Yesterday was crummy for various reasons and I was (makes tiny distance gesture between thumb and forefinger) this away from blowing out my Film Fest fix,
"Walking To Werner". Well, i'm glad now that I dragged myself into town because it was easily the best thing I've seen so far. Maybe not something for everybody but there's a curious honesty about WtW which should chime with any driven soul. It doesn't come over as contrived which is another plus. The passages of Herzog dialogue sit well within the concept and the music by Turpentine Brother, Justin Hubbard is the proverbial frosting on the cake. A version of "I'll Be Your Mirror" by producer Dayna Hanson is cracking too. If you get a chance to see this, i've no idea if it has distribution or not, then take it. Take any tosspot diatribes against it with a pinch of salt (like the one that almost put me off going) because there's a naive charm here that's all too rare in this day and age. irrespective of how easy it is to
"shoot" roadkill with DV.
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