lady just mentioned... "take up the slack daddy-o"

Friday, May 15, 2009

My home computer antics are still severely curtailed, evidently I’m being punished for something… but anyway, I said I’d lay 5 songs but decided to start on these 5 acts. Never really managed to do much in the way of trawling and I shall be out of cyber-earshot now, until Monday.

Amy Allison

Big Knife

Adiam Dymott


The Riverdales

And a new JD King yarn to be going on with...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jacques (Still Shakin') Ball kindly sent this report from last weekend's Chris Wilson show in Paris...

"Chris did a great performance at La Mecanique Ondulatoire, a nice and cosy venue near Bastille. I met him before the show and he looks young, slim and relaxed. He told me he would be playing his semi-acoustic twelve string that had just been refurbished by his favourite luthier in London. Familiar faces filled up the foyer, the die hard core of the French Flamin’ Groovies fans. Musicians, rock critics, photographers are there too.

Chris introduced the Stones “I’m free” as a slow song. What strikes me at once is that his voice is in great shape providing a feeling that it would be a good show. Little did I know to what extent. We were treated to a great and unpredictable setlist, “Tell me again”, “Hide your love away” (Beatles), “You tore me down” (a pristine rendition) and an unreleased but very promising new song “Cold cold night”. “He who waits” and “all the action” from Second Life too.

Chris said there would be a surprise as he is inviting his buddy Jimmy Ferrell to join him on stage (“he’s going to hate me for that”). James is on vacation in France and had showed up just before the show. Asked if he was going to play, James denied. saying he was a bit rusty. But here he was, smiling when Chris hands him a Telecaster. “Shake some action” is the obvious song they share with the audience that knows the lyrics off by heart and sings along. This perfect pop song is always at its peak when sung by Chris, James is knitting his licks smoothly (“rusty eh?” he must have been kidding). Everyone around me is getting hypeexcited, and this is going “at full speed” indeed.

James smiles and when Chris suggests “Slow death” he jumps on the unmistakeable riff and the audience goes wild. The two pals are finding out unconsciously about the old Groovies stage acts that leads James, as if caught in a trance, to step on the cable of his guitar and unplug the jack. After that’s fixed , both catch up and the song is ended with the perfect crescendo it deserves. Waooow !! James leaves the stage to an overwhelming ovation.

Chris resumes his solo act and breaks a string that sticks into his finger. He rips it quickly with a wince and starts an instrumental improvisation teasing all the sounds his guitar is capable of. How did they say in San Francisco in the old days? “Far out “. The set ends with an emotional “If wishes were horses” that was just magic.. Of course there is an encore, nobody wants Chris to leave the stage. And, what an encore, a cover of The Records masterpiece, “Starry eyes”. That’s how I left the cave, starry eyed.

An awesome evening with Chris Wilson definitely back in action as the recent CD, “Second Life” suggested. Before leaving, I discussed a bit with James about the Phantom Movers, the Fondellas and of the Groovies in 72, old timers never resign."

There are pictures of the show shot by Baldo at the following url :

and I put some videos on mytube :
monks: the transatlantic feedback

by Dietmar Post & Lucia Palacios

finally plays LONDON (UK)

May 19th at SW1 Gallery

May 20th at Lexi Cinema

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I never made the connection between Two White Horses and where the name comes from before. Lovisa and Jakob Nyström weren’t even born when Tir na nOg originally roamed the earth. Were they on Chrysalis or was it Island? I don’t recall but it’s a pretty cool connection this far down the line.

And it doesn’t quit there, because this brother/sister combo are dealing some very cool folk pop here that wouldn’t have been out of place on either of those imprints several lifetimes ago. You may recognise the names as being members of Säkert! So you know that you’re not dealing with some musical chopped liver here. Their debut contains originals rubbing shoulders with smart cover versions. Best of these on first impressions is the treatment of The Equals “Good Times Are Gone Forever”. Reduced to an assured Velvet Underground flavoured rumble.

You might not think you ever need to hear another cover of “Super Trouper” but I think you’ll appreciate the Kraftwerkised twist on the backdrop to this one. Love what they’ve done to El Perro Del Mar’s “Candy” too. Their own, reflective “Eyes of the Noble” and “Statues and Ponds” have an understated grace as does “Face Me Now”. The simple orchestration is the key to what makes this introduction to the duo all the more captivating.

Let TWH get a cool kind of mediaeval on you, you won’t regret a second of it.

Out now on the Stand By Your Band label.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The way it goes right now, I have to manipulate images in my lunch (half) hour in order to forward these back to the bunker to post here. A long road for a short cut you'll agree, but a necessary evil. I don't feel entirely in control of my own destiny right at the minute. This has all conspired to create a backlog that will be dealt with in due course. Theres no statute of limitations except for events and if I haven't been able to post something on your show or whatever then apologies for that.

In addition to trying to post info that I think our visitors will be interested in, I'm also receiving increasing amounts of guff and mp3's that have little or nothing to do with this universe. Many of these are simply deleted, I don't have the time to listen to everything, it's just not possible under the current regime.

If you DO want to submit something then drop me a line with brief info and I'll tell you whether or not you should proceed. Don't just clog up my incoming with upward of 6MB files without warning. Of course, there are exceptions and they know who they are but prospective NBT candidates need to understand that this is not a job or a vocation. It's merely a hard habit to break. Like fannying about with heroin or smoking or some other "disease".

I just got back from the dentist... and as expected, it’s gonna cost. So that put's the kibosh on attending Where The Action Is!

Free music, free gigs, free whatever... it doesn't work. If you can create the illusion that the swag can be "stolen" then maybe that will create a temporary frisson. But it will only be fleeting. The education process to correct the situation will be long and slow if indeed any lost ground can be made up.

With that in mind, I've decided to compile a list of five songs per week that you might care to hear and the links to where you can find them. And maybe even investigate further. These could be new, old or otherwise and will be based on nothing except my own gumption (or lack thereof).The assumed "lifespan" of a release date will be waived because I don't believe that a sell-by date applies to good music

The five items will be presented in alphabetical order so as not to indicate favouring one over another and there will be no commentary. Just the link. First five coming Friday 15th...

And here's what's going on at this year's Joeython!... (click on image to enlarge)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

RIP - John Furia Jr
I've no idea if this'll save but let's have a go. Been out all day, decided I would start putting my Cameo card to work and saw the "Gran Torino"/"Million Dollar Baby" double bill. Not only was this long but they both kinda bummed me out for different reasons.

On the journey home, the Scotrail curse befell me and I had to wait a half hout in Linlithgow for a connection to go not very far. I'm not in even the second best mood and this fucker is telling me there's "no connection to the server".

And tomorrow I have a dentist appointment so that should start the week off just (J) dandy.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Did anyone catch the Jonna Lee London show on (I think) Thursday? Never got a chance to plug it. Hopefully a full UK jaunt night be on the cards?

The Ramones vs Linda Ronstadt (from So Many Records)

Yes, the film festival programme is better than last year (in my opinion) but there are logistical problems. In addition to the economic considerations, it crossed my mind to maybe take a week off to "do" the event properly. Idealistically that would be grand but I'm not sure that in the current climate, it would be such a smart move. If I factor out the "time off" concept then the timings of some key activities are loaded against those who may be travelling to get to Edinburgh after a working day.

It's a quandary. Would the money I can't afford to spend be better spent on upgrading my technology? So therein hangs the tale. I have until tomorrow to decide.

Thank Christ for BBc i-Player. It meant that I didn’t have to sit though “… Later” to see Booker T. I could take a scythe to the rest of the acts on there but there would be no point. The man himself was great and I hope that he’ll play over here and more specifically up north sometime soon. Even the now commonplace stage invasion by the show’s irritating mc couldn’t hamper the romp through “Hey Ya”. To have a guy of this stature on and for him to get close to the least airtime was a travesty. Next week, The Dolls and Mozzer are on the same show. So I’ll be firing up that new gizmo again then to check what goes or went down depending when I tune in.

Friday, May 08, 2009

It's the GFT/Cosmo
birthday celebrations
on Sunday, May 10th...

So here we are again. Not at full pelt but getting there... still need to sort out the photoshop gremlins. Anyway, while I listen to Two White Horses debut that arrived today (Thanks Louvisa!) here's some infotainment...

The Monks in the Guardian including a quote from PJ. Note: "Out Of Our Tree" was not on the original Nuggets although it does appear on the CD box. I don't know, was it on the initial Rhino vinyl extension? Also, why does Gary Burger's name appear as Berger several times? A spellcheck folly?? Pretty trivial I know but let's get it right!!

The Jordan/Loney/A-Bones tag team will reprise their recent Nola triumph in the boroughs of New Jersey (Maxwells) and Brooklyn (Southpaw). 23rd and 24th July respectively.

Are you in Nashville? "Wir ain" Ms Laura Cantrell salutes the great Kitty Wells tomorrow evening...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Might be off the air today depending on what happens with trying to rectify the mailaise that's been dogging this thing of late. The formatting will hopefully bounce back of it's own accord but who the feck knows. Wish we luck.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Glasgow's BEEPFEST on Saturday is cancelled...
Just had a wee peek at the EIFF programme and it looks like there's a
hearty feast on the horizon. Roger Corman in person and retrospective
as well as Joe Dante. More as I digest the digest.

RIP - The Dirty Water Club

Update @ 08/05/09

"The last ever Dirty Water Club will be Friday 19th June with legendary American sixties garage band, GONN, with support from The Masonics and Speak & the Spells.

A small handful of future dates are being taken on by Dirty Water Records but as from 19 June the club as such will no longer exist.

The record label is going from strength to strength, however, with new releases more or less on a monthly basis. It is likely that the label will put on gigs from time to time, but not with any regularity."

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

It's always a struggle to get back into routine. Even after just one day off, it takes
some doing to get back to where you left things. Me anyway. This inability to do
anything in Photoshop or whatev is impeding my progress here as well. I did mean
to forward some stuff to work to try and manipulate during lunchtime but forgot
to do that before shutting down. What a divot. It was before 6am right enough but
that's still not a legitimate reason.

And then tomorrow, the Edinburgh International Film Festival programme
is unveiled. Let's hope the postal system doesn't bugger it up like they've managed
the last couple of times. Of course, it can be browsed online but that will never take
the place of going backwards and forwards through the printed blighter, trying to
figure out a schedule of sorts.

So I have some other stuff to attend to now, DD Banter dropped by with news of
Meg White and Jackson (son of Patti and Fred "Sonic") Smith.
This is as close to Hello magazine as this portal is likely to get.

Two days until the formatting bounces back (hopefully)...

Nothing better than some RJaP for a Tuesday teatime (GMT)
Clips shot by bgrrrlie

RIP - Dom DeLuise

Monday, May 04, 2009

Mr Duff is not long off the plane and has seen fit to deliver the
news on...

Ponderosa Stomp Day 2

The conference ran until 5pm, and under normal circumstances I would have
stayed until the bitter end. The last session however appeared to pretty much
be an opportunity for Dr John, Wardell Quezerque, and Bob French to tell each
other how great they all were. They’ve all put in their time and made some better
than great records so I guess there’s nothing wrong with that. I stuck around for
half an hour, didn’t feel I was learning anything much so took to opportunity to
head back to the hotel for a quick shower before night 2 of the Stomp started at 6pm.

I should maybe say at this point that although the House of Blues is a good venue

once you are inside, the security and the process for picking up your tickets is
immensely long, complex and for some reason they need to see your ID all the
time. That’s America though, I guess. It took me the best part of an hour to get to
the front of a fairly short queue on night one, so on night 2 I went early, about 4.30pm,
only to be told that the tickets wouldn’t be ready till about 5.30pm. Once you add
the queue to get in (yes, you queue twice, once for your tickets and once to get
in and be metal detected), I still didn’t catch the beginning of Jerry McCain’s set!
Moan, moan, grumble, grumble.

I guess it didn’t matter too much, Jerry made some of the greatest records for

Trumpet in the 50’s and some pretty cool ones for Jewel in the 60’s but that
all seems to have gone now. I’ve seen him a few times and he never fails to disappoint,
he was nothing if not consistent this time. After 10 minutes of slow blues (it could have
been one song, it could have been three songs, who knows?), I left. He may have
played that funny one he made in the 90’s where he warns the kids about the
dangers of drugs but it really wouldn’t have been worth the wait.

In the Parish Room, the Haunted Hearts revue had kicked off. I thought it was

Mike Hurtt’s rockabilly band, but they’d filled the band out with various checkmates
and others to include brass and electric piano. This was basically a South Louisiana
Swamp Pop review (taking a wide definition and allowing for Jay Chevalier’s inclusion
as a straight ahead 50’s rocker). When I went in, Jivin’ Gene was already singing.
This was a Ponderosa Stomp first and an acknowledged honour to get him to sing.
To be honest, I didn’t know that he was still alive. He was way better than I would
have expected too. Strong vocals, on the beat and a great groove from the band.
He did his own songs and a few swamp pop classics more associated with other artists.

The band really made it for all of the singers in the revue, perhaps Warren Storm’s

presence as drummer helped lock in the Louisiana groove, but we shouldn’t forget that
even the young guys have all been students of this sound for a long, long time.
That’s another reason why a lot of these artists seem a little stiff when they make
it over to the UK. They get matched up with limeys who may have spent a long time
perfecting their chops, that genuinely are good players but just don’t feel it like the
guys who have lived it.

Anyway, Warren is one of the real legends of South Louisiana, he never disappoints.

As a singing drummer he has a touch and sensitivity at complete odds with the
laughing, joking, cut-up he appears to be as a personality. The only other drummer
that comes to mind that has this sort of depth is maybe Levon Helm. Warren sang
‘Mama, Mama, Mama’, ‘The Prisoners Song’, ‘Rainin’ In My Heart’, like he had been
singing them for fifty years. Oh, wait, he has been singing them for fifty years - and
they’re still fresh as the Gulf Coast breeze.

I left Warren’s set to see Lazy Lester. Backed up by Lil’ Buck Sinegal and

the Top Cats with special guest Stanley ‘Buckwheat Zydeco’ Dural on the B3 Lester
played to his character and made it seem like he was just at home on the stage as
hanging out on his back porch. To be honest, he always sounds the same – great –
the only thing that changes is the backing band, and while Lil’ Buck and the Top Cats
are a world class combo, to my mind they are just too much as backing for what is
one man and his harmonica blues. They appeared to have the view that all of the
band had to be playing on all the songs – and there’s a lot of people – four or five
horns, piano, organ, guitar, bass, maybe more. It just created a big mushy noise
that didn’t allow the spare, economical quality of the Lester’s classic Excello sides to
come through. Add in the fact that every band member had to get a solo,
including Buckwheat, and it might as well have been my Uncle Frank playing
the moothy. A shame, in the right circumstances seeing Lazy Lester is like
having been there at the recordings.

Back upstairs and caught three songs from Jay Chevalier, including my favourites,

‘Billy Cannon’ and that other one about Fidel Castro, whatever it’s called.
He’s a big guy, wearing a red sequinned suit with a state of Louisiana embroidered
on the back of it, and that can’t fail to entertain.

There followed a bit of a break where they had a wedding on the big stage
I kid you not! Not cool, IMHO) and there was a band change up the stairs.
Time for fresh air and to catch up with old acquaintances. Back indoors to realise
I’d missed the first song or two from Robert Parker, one of the other main reasons
I wanted to go. Again, he was in fine form, well dressed in a long white suit, fit for
Sunday Service and his voice hasn’t changed a bit. I don’t know what age he
was but given he was the band leader at Club Tijuana and played tenor for
Professor Longhair, he must be older than he appeared. He was a real highlight
and the backing by Lil’ Buck and the Top Cats (joined this time by Herbert Hardesty,
Mr Domino’s old sax player) was perfect for this style of music. I eschewed
Long John Hunter’s set up the stairs cos when I’ve seen him before he seems to
suffer from the same old man’s blooz as Jerry McCain. The New Orleans revue/
tribute to Eddie Bo down the stairs was where it’s at for the next hour or so.

First up Al Jackson singing “Carnival Time”. He’s been belting this one since it was first

a hit back in and he doesn’t seem to have grown tired of it at all. Neither he should,
it’s a great song and he performs it with infectious good humour. A joy to behold.

Little Freddie King came on and gave us the Bad Chicken, (a wee change

from the Swine Flu, I suppose). A radically different arrangement from the
more spare one he performs with his own band but not unwelcome at all.

I think Ernie Vincent came on next and gave us a workout on his classic

‘The Dap Walk’, one of the scores of late 60’s tunes that appear to be based
on Archie Bell and The Drells ‘Tighten Up’. I’m not going to list everyone that
came on and played as part of this revue, you can look it up yourself on the
Stomp website. Most of the performers did one or two songs, all were at the very
least good, most great. Coming and going before wearing out their welcome.
That should perhaps be a lesson to those who seem to think you need to squeeze
every last bit of time out of a perfomer. Less is very often more. Oh, Jean Knight
was on the bill but if she was there, I must have been tying my shoelace at the time,
cos I never saw her.

I went up the stairs at this point to check out another unknown name, this time,

one LC Ulmer, I hoped he was no musical relation to the aforementioned James ‘Blood’
Ulmer. He couldn’t have been more distant. What I heard as I walked in was the most
violent trebly screech of percussive guitar and when I got to the stage I couldn’t believe
it was one old guy in dungarees and playing an acoustic. That’s right, an acoustic.
It was obviously amplified somehow but I’ve never heard an acoustic tortured
like this. You know the guitar breakdown in John Lee Hooker’s Sensation Records
version of Boogie Chillen? Well, it was like that but he kept it up for at least a half
an hour and a lot of songs rather than for a 10 second breakdown. Apparently Dr Ike
discovered this guy by accident at some blues festival. I really must Google this guy
too, and see if he has any recordings available.

Guitar ‘Lightnin’ Lee is a similar artist, he normally plays with just guitar and

drums, but for this show he seemed to have drawn a band around him, made up
mostly of young local guys who clearly had a lot of respect for him. It’s difficult to
pull off a heavy blues sound and keep it rockin’ but they managed it. I’m just sorry
I forgot to pick up his new double 7” record before I left the country. Now, does anyone
know if it was him who I saw play Human Fly last year? Or did I just
dream/hallucinate that one?

Back in the Big Room, I listened respectfully to Dan Penn and Bobby Emmons,

however I wasn’t in the mood for sensitive songs sung without drums.
No disrespect to the guys, I took the opportunity to go take in some fresh air
and dance a little to the DJ, Matty from the Royal Pendletons.

Lots of people seemed to be excited about Wanda Jackson. The Big Room

seemed to fill up in anticipation of her hitting the stage. These people presumably
haven’t seen her before however. I’m sure she’s a lovely lady and that voice is still
there but she appears to have no idea why we want to see her and what we want
to hear. The first time I ever saw her at Hemsby, she refused to sing "Funnel of Love"
- despite a strong portion of the audience singing it to her - because God wouldn’t
like it. She sang the one about bombing Nagasaki and Hiroshima though.
Clearly the Lord had no bones with that one. Puzzling. Anyway this time I wasn’t
fussed about seeing her but when I ventured in, she was yodelling. No kidding,
she was fucking yodelling. I didn’t wait to see if it brought the goats down from
the mountain, I just scooted to catch whatever else was on offer.

(Colin - I think that she's been performing "Funnel" lately)

What was on offer was Wiley and The Checkmates. A stunningly good R’n’B outfit.
They played hot, sweaty, beaty and Herbert Wiley himself danced like he had came
to enjoy his own band. A welcome surprise up next, an appeareance from Lattimore
Brown. Those unfamiliar with his long, strange and downright scary story should
check out the excellent Soul Detective and The B-Side blogs. Suffice to say that he
too sung like a man a lot less than half his age and seemed to take energy from the
band. Great to see him. Bobby Paterson up next, another one I can’t claim to know
much about but, the soulies were getting excited about him too. I had no complaints
about what I heard but needed to leave because I had no intention of missing one
second of what was due very soon.

Every year the Mystic Knights of the Mau Mau (the organisers
) pull something
out of the bag that makes my jaw drop in disbelief. This year, as I’m sure you
all know it was only the first appearance on stage ever since 1971 of ROY LONEY
and CYRIL JORDAN. Holy crap, if the Ledge wasn’t enough to sell it to me, this
certainly was.

The first thing that struck me as I edged my way to the from was the tiny

wee guy in the stripey top with a Dan Armstrong Plexiglass guitar. Surely that
wasn’t Cyril Jordan? He looked younger than me! It was Cyril however, he must
have kept that guitar in the attic since it was on the cover of the Teenage Head LP.
The other visually notable thing is that both Cyril and Roy are really small.
Neither can be more than 5 foot 5. Possibly the smallest set of front men outside of
Marriot & Lane. The energy level was huge, and if there ever was anything fractious
between Loney and Jordan there was no evidence of it on the stage. They both
seemed delighted to be there, and playing together again.

I tried to remember the set list, but I gave up after the third song – a cover of
"I Can’t Explain", something I really wasn’t expecting. Basically it was all Flamingo/
Teenage Head tracks with a few additions thrown in. Billy Miller came out
from the wings to sing "In The USA" the one track from the Chris Wilson era
(or as Billy calls it, the Sammy Hagar years). Yes, they did
"Shake Some Action" and announced that Ira Kaplan (sitting in on keyboards)
was going to sing it. He did but Cyril sang too. A clearly excited Roy Loney ran
on from the wings to join in on the ruckus.

Far too soon they ended up at "Teenage Head", Roy is one of Rock'n'Roll’s true
believers, a man totally possessed by the song. I wondered how they would
follow that. Billy announced there’s only one thing left to do and do that they did -
"Slow Death" turned all of our guts to clay. And then it was over. They DIDN’T play
"Heading for the Texas Border" or "Dr Boogie" and if they could leave these two greats
out, it only shows how much great material there is in the Groovies catalogue.
The A-Bones were perfect as backing, and now that they have rehearsed this set,
let’s hope this isn’t the last time it’s performed in public.

I hope to hell that they do - surely to Spain at least!

Ran upstairs to catch Roddy Jackson, former Specialty artist. He was a young ‘un

back in the day and he’s still pretty youthful now. He played the Rhythm Riot festival
in England's last year and there were good reports on that, although I wasn’t there so
can’t say for sure. I only saw one song which appeared to be his last. It was a lengthy
hard rocking piano led workout on something that appeared to be called ‘Let’s Rock
and Roll’ or something like that. I didn’t recognise it so I guess it’s not on the recent
Ace CD. I must have missed "Moose on The Loose", shame because on that evidence
he would have really rocked it.

Hard to imagine anyone following the Groovies/A-Bones show. In fact I think that

now Lux is gone there may only be one band left on the planet that could go one better.
Fortunately they were there. Having seen Question Mark and The Mysterians about
half a dozen times now, I feel confident in saying that as a live band, I don’t think
there’s anyone playing today that can touch them. Despite (or perhaps because of)
having a really simple sound they are absolutely riveting. As a front man, Q is unbeatable,
as he says himself “Why would I want to go see that Mick Jagger cat, when he knows
himself that I can do Mick Jagger a whole lot better than he can do himself”.
They must have played at least two hours, and there wasn’t a bit you would have
wanted cut. I was dancing the whole time too, but then again, so was everyone else
in the hall. Even with a two hour set, there was still tons of stuff in the Mysterians
catalogue they could have played. Highlights – for dancing to at least – the extended
‘Ten O’Clock’ and ‘Sally Go Round the Roses’. Q was eventually pulled off the stage
at 4.15am although I suspect that if he hadn’t been, he would have kept going til
the sun came up. After that, there was nothing to do but stroll back to the hotel,
clothes soaked in sweat and collapse, tired but happy.

I'm sure I've missed a few things out, but with such an embarassment of

riches, and the fact i'm writing this on the (first) plane home, that's all but inevitable.
I saw a few other bands over the next few days and attended a screening of the
documentary on the Swamp Pop supergroup Lil’ Band of Gold, but it all pales in
comparison to those three nights.

I guess that’s it til next year…

Post Script - As I got off the plane home, I noticed that the airport was covered in
posters and advertisement trappings for this Homecoming palaver that the ‘Big Cooncil’
at Holyrood are promoting. I never knew until that moment that this was a current
thing. I thought we were still preparing for it in a future year. Apparently not. There’s
(supposedly) a programme of over 300 events taking place as we speak. I never noticed
and I live here. Let’s hope it’s getting more attention overseas where it’s actually targeted.

(My thanks for Colin keeping us up to speed with this stramash,
quite the keeper of the faith his own self)

And don't forget - theres a PS event in NYC during the Summer. Details here.

This Bank Holiday Monday, I cut along to the recently re-opened
Hippodrome cinema in downtown Bo-Nyucks (Bo’ness). The original
intention was to attend the screening of "Forbidden Planet" last
Wednesday but that would have meant burning a leave day.
That’s a pretty heady currency.

It’s a cracking place and why anybody in this vicinity would
go to Cineworld again after being here would frankly baffle me.
There is a little question of the programming and what’s on when
however that’s obviously down to testing the water. I’m sure it’ll
all settle down into doing a roaring trade. It certainly deserves to.
The show I was at this morning cost £4.75 and included a large
coffee and a cake. Wey hey!

Unfortunately the film itself was a stinker. “The Boat That Rocked”
is not recommended. You’d think that Bill Nighy and Philip Seymour
Hoffman might be watchable in anything but not this. There are about
two laughs over the course of the whole thing and I may be being kind
at that. One involves an Incredible String Band album. Attention to
detail flies outta the window and many records appear to have been
harmed during the making of this debacle.

I urge everybody and a’body to visit the Hippodrome. You can get
the programme here. I clocked that they even have a special
“Tryst Ale” named after this nifty wee shelter from reality.

News just in from Sir B...

"Barney Hoskyns reads from his new Tom Waits
biography at the following New York events:

7 pm on MONDAY 11TH MAY
(with the great GARY LUCAS playing a set of Waits songs)
725 Washington @ 11th St. NY, NY 10014

6.30 pm on TUESDAY 12TH MAY
709 Lorimer Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn 11211"

Go see him, buy him a beer and yourself a copy of the book

The Zim in Edinburgh - March 3rd 2009!

Searching the canyons of my napper, limited recall suggests that
The last time your reporter was in Edinburgh’s Playhouse Theatre
was either for Lou Reed’s "Magic and Loss" or that Velvet Underground
travesty. Both, for various reasons weren’t good. The latter compounded
by only catching one Luna song thanks to the stupidly early start time.

The surroundings haven’t changed much if at all in all these years. It’s a proper
Venue though and that matters. It is big in general terms but not stupidly so.
It holds 3056 according to various internet sites so let’s run with that.

My pal Angel once sang that she “wouldn’t wanna be Bob Dylan”.
It seems like he can just about handle it from his location in Bobland.
All the reviews and bush telegraph buzz on this prior to attending
was that it was a train wreck and it pleases me to report that it really wasn’t.

I’m no expert on the guy but thanks must go to Brother Tom Morton
who got me out of the house on a Sunday night to ostensibly tick a box.
Never having seen him before over the decades, it’s unlikely that one
Would get the chance to see him in this size of place again, if ever.

The shebang kicked off just five minutes shy of 7.30pm. A strange
pre-recorded intro rang out before the band spilled on to the Stage and
Dylan appeared behind the keyboard. “Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat” kicked
off this visit to the circus. You can find the setlist here.

“Lay Lady Lay” made it clear that the renditions would likely be
Croaked approximations. The faithful know all the words anyway so
the whole point is that they’re in the presence of an ongoing enigma. There
were very few people under a half decade old. Most were the converted queuing
up for church. I found myself being able to “sing” the words to “The Red
and The Black” while Bob mumbled “Rollin’ and Tumblin’”. That was fun.

The band was Tony Garnier - bass, George Recile - drums,
Stu Kimball - rhythm guitar, Denny Freeman - lead guitar and
Donnie Herron - violin, banjo, electric mandolin, pedal steel.
Google their cv's.

Highpoint for me was the mesmeric ”Tryin’ To Get To Heaven” from 1997’s
“Time Out Of Mind”. The fairground sounding keyboard was like Carnival of Souls
via Blackpool Tower. Very eerie and cool. I don’t think I heard this song before
still it felt familiar. When I got home, there was a facebook message from Gavin Martin
saying that he (Dylan) marked the regional location he was playing in during any
given set. It was suggested that a quick burst of the Andy Stewart chestnut
“Donald Whaurs Yer Troosers” might ensue. It didn’t but I think there was a
flavour of “Keep Right On ‘til The End of the Road” during “Blowin’ In The Wind”.

Never cared much for “All Along The Watchtower” but the band gave it plenty
of wellie and the BOCness made another foray. He started “Just Like A Woman”,
one of the few he played guitar on by seemingly doing a mini-version of “The Bug”
with his left foot. It was all done and dusted by 9.45pm and the 10pm train was
caught outta Dodge.

I’ll leave you with this. Maybe it’s not entirely Bob’s fault that some of the shows
have sucked. Maybe it’s down to places he’s booked to play. Last night may well
have blown too had it been in a hangar where the sound is never good.
Having left the auditorium with an inkling that maybe there is somethingto
the legend after all. Beyond having played The Skeletons and Laura Cantrell
on his radio show.

And as I near the publish button, BBC Radio Scotland is broadcasting an article
about his latest album making #1 in the charts this week. The one he played nothing
from. It's the power of Bob, I hope the force is with him as he heads back towards
another two stints at the O2 Atrocity Exhibition Centre "dahn the London".

The Bum Clocks threatened busk outside was in full swing by the time we got down
there. "A Tail o' Twa Dugs" is the real soundtrack to the "Homecoming" debacle.
Tam Dean Burn's suit looked like it had once belonged to Lee Brilleaux.
Watch out for this crew, they mean business.

Fiona Shepherd's review of Saturday's Glasgow show from today's Scotsman.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

(Footnote Monday AM) Just as a companion piece, check out Innes Reekie's
Shane-athon over at Katie Camosy's Zoom In Online.

Trash Bar Brooklyn, NY THU MAY 7th, 2009

Click on the image to make it legible...

Chris Wilson
in Paris,
next Sunday...

(Thanks to
Brother Patrick
for the info)

Born Bad Festival in Paris...
these are images
I prepared earlier...

For further details,

Saturday, May 02, 2009

From running the Flamin Groovies fanclub
to beatin' the traps on this belter at the
Ponderosa Stomp. Go Ms Linna!!

Footage and sound ain't great but it's
pretty damn great nonetheless...

The spirit of Spike Jones goes on the rampage in Lund.
I wonder if two of these guys are the characters from the
Hello Saferide song? Ha ha. Tip via Swedesplease.

Wonder if any of you folks can help me out?

I'm looking for some info on sprucing up this neighbourhood. Is there
anywhere I can get easy to follow info on changing the format
of a blog? How to add music, change the masthead, that kinda thing.

And what about maybe migrating to another host? I’m thinking
about the bigger picture here. Need to get to grips with the problems
that are aggravating this (old) system.

Any pointers, advice or whatever would be appreciated.

And them JD King stories just keep on coming... meet "The Gang"!

Take a look at this then high tail it over to Iain's myspace and
dig what he's done to "Blitzkrieg Bop".

I first heard his take on that in Monorail Music
yon past record store day. If Bob Dylan even comes close
tomorrow night then the Zim will have done good.
Still rasslin' with the shortcomings of this machine, just about to remove a
wheen of stuff but before I do...

Those Groovie A-Bones in Nola -

Report 1 (Thanks to Jim S)

Report 2 (Thanks Don)

I Imagine Mr Duff will file his findings in due course...