So yeah, somewhat rested from the closing bout of this year's Edinburgh Film Festival... I can get to rustling up a few words here.
Air Guitar Nation (not to be confused with West coast of Scotland's Ayr Guitar Nation) is a great little documentary that works in spite of the obvious daftness of the subject. We've all done it. We've all caught that mighty riff and made that Townsend windmill at some point. You haven't? Your arse. So anyways, The USA decides to get in on the Annual Finnish World Air Guitar Championships and this charts that journey. Admittedly there are dubious sequences throughout the film which makes it look like a spoof. This Björn Türöque character seems like a "plant" but all turns out well in the end and like it's said. Finland rocks. And so does this film. By the end you'll be grinning like a loon and up for having a go at it yourself. One wee gripe is that they spell Roy Trakin's name wrong twice in the credits but hey, it was a surprise to see him up there. AGN is actually headed for
Oulo in September where airaoke may well eat itself but it'll have a whole lot of fun in the process. Would have liked to have stuck around for the Q&A and maybe even the Mercat event but I had to make a quick exit and get to the Cameo for
loudQUIETloud: a film about The Pixies. I was never a fan but they had their moments and it seems like Charles Thompson is something of a character. This documentary about their reunion doesn't offer much in terms of a reason why they became so huge but it holds together pretty well, even for a non-believer. Somebody should be writing a treatment for a Deal sisters reality show though. It could well be a new Osbournes. They are something else. Nothing much happens in between playing to packed houses, the old tensions are apparent and that's what probably feeds the urgency of their trademark sound as described by the title. It's probably better that they don't make another Pixies record but who knows. lQl offers up some some great live footage and while it maybe won't convert you, it's a reasonable way to spend a litle under 90 minutes.
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