Saturday, May 31, 2008
RIP - Jerry Cole
RIP - Mickey Waller
Blogger appears to be working for now. The south is being ko-ed by rain but here in Scotch-land, the sun is splitting the trees and everything else. It's sub-flaming tropical and I just finished rumping down the hedge that shredded my hands last week. I've had my quota of fresh air with a side of pollen for the day...
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Had a couple of messages asking about these Tom Waits tickets. The conditions of sale make it all a bit complicated and the tix will be personalised plus you'll need photo id to get in.
These actions are being taken to prevent touting, if you can't go then your ticket really won't be transferable. Perhaps Waitsy will come to your house or at least call you to let you know he was sorry you couldn't make it. Fuck all that for a game of soldiers, wouldn't it be great if a wad of tickets was left unsold?? I'm sure the touts will find a way around it. It's the public that'll get fleeced whichever way. Who would you pay an arm and a leg to see? I'm not talking going overseas or whatever, I mean in your own travelable 'hood? Hey, maybe Tom'll be worth it... here's one critter that will never know.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The malaise ain't exactly treatable but I'm working on it. There is much going on to be inspired by but the daily grind is like some addiction that addles the urge to do much of anything. At least to me. There's a lot of appropriation going on but precious little creativity. Settling for niche is the proverbial triple bluff. Ripe to the point of downright stinky.
I just read Amy Rigby's blog entry for today and I concur with the "what is it for" considerations. Trying to put something up here every day feels like a chore when it should be fun. If I don't then I feel like I'm letting my regulars down. These people need information. The sensory gratification of some cool new (or old) "thing". It rankles me when I go to somebody's page and it hasn't been updated for a month. I'm going to get around to the scoop on what's lying around here musicwise in between dealing with crap that seems to suggest the bunker is falling down upon my napper. And then there's work...
Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kicking things off in the bar was the pastoral stylings of the National Jazz Trio of Scotland. There were at least five of them though including the great Bill Wells so I'm not sure who was responsible for the arithmetic...
Tape (from Stockholm) was first up in the auditorium and whilst they might be OK to listen to in your own immediate environs, I couldn't honestly tell you that it makes much of an impression live. I'm not down with laptops as a viable alternative to the stratocaster, or any other guitar come to that.
Taken By Trees (also from Stockholm) is the new Victoria Bergsman (ex-Concretes and voice on the P, B & J "Young Folks") vehicle. It continues that similar pop furrow and her band perfectly complements the rather fragile nature of her character. That's not to say that they can't cut loose though and by the close of a perfectly formed version of G'nR classic "Sweet Child Of Mine", they were rocking the house like all get out. There was marked increase in volume too which chased the remaining memories of the somnabulist sounds of tape out into the foyer. I didn't know that the album was out on Rough Trade but it is.
Soon it was time for The Pastels. Their set list is up there to your right and much of it may be work in progress but it sounded great. The melding of the brass into their patented rattle is a peculiar formula which shouldn't really provide the tickle that it does. There's a lot of soul in what their doing. It's not black or white or any tangible colour, it's just for real. And never more so than when Katrina is singing. The thing about The Tolbooth is that the sound in that place is always great and crystal clear. The set was practically orchestral to that effect.
Introducing a song called "Secret Music", Stephen said that it was from an album that they'd been working on for "most of their adult lives". As far as I know, any similarities between this condition and Axl's "Chinese Democracy" are utterly coincidental.
"Nothing To Be Done" closed the first Le Weekend instalment of 2008 on a particularly unreachable high. I wouldn't want to be looking down from that altitude.

2 guys, 22 years of DJing, 80 years of great music, 1000's of 45's... 100,000 satisfied customers What you got?
RUBBER BISCUIT - They buy their hats from the same guy as Elvis, caused the MC5 to reform, earned Ray Davies' money (twice), knocked Ron Asheton down the stairs (by accident!), picked covers for The Detroit Cobras, got stood up by Alex Chilton, were fed cigarillos by Dr John, told the NME and Kerrang! to f-off, and got married at Sun Studios (one just watched)...
Steptoe and BigKegShandy play music by people from many lands and decades, all of whom know the magic formula which causes backbones to slip, hips to gyrate, elbows to flap and ears to dance on the sides of heads. Since 1985, they have played the wonderful musics that have been called rock'n'roll, soul, funk, R&B, punk, ska, garage, calypso, boogaloo, voodoo, country, gospel, blues, rockabilly, disco, roots, psychedelia, pub rock, folk-rock, frat rock, glam rock, Dutch beat, high energy, really f-ing stoopid or just plain FUN.
They like it, and so do other people, some of whom you may know, including Arthur Lee & Love, the MC5, Big Star, The Soundtrack Of Our Lives, Andre Williams, The Vines, Dan Penn & Spooner Oldham, The Saints, Tav Falco's Panther Burns, Radio Birdman, Monsieur Jeffrey Evans, The Scientists, The Stooges' Asheton Brothers, Dick Dale, The Detroit Cobras, Wilko Johnson, You Am I, The Dirt Bombs, Jay Reatard, The Fleshtones and James Hunter.
They like to DJ at gigs and clubs. A lot.
Rubber Biscuit @ The Thunderbolt
Bath Road, Bristol
Saturday May 31st 8pm-midnite FREE
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
the world famous SHOCK AND AWE are playing with HYPERBUBBLE (from TEXAS) and LAMENS TERMS (from Falkirk/Fife) all 3 acts are appearing as duo's hence the nights title "A trio of duo's" although theres also going to be a special short mystery surprise slot from another duo - come early and find out who we'll be playing with the drum machine so it'll be a lot different from normal, come and check it out heres the spiel, come on down if you can make it, First band on at 9 sharp
DATE: Friday 23rd MaY VENUE: Meridian
ADDRESS: 138 Leith Walk, Edinburgh, EH6 5DT PHONE: (0131) 554 4238
BANDS: Hyperbubble , Shock And Awe , Lamens Terms
Hyperbubble (Texas, USA)
Electro / Glam / New Wave - Hyperbubble are a boy girl duo like a stripped down synthesized Texan Rezillos
Shock And Awe (Edinburgh)
Big guitars, Big Choruses, Big fun. In keeping with tonights theme they play as a duo - "We stole the guitars from the Ramones and the drummer from Suicide"
Lamens Terms (Falkirk/Fife)
Acoustic Guitar Girl keeps the beat and sings her heart out while Electric Guitar Boy paints pictures in sound around her
head down Leith walk and just before the Kentucky Fried Chicken shop you will find ....... THE MERIDIAN !
its free, come along, buy a cd if you like it, tell your friends
A great, great night. The Fleshtones took over A'dam in seconds flat... Rock 'n awe... A well deserved tip o' the hat to the Works for makin' this happen...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I'm going to be out of commish for the rest of the day. You folks in Amsterdam and the surrounding areas, The Fleshtones show is tonight, and you need to go along and support the campaign. Yesterday's ISP problems means I have a bunch of mail to deal with but I'll attempt to deal with that later tonight, after the arrival of leading Swedish diplomat, Mr Ulf.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Fleshtones for Amsterdam (tomorrow, Thursday! excuse any previous bum information)... (thanks to Steve for the link)
On this side of the water, The Pastels with Taken By Trees in Stirling on Friday.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
On Sunday mornings, I'm prone to listening to the religious programmes on BBC Scotland. Semi-related to that, Father John Fitzsimmons presented a greetings programme that was somewhat old school but he came across as an affable curmudgeon. He also appeared a talking head to offer opinions during news, current and not-so-current affairs.
Anyway, sadly he passed away at the weekend there at age 68. He always projected being older and wiser than that less than ripe old age.
The guy was never afraid to stick his head above the parapet, earning himself a controversial tag for the trouble but I always liked to listen to him talk irrespective of the subject. My own considerations of all religion being tosh notwithstanding, Radio Scotland has lost a great character which they can ill-afford at the minute.
My granny used to tell a story about a minister telling her that I’d maybe become a minister. Imagine her horror when that calling came in the form of rock’n’roll but anyway… My sense of spirituality might be a little skewed at times but it’s generally sincere. I think you folks would have dug this guy whether you agreed with him or not. Irrespective of persuasion.
Later today I have the dentist. I’m looking forward to that a bit more than where I’m just about to leave for but a lifestyle has to be maintained. Has it not?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
And Glasvegas from the same show. Pretty good in spite of my ongoing reservations. Like Midge Ure (circa Slik) fronting The Mary Chain. I actively distrust the hype but there's no denying that "wall o'" sound. Maybe they could cover "Forever and Ever"?
Any plus points like being reminded how fucking great The Eyeliners "Here Comes Trouble" is kind of pales in trying to establish order to an area that is quite frankly overpopulated. The concept of culling some of it is fine in theory but the humming and haw-ing and eventual inability to let go has resulted in me having a coffee as I do this to recharge the old ruthless batteries.
I've gotten to "F" and I'm pretty much busted. Can't shake this cold either. Plus Monk isn't on today. It could be worse but it could also be better, yon big Italian capital wasn't built in a day as the cliche goes. I bet you could build a fair size city quicker than you could make order of the shite I've accumulated over the past 30+ years! There's always the skip option which looks VERY attractive at the minute...
Friday, May 16, 2008

It's sure to be a reasonably big Saturday night on Avenue C this week when SUSQUEHANNA INDUSTRIAL TOOL & DIE CO. takes to the happiest bar in the East Village, TENELEVEN -- joined by that naughtiest of guest gypsy singers, THE BABY MARIA!
SATURDAY, MAY 17th, 171 Avenue C (between 10th & 11th Streets) in Manhattan, NYC
Two bad & bawdy shows, from 9:00 sharp until 11:00 / No cover! / Oh, and not to toot our hillbilly horn, but thanks to New York Magazine for a kind mention this week! "Bluegrass"? Well, they got the moustaches right. And, frankly, my Tool *hasn't* been getting the press it deserves. Fourth blurb down, if you care to peek:
Always yours, Michael
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. "Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
Not exactly sure what's gonna give this weekend 'ceptin a trip to auld reekie on Sunday. I really do need to cut down a dirty big hedge in the garden. This cold may well prevent that happening again and one has to be sorted out in time for The Pastels/Taken By Trees double header at Le Weekend next Friday.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Kim pounds those drums like a being possessed and Matt sings something like Emo Phillips channelling Mark Mothersbaugh. His keyboard oscillates in time and space with frequencies that even put a grin on my mug. The fun that these two have playing is practically immoral and most definitely infectious.
They don’t do encores either you get the heart, soul and kitchen sink in the actual performance. It’s tiring to witness because the energy levels never drop below tilt. Even when they claim to take it down a notch.
They’re in Sheffield tonight, Brighton tomorrow and London on Saturday. Check their site for details and see them if you can. By the time they get back out this way in November, tickets could well be in short supply. They’re out to build an M&K army, fan by fan if need be. What they do might not be for everybody but I think that anybody who likes to feel the crackle of genuine electricity would find much to love here. These two, and their tour manager Brian – are an active cell that are out to subvert the terrible careerist bollocks that shite like the NME continues to foist on our pop kids.
Update - Go to his myspace and hear more! Pub rock is heading back!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Got my EIFF tickets and am ready to roll come June. The criteria was that there would be no "blockbusters" but are there any? Another rule I enforced was "no Cineworld screenings" so my patch is limited to Filmhouse and The Cameo. No multiplex! Let's see how it all pans out.
The recent attempts to find homes for those badges and issues of Mojo magazines have come to pretty much nowt. The buttons did OK but only one Mojo has left the crib. I even left info on the magazine message board but heard not one jot. So maybe they'll be bound for recycling in the not too distant future. I hate that thought but I sure as hell no longer have the room for stuff like that just lying about gathering dust.
One good thing is that I managed to repatriate a bunch of Woodentops badges with the band. I've no idea where they even came from but now they can go to folks that want them. I'm gearing myself up for a huge purge because well, I can't take it with me.
Where am I going? Who the chuff knows but I don't need all this STUFF anymore. Maybe I've grown up?? It doesn't feel like it and I doubt that you'd get certification to that effect. And finally - like that spot on the real news. An alternative to that UEFA action in Glasgow tomorrow night... Matt and Kim's debut show in Scotland...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Too short notice for me but maybe you'd like to cut along...
So I'll keep this short. I have to peruse the EIFF programme and that might take some time. Documentaries on Patti Smith and Lee Perry are on the agenda though as is the new Werner Hertzog. The fact that the print copy didn't arrive in the mail means I have to do that online, not ideal as my eyeballs aren't fried as it is.
Been looking at the stats on this blog lately and visitor numbers seem to be dropping off. I can't say I blame anybody for clicking on less frequently, it suggests that lives are being led. Ho'ever it would be more of a motivation for me if a wee bit of buoyancy was maintained. I DO TRY to update things at least once a day. It's not always possible but it's not though want of giving a hoot. On the other hand, we'd be exactly noplace without our regulars and appreciate the heck out of you folks that do drop by often. So anyway, to the listings...
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Both come in covers designed by Daniel Novakovic, who also did the Nomadic Dementia comp.

Tickets go on sale this coming Friday...
Monday, May 05, 2008
Monorail Film Club: PLAYTIME (U)
Sunday 18th May at 3.40pm
Director Jacques Tati
Cast: Jacques Tati, Barbara Dennek, Rita Maiden
France 1967, 2h 4m (French, German and English with subtitles)
Playtime is a Tati masterpiece. Three years in production and dazzling looking, it shows off a futuristic Paris which some of its inhabitants, notably Monsieur Hulot (played by Tati), are struggling to come to terms with. Hulot roams around Paris with a group of American tourists, lost in the maze of modern architecture filled with the latest gadgets.
The film will be preceded by a short (12m) KH-4, a strange film about a Glasgow artist (played by a young Bill Forsyth) who uses the city as a source of inspiration.
The screening will be presented by Glasgow artist, Toby Paterson.

Somebody should snap them up for Celtic Connections next January. A little bit country and a whole lot of understated rock’n’roll, recorded live. “Nothing hidden, nothing added”. If the Dixie Chicks were Babes in Toyland but actually much cooler than either then they’d be Baskery. I have no idea what the name means, maybe an alternative to calling themselves, The Bondessons. Which I think would be a pretty cool name but that's my svenskophile side talking.
Hear them at their myspace, “One Horse Down” might be a groovy place to start. If the just a smidge over 2 minute “Why Don’t Ya” is on there, give that one a birl too. “Haunt You” has a cool acoustic G-L-O-R-I-A vibe and I bet it’s plenty loud in person. Quite possibly their set closer.
If it is, then the crowd is going to be baying for more. Wonder how their Irish shows have been going these last few days?
Sunday, May 04, 2008
They weren't as far away from Blue Oyster Cult as they seemed back then. In fact, what it sounds like now is maybe Sparks. "PM" rocks more than I remember it and "Natchez Trace" is a classic. As cool as any Led Zep song you care to recite. David Surkamp's vocal was considered something of a novelty and somewhat a little operatic for it's setting but hearing it this afternoon - it brings back memories. It's actually a perfect instrument in the setting of the considerable firepower and orchestral nature of the group. I'm pretty easily distracted at the minute and spinning this instead of some of the newer gear scattered around this place.
Often labelled prog, I don't see them as that at all and these albums stand the test of time. On the other hand, it's pretty far removed from anything resembling punk rock. A version of the band has played in Germany and Greece fairly recently so they're still active. Their myspace site has nothing from "PM" on it but here's the link anyway.
Gratis. Free, For nowt. All you need to do is cover the postage and packing.
The issues are: 91, 93, 95, 96, 100, 101, 105 - 107, 110, 152 -171 inclusive and 175.
There are also copies of Uncut: Issues 57 and 61.
CD giveaways are NOT included. I think those are already headed for landfill.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Yep, that's me, interviewing The Dickies some 18 years ago...

I found 6 x Raybeats and 5 x db's badges. 1" diameter buttons from back in the mists of time when said combos played at Valentinos in Edinburgh, courtesy of Mr Allan Campbell.
Anyway if any of you fancy one of these artefacts then send me your snail mail address via the contact function. First come, first served. One badge per application...
I always thought he was a Matt Lucas character. That could be a thatch, right? But anyway Ken’s out and the big fella has it. Politics eh? You can’t get a decent turnout at the polls but the proles meltdown the phonelines to pledge allegiance in these bloody (no) talent shows and (far from reality) TV travesties. Reports that the contestants for next Prime Minister of the UK are likely to be put through their paces in this format are unsubstantiated but more than possible.
All of this will quite possibly accelerate Scotland's "indie-pendence" and probably the materials for the big fence to go up are on order as I tap away. Labour’s buck is pretty worthless and the concept that the Tories could gain a foothold here is simply mental. Isn’t it?
So that leaves us as a giant haggis and shortbread theme park. But hey, it could be worse...
Friday, May 02, 2008
Thinking about turning this computer thing off and cracking open a bottle of something. There's nothing going down that won't keep to my knowledge so I'll take my leave. The flesh and the spirit took off about a half hour ago...
Thursday, May 01, 2008

(Thanks to HT for the link)
Iain just informed me that those Hoodoo Gurus are headed for The Liquid Rooms in Edinburgh on July 1st.
And, Manitoba's Wild Kingdom are playing Joey's Birthday Bash on May 19th.
That's enough to mull over for tonight...

Hey Lindsay....not sure if anyone told you yet or not (no they didn't) but THE THANES, shown below tearing it up at one of their recent Beatsville gigs... will be playing in Edinburgh tomorrow night (friday May 2nd), with support coming from ex-Grease Monkey folks in their new guise of THE BRUTES (used to be The Buggs last week I think...) with THE BUCKY RAGE and THE WASHINGTON RAYS also... it's at THE ARK in Waterloo Place the east end of Princes St. 7.30pm till 1.30am - £5 entry.