Even more Youtube goodies:
The Raconteurs play the Flamin' Groovies!
Plimsouls - A Million Miles Away,
Hoodoo Gurus - I Want You Back,
Nick Lowe - Cruel To Be Kind,
Dave Edmunds - Girls Talk,
The Syndicates play Howlin' Wolf,
The Shangri-las (1), (2), (3),
Ronettes - Be My Baby,
Shocking Blue (1) (2) (3) (4).
Box Tops - Soul Deep check this!.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
This from Sara J. at WMBR radio: I will have an interview with Deniz Tek, guitarist for legendary 1970s Australian rock n rollers Radio Birdman on Gorilla Got Me Wednesday, September 6th from 2:00PM-4:00PM EST. Its been over 25 years since the break up of Radio Birdman, they now reunite and tour the United States for the first time. Also, they released a new album Zeno Beach on August 22nd. Tune in to WMBR 88.1FM in the Boston area or listen live at www.wmbr.org.
Yeah Hup!!!! and Aloha Steve and Dano!
Yeah Hup!!!! and Aloha Steve and Dano!
This one's for Dutchies only! Jan & Jan at Primetime magazine have gone the bloggin' route as well. God knows where they find the time doin' this besides the weekly (!) four page mag and their dayjob managing a recordshop... Dig it right here.
Great to see a photo of Billy Miller, Mary Weiss and Greg Cartwright whilst perusing Mojo in the shop earlier. Can't wait to hear the results and just seeing that caused a small flash of optimism to course through my veins. Made me want to go to Spain next month to catch The A-Bones but the ol' bank account sez "perhaps not". And now The Monks will be playing at the DWC on the evening before The Fleshtones. Cor blimey... Also, I appeared in full snottery, hayfevered up mode on the last instalment of "Don't Start Me Talkin'" the other night. It's on the Radio 2 website until Tuesday but be warned, it's not pretty.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
While it was good to be off work for a week, irrespective of the circumstances - there's always the going back and of course the dread that precedes it. However, being that one has to survive it's a necessary evil. I've even been thinking about buying a lottery ticket and that really goes against the grain. Anyway, my tribulations pale in comparison to that of many but it would be good if the Blogger site didn’t fall on it’s arse every time I tried to post something.
Anyway, some good news - I heard today that there’s been a reprieve for The Queens Hall in Edinburgh. There should never have been consideration about 86’ing it in the first place.
And what’s this about Harry Drumdini being “back in” The Cramps?? I could get all very Victor Meldrew but what, pray, would be the point?
Don’t forget – The Nomads, Kim Salmon and The Surrealists, NY Dolls, Big Star, Young Fresh Fellows and many more at Azkena this coming weekend. I heard that Redd Kross weren’t doing it now but it’s still on their site and the festival one. Anyways there are bigger (insert food of choice here) to fry so it’s time I was out of here.
Monday, August 28, 2006
News just in (Thanks Sal!)
Ross & friends close down NYC music venues*
"New York City is losing two of its greatest music venues within a few weeks of each other this coming fall, but at least they'll both go out in style.
For two special shows you'll get to see a *Near-Dictators-Reunion* with Handsome Dick Manitoba, Ross The Boss, JP Thunderbolt Patterson and Dean Rispler (Murphy's Law) to close down these historic bars which will always remain a part of Punk Rock history.
They'll play the last night at The Continental on Sunday September 17th and the last week at CBGBs on Friday October 6th."
Ross & friends close down NYC music venues*
"New York City is losing two of its greatest music venues within a few weeks of each other this coming fall, but at least they'll both go out in style.
For two special shows you'll get to see a *Near-Dictators-Reunion* with Handsome Dick Manitoba, Ross The Boss, JP Thunderbolt Patterson and Dean Rispler (Murphy's Law) to close down these historic bars which will always remain a part of Punk Rock history.
They'll play the last night at The Continental on Sunday September 17th and the last week at CBGBs on Friday October 6th."
Sunday, August 27, 2006
I am sick of this blogging lark. Particularly when you put something up and it doesn't appear. "There Were Errors" it blares but the bloody post appears in the listings. I always interpret such a situation as something that i've done. This all intensifies better times when I seemed to have a life. Just heard a track off the new Dylan album called "Rollin' and Tumblin'", it sounds like Dave Alvin. But anyway - perhaps a greater power is trying to tell me something? It is the sabbath after all... and I have to go back to the real world (work) tomorrow. Guess how thrilled I am about that on a scale of zero to, er, minus 10?
Some more Youtube goodies: Wreckless Eric (note the drummer!), Jilted John, Rezillos, Revillos, Undertones, Slaughter & the Dogs, Dr Feelgood on Dutch TV, Sex Pistols live at the Mafcentrum, Maasbree, Netherlands. (1), (2), (3). Dictators and the Pretty Things live in Holland. And you can't get more "gone" than the Tielman Brothers, R&R insanity from 1960 Dutch TV. Roky Erickson, 13th Floor Elevators. Motorhead, Cheap Trick, Blue Oyster Cult, Suicide,
Saturday, August 26, 2006
So let's see, this thing looks like it's working again. It wasn't before I went to catch Air Guitar Nation and loudQUIETloud: a film about the Pixies. More about these tomorrow, I just had the train ride from hell back from Edinburgh. Packed with pissed-up Snow Patrol fans and sundry other divots. Not pretty or clever. And people ask me why I don't like to go out, if you'd have been there then you would have seen a cast iron, maybe even titanium example. Wonder if the poor guy who had to go all the way to Stirling among this rabble and then change for Perth made it? First Scotrail really need to get their act together, the thought is making my neck pop. Time to calm down with some Bilko.
Friday, August 25, 2006
PCL Concerts present the New York Dolls at ABC 1, Glasgow... Thursday 26th Oct 2006 at 7pm - £15 Over 14's, under 16's must be accompanied by an adult.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Did you hear the one about the chemical spill? I didn't. Not until I got up and discovered a message from Stewart Cruickshank about it this morning. Tis said to have taken place yesterday at 4pm or thereabouts but I heard nada. No sirens, nowt. Didn't have the TV or radio either and all of this was going on yards from the bunker here. The person quoted in this news report is my downstairs neighbour. I can see the road closure from my front window.
Divinyl Benzene on the loose allegedly, I thought to myself, isn't he that new folk guy? The one that sounds vaguely Bolan-ey. Hey you say Baloney, I say... no harm done - eh?
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
If you are a "musician" headed for the UK then you might want to consider this. Is there a sturdy enough product on the market to be baggage-handler proof? Perhaps not, such a vessel might be viewed as a challenge to their art... then there's the temperature/pressure issue? Who could blame you if you decided to cancel. Or maybe you could arrange to borrow an instrument? Of course, it's not the same as having your own but it beats the heck outta having your beloved guitar or whatever trashed. The very thought gives me the heebies...
Upcoming REZILLOS shows! Spanish dates with Suzy Y Los Quattro!!
14th September - Madrid - El Sol
15th September - Murcia - Lemon Pop
16th September - Durang0 - Kultural Platermina
17th September - Barcelona - Apolo
29th October - Glasgow - Academy
17th November - Sao Paulo - Hangar 110
18th November - Sao Paulo - Hangar 110
14th September - Madrid - El Sol
15th September - Murcia - Lemon Pop
16th September - Durang0 - Kultural Platermina
17th September - Barcelona - Apolo
29th October - Glasgow - Academy
17th November - Sao Paulo - Hangar 110
18th November - Sao Paulo - Hangar 110
No sooner is The Cameo "saved" than the burghers in Edinburgh are at it again. Now they want to close The Queens Hall... I only just found out about this. Please sign the petition. Also some background to the situation here. A waterfront Concert Hall eh? Oh that'd be handy... this utter stupidity needs to halted now. If I didn't have other stuff to attend to then I could really go off on one. Why not just flatten the Castle or at least scoop out the insides and make it into a mall? Then it could look down on the sorry-ass state of Princes Street from its primo retail position. I think the people that run the city need to be thinking about restoring the vital signs at its heart and doing everything in their hamfisted power to keep great OLD venues like The Queens Hall alive as a positive aspect of their acreage. These (insert term of abuse here) have no respect so why should we show them any. On the other hand, this for Bo'ness...
Check out Kitty Kowalski's pictures from last week's Nomads boat trip. If you keep going you'll find her shots from Gearfest also.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Saw this yesterday. Clerks 2 is out here on September 22nd and is the expected puerile smut with a good heart. Kinda thought Kevin Smith woulda been there for an introduction at least but nope. If you're not familiar with the franchise then I don't know what to tell you. It's no "Chasing Amy" or "Mallrats" but Rosario Dawson is great and Wanda from "Curb" is in it. People keep putting the boot into "Jersey Girl" too but as I recall, I liked it better than "Dogma". Anyway, there are no frontiers being broken down here but if some stupid entertainment is on your agenda then this'll do you just fine. Also, check out the View Askew website, some funny stuff going on in yonder.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
My shopping phobia is getting worse but sometimes needs must so I dragged my bahookie out early this morning. Driving through old 'hoods where the wrecking balls have been in operation only adds to my misgivings about even heading out the door. However, there was the bonus that it was raining and generally driech so this, plus my Hello Saferide soundtrack kinda made me impervious to what was happening "out there" beyond my environs. So anyways, I reach my destination and it's immediately evident that I struck out. No hanging about, back into the car and offsky. Foray two fared no better and other than managing to get shot of a bunch of bags into a recycling facility, nada. There's no choice anymore, stocks are cut and you either make do with the shite that they do have or you come away cursing. Let's hear it for the ol' potty mouth. So, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" as Boner whined. We finally have something in common. Innit.
Another day at the film festival then... starting with Walter Matthau and Bruce Dern in The Laughing Policeman. Sounds like an Ealing comedy but it seems like the prototype which segued into shows like "The Streets of San Francisco". based on a Swedish novel and relocated from Stockholm, it almost seems like a TV pilot but that said it's a great snapshot and they certainly don't make them like this anymore. It has gone with an equally snappy (not) title of "An Investigation Of Murder" in a previous life. On equal billing with any of the players, the star is old SF itself. Something that added to the whole experience was the introduction by Eddie Cockrell of Variety who obviously knows his onions and cares enough to share them. This screening was at Filmhouse but it was off to the antiseptic "wheel 'em in" Cineworld for Gretchen. There's not much on this interweb thing about this except comparisons to "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Welcome To The Dollhouse". I never saw ND but it sure as hell isn't "Dollhouse". Anyway, it's like if Harmony Korine made a movie for Disney. The contrived dysfunction snuffs any humour in the uncomfortable crawlspace. It has it's moments but those are pretty few and far between. One of the characters, Marla (Yasmine Kittles), looks a little like Triche Boonaaara so that was a plus. I thought Courtney Davis (Gretchen Finkle) looked like Melissa Joan Hart so thatw as a little too much dibelief to suspend. There's no Q&A or director present, or even an EIFF representative on hand to try and buff up the premise. Perhaps because the previous screening in that room over-ran. I dunno. Anyway, I was kinda glad to get out of there because much grazing on popcorn and other processed foyer shit was going down. Can I recommend it? In all honesty no. Might try and catch more of the "They Might Be Giants" thread because at least some effort is being applied in this department and we're dealing with work that has trailblazed in it's time.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
"The Cameo today (16/8) is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its Grand Reopening in 1986. Founded in 1914 as the King’s Cinema, it was bought by cinema pioneer Jim Poole under whose ownership it was refurbished and opened as The Cameo, Scotland’s first arthouse cinema, in 1949. He ran it until his retirement in the early 1980’s. It reopened on 16th August 1986 when it played ‘Heavenly Pursuits’.
Tonight The Cameo continues its tradition of championing independent cinema with screenings of the highly anticipated "Summer Palace" and "The Host" from the Edinburgh Film Festival in its glorious neo-classical Screen One. In Screen Three, Ken Loach’s "The Wind That Shakes The Barley" is still enjoying popular success in the eighth week of its run at the cinema.
The Cameo is also celebrating its future. The ‘for sale’ boards have come down from the front of the building and the business of serving the local community with the very best film from around the globe is continuing as normal. Recent plans to sell the site or to develop screen one into a multi-use venue have been shelved, and on the back of strong local support operators City Screen have now committed to keeping The Cameo.
A process of discussion with the local community and interested parties is underway to create a plan for safeguarding the cinema’s future. With public support, City Screen hopes to raise funds to implement a major refurbishment programme to improve Screen Two, the foyer and the toilets.
Ian Hoey, The Cameo’s General Manager commented: “On this, the 20th anniversary of the Cameo's rebirth, we are delighted at the news that we are to be removed from the open market and will continue as a key site in the Picturehouse network of classic cinemas. The Cameo has been functioning in an atmosphere of great uncertainty for many months and it is a credit to the staff and the support of the public that it has performed consistently well in the midst of the highly competitive market of cinema exhibition in Edinburgh. The Cameo is the historic heart of cinema in Edinburgh and should remain that way for many years to come."
Genni Poole, Jim Poole’s daughter and leader of the Save the Cameo campaign, added: “The Campaign is pleased that The Cameo’s vulnerable state of limbo has been removed. We very much hope that its operators will prove their commitment to the long term future of this very special cinema and build bridges with local people and cinema-goers who love The Cameo for the unique filmwatching experience it offers. It has a special role in the community of Tollcross and residents have been tremendously supportive. We urge people to vote with their feet and choose The Cameo to see films, to ensure that its future is safeguarded amidst the fierce competition of the city’s multiplexes.”
Local MSP Sarah Boyack has also expressed her support: “This is excellent news - the Cameo is no longer up for sale and City Screen have now committed to keeping the Cameo open. We want to thank the local community and the Cameo's fans who have stayed loyal. Without our campaign I don't believe we'd have today's announcement. I look forward to the discussions that City Screen have promised as there is clearly a need for investment in the Cameo if it is to remain an attractive venue and fulfil its potential.”
The cinema is enjoying its role as a central Film Festival venue and is looking forward to a great summer, with Pedro Almodovar’s highly anticipated Volver opening on Friday 25th August. Tickets for The Cameo are £5.90/£4.50 for cinema members and can be booked on 08707 551 231 or online at www.picturehouses.co.uk. Tickets for the Edinburgh Film Festival screenings (priced separately) can be booked on 0131 623 8030."
Friday, August 18, 2006
A missive from Stephen at Monorail Music in Glasgow...
"Just to let you know - our friends and landlords at Mono are hosting a very special evening with Howe Gelb (of Giant Sand) on Tues 22nd August (doors 8.30pm). Howe will be flying into Glasgow especially for an intimate solo performance on piano and guitar. This is his ONLY UK appearance.
Also, on Wednesday 23rd August (doors 8.30), Mono have the incredible destructo-pop unit, Quasi, from Portland, OR. In case you don't know, Quasi live are wild and brilliant - kind of like The Zombies meets Swell Maps. They feature Janet Weiss of Sleater Kinney and Sam Coomes (one of Elliott Smith's main collaborators) and, now, Joanna Bolme from The Jicks. They are joined by their old muckers, International Airport. I'm part of the association!
Tickets available from Monorail, Kings Court, King Street (0141 552 9458) and Tickets Scotland."
"Just to let you know - our friends and landlords at Mono are hosting a very special evening with Howe Gelb (of Giant Sand) on Tues 22nd August (doors 8.30pm). Howe will be flying into Glasgow especially for an intimate solo performance on piano and guitar. This is his ONLY UK appearance.
Also, on Wednesday 23rd August (doors 8.30), Mono have the incredible destructo-pop unit, Quasi, from Portland, OR. In case you don't know, Quasi live are wild and brilliant - kind of like The Zombies meets Swell Maps. They feature Janet Weiss of Sleater Kinney and Sam Coomes (one of Elliott Smith's main collaborators) and, now, Joanna Bolme from The Jicks. They are joined by their old muckers, International Airport. I'm part of the association!
Tickets available from Monorail, Kings Court, King Street (0141 552 9458) and Tickets Scotland."
Thursday, August 17, 2006
All hail, kits'n'kittens! The Stripchords return to Dr Strange's swinging Sunday night sesh at revered East London venue Bethnal Green Working Mens Club this weekend, avec their customary tits'n'twang action, Mr Bishop's saucy flicks, and go-go honeys - Ms Lager-Shandy and Miss Stephanie. Plus, there's top 45rpm action from The Sonic Reducer Tag Team DJs. We're looking forward to a slight hiatus following this weekend's gigs, as it's been a heavy-duty bump'n'grind of a summer, so make sure you catch some of their saucy action, unless you want to wait until October! See you at the bar! The Stripchords
More info at www.ontherockslondon.com/theLargeClub/index.html
And, of course, tracks, vids & pics available via www.myspace.com/thestripchords "
This annum's film festival semester began last night with Art School Confidential, the new Terry Zwigoff/Dan Clowes feature. It's been out in the US since May and may well be on dvd by now. Anyway, it's an OK way to spend just under two hours. It feels like these are motion comic book frames and there's a certain Kevin Smith air about it all but it holds together pretty well. Steve Buscemi is in it being himself and that's never a bad thing. In terms of the Festival atmos, there was none. No director, no actors just a big barn-like cinema packed with punters. I guess everybody concerned is well into another project by now. More on Saturday...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
As I tap away here, The London Astoria will soon be reverberating to a capacity throng getting their jollies to the strains of The Cramps. It's their 30th anniversary in November (!) Those of us who couldn't make it are sitting tight, waiting for the cyber-telegraph and in particular - YouTube to deliver us some (un)edited idea as to how it all went.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Daundered into Glasgow yesterday to catch the post-Belladrum Medicine (music) Caravan. This was to feature Joe West, The Tom Morton Two, I See Hawks in LA and Tony Gilkyson. However, it is said that one part of the wagon train hit a bit of a snag and the latter two didn't make it. The on/off tosh with regard to the will they/won't they turn up malarky was bollocks. However, the West/Morton end was kept up well and they both made a valiant attempt to salvage the evening. Joe West has a great song called "Rehab Girl" and he knocks out a mean Townes song. His album is called "The Human Cannonball", no relation to Webb Wilder. Tom and his son James do a nice line in loud skiffle. They do the one about hating The Beatles and a new song "Gay Bomb" that sounds like a great lost 45 from 1977. They've got a neat wee combo going here and they rock (albeit acoustically). Some other guy came on and I left, he was awful. Well, maybe not awful but not good. Something about ping pong and bananas or some tiresome fnar,fnar bollocks like that. As for the no-shows, what the fuck is that about? Not something that a free drink will smooth over in my estimation. But the guys who did show up did good. Woulda been better suited to The State Bar in terms of numbers but that's Glasgow on a Sunday evening for you. Earlier, I walked past Beanscene and Chris Difford was doing a pre-Tuts warm-up. There weren't too many folks there either and it reminded me of the night Squeeze played Grangemouth Town Hall and only drew 90 people after having a Top 30 single. Simple Minds opened and it was the night I met the great Howard Thompson. Those were different times alright.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Many thanks to Martin Percival for rustling this up in spite of his "on tour" status...
The Cramps - Lokerse Feesten - Lokeren Belgium - Weds Aug 9 2006
Many towns and cities in Belgium and the Netherlands have an annual festival, often subsidised by their local authorities. Can you imagine that?! The 32nd annual such festival in Lokeren in the Flanders region of northern Belgium this year featured the double headlining bill of The Cramps plus Bauhaus....all for 10 Euros! Remarkable value for money and it proved to be a very well organised and fun event.
I arrived in Belgium earlier in the day and headed to Antwerp by train to meet Dirk "Ungawa" Roeyen in his home town. Dirk is a hardcore Cramps afficianado and even wrote a book on the band back in 1996. He and I then headed out on the short drive to Lokeren with 2 of his pals.
The festival site holds 15,000 and, although not sold out, there must have been close to that number present by the time the Cramps hit the stage around 9pm. I've only ever seen the band play at a festival once before, Reading in 1990, and it was strange seeing them play in the light! As had been rumoured prior to the gig Lux has dyed his hair a sandy blonde colour and he's also lost a bit of weight since their last European visit back in September 2003. He was on very fine form, as were Chopper and Bill Bateman, and both Lux and Ivy were actually looking younger than they did 3 years ago. They must have a picture up in their attic somewhere!
The set opened with "The Mad Daddy" and was swiftly followed by "Rock on the Moon". Lux was stalking around the stage and clearly enjoying himself. His first quip for the crowd was "You come - they give me wine!" and before long he was slurping down his favourite red wine straight out of the bottle. As usual though a fair amount was spilt.
Jake from the Lords of Altamont was spotted stage side and it was good to see this long time Cramps fanatic working with the band again.
By the time "Caveman" was completed the first mike stand had gone to meet its maker and wine bottle number one was empty. "Let's Get Fucked Up" followed and Lux was well on the way to working himself up into the frenzy that we've all grown to love from a Cramps show. He made his way down to the pit in front of the stage and the TV cameras filming the festival for the stage side screens picked out a happy looking Dirk in the front row.
At the close of "Dames, Booze, Chains and Boots" Lux's PVC trousers were slashed and gaping, just in time for "TV Set". "That's a GOOD song!" was Lux's assessment of the classic from the first album, and I don't think anyone present would have disputed his opinion.
"Psychotic Reaction" saw some great harp playing and much rolling around on stage as the sun went down. The set closed with "Wrong Way Ticket" and the final song was introduced as "some bad advice straight from hell"
before going into "Tear it Up". There was no encore so the set did close in a rather frustrating fashion for long time fans. Only 50 minutes and everyone wanting more. However it was great to see that a lot of people at the festival, mainly there to see Bauhaus, had clearly really enjoyed what was, probably for the majority present, their first Cramps show. For a band to still be so hot live 30 years into their career is incredible. This was likely just as well as Bauhaus later had equipment problems and consequently only played 12 songs. They also gave a more than passable impression of a band falling apart in public..... but let's not dwell on that.
At the end of the evening I decided to pass on the local delicacy - horse meat sausages - and headed back instead to Antwerp a very happy Cramps fan greatly looking forward to the London gig the following week where maybe we'll be treated to some new songs and I'm sure a longer set. I also suspect that night will see Lux in a more "traditional" state of frenzy by the end of the show!
Just for the record the set list was:
The Mad Daddy
Rock on the Moon
The Way I Walk
Hanky Panky
Hang Up
Fissure of Rolando
Papa Satan Sang Louie
Big Black Witchcraft Rock
It Thing Hard On
Let's get Fucked up
Dames Booze Chains & Boots
TV Set
Psychotic Reaction
Wrong Way Ticket
Tear it Up
Martin (LOTC member 610.....oooops - that was 25 years ago!)
Many towns and cities in Belgium and the Netherlands have an annual festival, often subsidised by their local authorities. Can you imagine that?! The 32nd annual such festival in Lokeren in the Flanders region of northern Belgium this year featured the double headlining bill of The Cramps plus Bauhaus....all for 10 Euros! Remarkable value for money and it proved to be a very well organised and fun event.
I arrived in Belgium earlier in the day and headed to Antwerp by train to meet Dirk "Ungawa" Roeyen in his home town. Dirk is a hardcore Cramps afficianado and even wrote a book on the band back in 1996. He and I then headed out on the short drive to Lokeren with 2 of his pals.
The festival site holds 15,000 and, although not sold out, there must have been close to that number present by the time the Cramps hit the stage around 9pm. I've only ever seen the band play at a festival once before, Reading in 1990, and it was strange seeing them play in the light! As had been rumoured prior to the gig Lux has dyed his hair a sandy blonde colour and he's also lost a bit of weight since their last European visit back in September 2003. He was on very fine form, as were Chopper and Bill Bateman, and both Lux and Ivy were actually looking younger than they did 3 years ago. They must have a picture up in their attic somewhere!
The set opened with "The Mad Daddy" and was swiftly followed by "Rock on the Moon". Lux was stalking around the stage and clearly enjoying himself. His first quip for the crowd was "You come - they give me wine!" and before long he was slurping down his favourite red wine straight out of the bottle. As usual though a fair amount was spilt.
Jake from the Lords of Altamont was spotted stage side and it was good to see this long time Cramps fanatic working with the band again.
By the time "Caveman" was completed the first mike stand had gone to meet its maker and wine bottle number one was empty. "Let's Get Fucked Up" followed and Lux was well on the way to working himself up into the frenzy that we've all grown to love from a Cramps show. He made his way down to the pit in front of the stage and the TV cameras filming the festival for the stage side screens picked out a happy looking Dirk in the front row.
At the close of "Dames, Booze, Chains and Boots" Lux's PVC trousers were slashed and gaping, just in time for "TV Set". "That's a GOOD song!" was Lux's assessment of the classic from the first album, and I don't think anyone present would have disputed his opinion.
"Psychotic Reaction" saw some great harp playing and much rolling around on stage as the sun went down. The set closed with "Wrong Way Ticket" and the final song was introduced as "some bad advice straight from hell"
before going into "Tear it Up". There was no encore so the set did close in a rather frustrating fashion for long time fans. Only 50 minutes and everyone wanting more. However it was great to see that a lot of people at the festival, mainly there to see Bauhaus, had clearly really enjoyed what was, probably for the majority present, their first Cramps show. For a band to still be so hot live 30 years into their career is incredible. This was likely just as well as Bauhaus later had equipment problems and consequently only played 12 songs. They also gave a more than passable impression of a band falling apart in public..... but let's not dwell on that.
At the end of the evening I decided to pass on the local delicacy - horse meat sausages - and headed back instead to Antwerp a very happy Cramps fan greatly looking forward to the London gig the following week where maybe we'll be treated to some new songs and I'm sure a longer set. I also suspect that night will see Lux in a more "traditional" state of frenzy by the end of the show!
Just for the record the set list was:
The Mad Daddy
Rock on the Moon
The Way I Walk
Hanky Panky
Hang Up
Fissure of Rolando
Papa Satan Sang Louie
Big Black Witchcraft Rock
It Thing Hard On
Let's get Fucked up
Dames Booze Chains & Boots
TV Set
Psychotic Reaction
Wrong Way Ticket
Tear it Up
Martin (LOTC member 610.....oooops - that was 25 years ago!)
What with Jayne County bein' in the news this very moment, it seems like as good a time as any to hip you to this explosive new footlong of archive material.
Truth be told, I've always thought of Wayne/Jayne as a fun "concept", rather than something I'd listen to on a regular basis. The only exception bein' the fab Things Your Mother Never Told You LP that, thanks to an amazin' David Cunningham production sounds as psychedelic as any Electric Prunes disc you'd care to mention.
This new LP however, firmly implants County's stake in the mid 70s pre-punk settings. Side one is a live set recorded in jan. 1974 while he was under contract with Bowie's Mainmam company. Somewhere halfway 'tween the New York Dolls and Lou Reed's Rock & Roll Animal without really touchin' either's majesty (good as it is tho'). But flip this disc over and there's a stellar take on the Yardbirds' Putty (again from 1974) plus wild, undated, early takes of Fucked By The Devil and Prostitute With A Parachute. To round things off, there's an early 80s version of Max's Kansas City, where, in the artist round-up, Jayne mentions everybody from Von Lmo to Madonna! Great stuff! Now roll on the long lost set that County apparently recorded for ESP way back when...
The world's finest music publication returns with 208 jam-packed pages of arcane knowledge. Obviously way to much to digest in one or two sittings, but what I did read so far is up to the magazine usual high standards.
While the Mojos of this world can't seem to get past the handful of big names and have sucked these bands/artists dry of just about any life juice left in their respective corpses, Ugly Things, time and time again, comes up with vital information on the left-overs and footnotes of rock & roll's history.
The Bush, Flamin' groovies, Rubber City Rebels and Willie Alexander are just a few of the acts to appear in this issue. It also good to note that the contents seem to get more varied with each issue (excludin' the one reviewer who's journeys into different musical settings seem mainly inspired by the will to be offensive and/or eccentric) But with excellent writers like David Laing, Jeff Jarema, Doug Sheppard and the Stax-man himself aboard it's easy to overlook such minor quibbles. Get it straight from the source at Ugly-Things.com.
Flamin' Groovies - At Full Speed, the complete Sire recordings (Rhino 2CD). 
Released about two moths ago, and yet I still have to see the first mention of this in any publication (digital or otherwise). Heck, I couldn't even locate it on Rhino's own website!
I really hope all you NBT readers are familiar with the contents of these discs; some of the most powerful/touching rock & roll music ever. Shake Some Action, You Tore Me Down, I Saw Her, I Can't Hide, Take Me Back etc, etc... This is the stuff of legend, timeless beauty and (insert favorite adjective here)...
Forget the similar, but shoddy three CD set that came out last year. This is the way us fans always wanted it to appear. Handled by those who actually understand; Sound produced by Bill Inglot, package design by Phil Smee and (2002) liner notes by the late Greg Shaw who out did himself putting the band's saga in proper perspective.
Absolutely mandatory... (and if Rhino doesn't want to sell it, just head for Amazon)
Released about two moths ago, and yet I still have to see the first mention of this in any publication (digital or otherwise). Heck, I couldn't even locate it on Rhino's own website!
I really hope all you NBT readers are familiar with the contents of these discs; some of the most powerful/touching rock & roll music ever. Shake Some Action, You Tore Me Down, I Saw Her, I Can't Hide, Take Me Back etc, etc... This is the stuff of legend, timeless beauty and (insert favorite adjective here)...
Forget the similar, but shoddy three CD set that came out last year. This is the way us fans always wanted it to appear. Handled by those who actually understand; Sound produced by Bill Inglot, package design by Phil Smee and (2002) liner notes by the late Greg Shaw who out did himself putting the band's saga in proper perspective.
Absolutely mandatory... (and if Rhino doesn't want to sell it, just head for Amazon)
Info via E-mole... I think the exclamations are warranted in this instance...
"From: Jayne County and THE ELECTRIC CHAIRS
Date: Aug 10, 2006 9:21 PM
"From: Jayne County and THE ELECTRIC CHAIRS
Date: Aug 10, 2006 9:21 PM
As many of you have probably already heard, CREEP Gene Simmons has stolen my band*s name and given to his son Nick Simmons! This is a dispicable act of greed and disgusting contempt! To not only me as a person, but as a Glam/Punk Pioneer and Trans artist! And quite frankly it is a tremendous INSULT to the entire PUNK WORLD!!! I thought up the name myself back in 1977 and have been recording and touring with this name since way back then!!! I have ALWAYS been WAYNE/JAYNE COUNTY AND THE ELECTRIC CHAIRS!!! And my first LP was called THE ELECTRIC CHAIRS. Everyone in the Punk world and othere knows that!! In fact I have a gig in London on Oct. the 28 with the DAMNED and I am billed as JAYNE COUNTY AND THE ELECTRIC CHAIRS! IT IS MY NAME!!!!! Creepy Mean Gene has even gone and copywrited my for himself!!! I will try to fight the best I can but Mean Gene is RICH and has top lawyers!!! He will try to shoot me down, like a dog!!! SO, I NEED YOU... ALL MY FRIENDS AND FANS TO HELP ME FIGHT THIS GREAT INJUSTICE!!! Do absolutely ANYTHING you can and can thinkk of to harrass and protest to Gene Simmons, that awful show called I think the Family Jewels or something!!! Also - protest to A&E TV station. Calll them. email them. fax them. harrass them and let them know that they are NOT GOING TO GET AWAY WITH IT!!! Here is some useful info about the show for you!!! The DIRECT PHONE NUMBER to the show is.... 323 468 2000. The company doing the show is called THE GREIF COMPANY .. A DAY WITH, INC,.. and their address is: 9233 W. Pico Blvd. .. Suite 218..... Los Angeles, Calif, 90035 Their num. is 310 385 1200 and the Fax. is 310 385 1207 ... OK TROOPS. MOBILIZE AND HELP ME FIGHT!! IF YOU LOVE ME AND MY MUSIC YOU WILL HELP ME!!!!!!!!! Love to you all. XXXXXXXX Jayne"
Saturday, August 12, 2006
(From Sara J.) "DJ'ing at The Abbey Lounge this Sunday August 13th...The Leather Uppers/Black Clouds/The Shemps
A late addition DJ affair....I'll be spinning more of the 'zee LOCK and LOLL this Sunday August 13th at the Abbey Lounge in between band sets. On stage that evening....The Leather Uppers (Goner Records) from Canada, The Black Clouds with their new 7 inch in hand, and The Shemps from New Jersey. Sunday cocktails, music, fun and some Jilted John....OH BOY!
A late addition DJ affair....I'll be spinning more of the 'zee LOCK and LOLL this Sunday August 13th at the Abbey Lounge in between band sets. On stage that evening....The Leather Uppers (Goner Records) from Canada, The Black Clouds with their new 7 inch in hand, and The Shemps from New Jersey. Sunday cocktails, music, fun and some Jilted John....OH BOY!
Also (sadly) not showing at the 60th Edinburgh International Film Festival...
Tales of the Rat Fink (link via Imants Krumins/E-Mole)
Ditto this article on Deniz Tek.
Didn't I tell you? (Thanks to Martin for the link)
and those links, they keep on coming... (cheers Björn)
and those links, they keep on coming... (cheers Björn)
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Dead Flowers presents
Sunday, September 17th
11am - 6pm. Rain or shine.
The Fleshtones / Reigning Sound / The Dansettes / The Fabulous Soul Shakers
Plus: More bands and DJs TBA, and a killer after-party inside Magnetic Field!
Magnetic Field
97 Atlantic Avenue
(between Henry & Hicks Sts.)
Brooklyn, U.S.A.
Sunday, September 17th
11am - 6pm. Rain or shine.
The Fleshtones / Reigning Sound / The Dansettes / The Fabulous Soul Shakers
Plus: More bands and DJs TBA, and a killer after-party inside Magnetic Field!
Magnetic Field
97 Atlantic Avenue
(between Henry & Hicks Sts.)
Brooklyn, U.S.A.
Today's word is "disruption". Certainly preferable to "destruction" but what a bloody to-do. Patience is the proverbial virtue and all that. Better just to stay at home and piss about on your computer or whatever. And hey, it could put global warming back, oh, at least an hour. Maybe two. It’s an ill wind indeed… Anyway, I hope Brother Thewlis made it to Edinburgh eventually.
And what about Lux’s new barnet? Any step away from that Hot Topic look has to be a good thing. And they’ve got Bill Bateman in tow, a man who knows a thing or three about the big beat. I look forward to hearing the reports. "Disruption" permitting.
Time I wasn’t here…
And what about Lux’s new barnet? Any step away from that Hot Topic look has to be a good thing. And they’ve got Bill Bateman in tow, a man who knows a thing or three about the big beat. I look forward to hearing the reports. "Disruption" permitting.
Time I wasn’t here…
The Cramps in Belgium last night. First photos of the "new-look" Lux.
In the fotos section, there isn't a direct link.
In the fotos section, there isn't a direct link.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Tonight (9th August) Heavy Trash will play live on Radio Pula at 8 pm (CET), That's 7pm UK time I think - And they'll be interviewed by Lada from The Bambi Molesters. Tune in to http://www.hrt.hr/streams/index.html and click PULA. I just checked out the link and heard a "dance-ified" version of Free's "All Right Now"?
Thanks to BIGor for the tip off.
Normal service around here is not something that I have any control of at the moment. Thanks for bearing with it. Ditto e-mail. If you've e-mailed and haven't had a reply then you will eventually. Eggs cannot be unscrambled, what can I tell you?
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
As a fully paid up member of YouTube Anonymous who (presumably) used to have a life, I offer up another 20 minutes worth of entertainment should you be in pursuit of such a thing...
BMX/Evie Sands videos on YouTube
Anyway That You Want Me
Witchi Tai To
Long Rydin' Sid Griffin on YouTube
The Coal Porters - Final Wild Son
The Coal Porters - Little Cabin Home On The Hill
Sid Griffin - When I'm Out Walking with You
Monday, August 07, 2006
Been trying to figure out this new postage malarky that comes into play as of August 21st. Postage will be charged in line with size as opposed to weight and those behind this ruse are doing their utmost to say it's fairer but what is the actual likelihood of that? Not much... Just as well that i'm not physically mailing stuff at the frequency I used to or i'd be knocking on the poorhouse door. This, as much as anything, has put the kibosh on any further printed manifestation of NBT. Not that I could ever afford to do such a beastie anyway. Chalk it up to doing my bit for "the environment". Plus, all those flyers that are printed up for the Edinburgh Festival(s) have pretty much exhausted world paper supplies anyway. Used to be these things were like little pieces of art. Now it's just dtp'd bollocks. They'd be better just putting the pre-printed paper stock into the shredder because it's such utter waste that it nips my noggin just to think about it. There is no electronic format that can compete with hand pasted and xerox. Not to my knowledge. But hey, let's hear it for this misnomer called "progress". I hear about it but don't believe that i've made its acquaintance.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
As a means of escape yesterday I thought it might be an idea to lock horns with some “culture”. It wasn’t entirely successful but whats done, etc. Edinburgh is already hoaching with Festival goers and the "season" hasn’t really even started to kick in. Auld Reekie is also teeming with drunks who have od’d on the hot weather and being able to sit outside like they do in other European cities. It’s just that many of them aren’t up to the task. But anyway, irritating as these people may be, let’s not get into that debate that right now. The Notorious Bettie Page is a somewhat unadventurous endeavour. Looks great and the old NY footage works really well. Gretchen Mol is authentic and Lilli Taylor as Paula Klaw is a casting plus. This all went down just 50 years ago and we’ve ended up quite the way down the highway since then. However, it seems like no time ago at all and the mainstreaming of the fifties glamour/fetish material has diluted the myth somewhat. If the myth is gone then what the hell is left. This is gloss over substance and quite possibly premeditated as such. However, there are worse ways to spend a couple of hours. Isn’t there another Bettie biopic doing the rounds someplace? I wish she would tell her story from her angle. Now that might well be something. A wee amble through the densely populated streets then to my next encounter with the arts. Harry Shearer and his wife Judith Owen are appearing at the Assembly Rooms all through August. This Is So Not About The Simpsons (American Voyeurs) starts with Harry doing Montgomery Burns, Ned Flanders and a couple of others before presenting their view of the US circa now. To be able to see someone who was in Spinal Tap and The Folksmen up so close was great. I wish I could say that the show was wall to wall funny but it really wasn’t. There’s a short back projection of Robert Tilton and a section of Bush film (no, that wasn’t me referring back to the Bettie movie) but the rest left me thinking, er, is this it? His wife’s oeuvre is, to my chagrin, basically Vonda Shepherd channelling Richard Stilgoe with added scat singing. I’m not big on the latter and wasn’t convinced that the rest of the audience had been won over either so perhaps it wasn’t just me. Elsewhere in the building, Kylie Minogue was hanging out at some show with “Havana” in the title. Far as I know it has nothing to do with The Ramones.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
After Iggy caused some damage to a Dutch TV studio miming to Lust For Life (#3 over here in november 1977), the Dutch press turned up en masse when he returned to mime to I Got A Right. Too bad for them, Iggy refused (even after mucho pleading) to damage anything at all (he's good at posin' tho'..)
August 11th!
The Stripchords are set to bring their patented mix of tits'n'twang to an Ooh, I Like A Bit Of ... club night at Londinium's esteemed tiki bar, South London Pacific, on Friday August 11th. In addition, Ooh, I Like A Bit Of ... features top notch turntablism from Nick Brown (Stag-O-Lee/Intoxica!) and KatManDude to keep you in a South Seas-type mood until the wee, wee hours (don't overdo the cocktails, folks!). The venue's a 5-minute walk from Oval tube on the Northern Line (even if you've got a wooden leg). See you at the bar!
Ooh, I Like A Bit Of ... @ South London Pacific 340 Kennington Road London
SE11 4LD - £5, £3 b4 10pm, free before 9pm
Tim Rogers @ Sonic Reducer, August 12th!
Hey kits'n'kittens
Muchos gracias for the wild reception afforded to the set by tits'n'twang aggregation The Stripchords at the last sweltering Sonic Reducer sesh. We've got summat even hotter than July (hmmm, heard that before ...) scheduled for the SR on August 12th, namely special guest DJ Tim 'Jolly' Rogers of You Am I, The Temperance Union, and now T'n'T, alongside the mighty Tex Perkins (The Cruel Sea, The Beasts Of Bourbon)! Tim'n'Tex (or Tex'n'Tim) are playing at Islington Academy on August 12th, showcasing their mightily witty collaborative album, My Better Half. After the gig, the estimable Mr Rogers of Kalgoorlie, WA will decamp to Sonic Reducer, joining BigKegShandy on the decks, for his second guest DJ turn at the club. Old Jolly's again expected to spin classics and nuggets by the likes of The Easybeats, AC/DC, yer 'Stones, da 'Ooo, The Raspberries, Big Star, and owt else that takes his fancy ... As per, we'll be raging until 1am, and entry, of course is FREE! Selah, BigKegShandy
Sonic Reducer @ The Spitz (gallery space) July15th Spitalfields Market,
Londinium E1 8.30pm-1am, FREE ENTRY Tube: Liverpool Street
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
A couple of items you may care to take a wee swatch at...
Nick Kent realises the error of his ways (Thanks to Martin P for the link).
also, Ben Weasel tells it like it is on the subject of myspace.
Nick Kent realises the error of his ways (Thanks to Martin P for the link).
also, Ben Weasel tells it like it is on the subject of myspace.
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