In Paris tonight... info courtesy of Brother Patrick. You could probably get over there for the same price as a Tom Waits ticket for Edinburgh. Apparently there are all kinds of restrictions too so I'll use that quaint old Scot's term and say
"fuck it". It doesn't seem to be detering some folks though so good luck to them with the impending bunfight. I hope that he's worth it. In case you care, and are further afield, the TW tix go on sale tomorrow (Tuesday).
u could use the old scot term 'fuck it', or u could say what we've been saying lately, 'fuck it in a bucket.'
short-form is 'fuckbuck'. u know, for when u r busy and trying 2 save time. even tho we all know time cant b saved.
Btw, the pin up on the flyer is Belinda Carlisle, of the Go-Gos
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