Nothing is ever simple. I could whine for paragraphs about this computer situation but there’s no point. It’s a right royal pain in the arse. Economics preclude the ability to just shell out for an all singing, all dancing replacement at this time. Sorting out something to bridge the gap has also been fraught with logistical pitfalls and that precious commodity known as time is taking the piss and showing no sign of letting up.
Aside from that and being backed up to Jackson Heights with a ton of stuff, everything is peachy. The punishment continues unabated and 25 minutes doesn’t provide much time to keep you in the manner to which you’ve become accustomed.
here’s another great story from JD King…
Just heard that the next issue of
Plan B will be the last. Shame because it was good mag.
(thanks to Martin for the info)
Great line up including the first Scottish appearance of Los Lobos along with Booker T on the same bill one night!
(Thanks to Colin for the reminder)And don't forget,
The Quattros are in Paris tonight. Make them welcome!
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