It was full on seasonal cadence last night at The Tolbooth in Stirling. Davie Scott’s mulled music extravaganza warmed the souls that came out and for a couple of hours, reality took a backseat. A small army of musicians took to the stage to present a mix of folk and pop that was something that only this guy could pull off. By the time they got to the rafter-raising version of “Snow Plus Christmas”, there was a row of people even older than me (maybe) doing the push along with the D man. So The Pearlfishers were augmented by Duglas Bandit, Karine Polwart, Bill Wells and others. Standout for me was Kim Edgar who I’d never heard before. Some digging/research has pulled up the facts that she’s actually doing a show in Edinburgh tonight with someone who is anathema to me in terms of songcraft and opening for Joan as Policewoman.
But anyway. Kim’s contribution including a whopping synth solo in an uptempo jamboree I can’t recall the name of right now, was really very good indeed and left some of us eager to hear more. Karine Polwart also played harmonium on one song and it was positively ethereal. I love the sound of these things to the point that I might even try to get one. The "Oscar In Venice" animation that accompanied the Morriconesque instrumental that is "Ice Race" was pretty sharp too.
The gist here is that nobody could pull off a stunt like this other than Davie. All the shameful Scots Music that has gained popularity over the years by churning out processed white soul doesn’t even come close to what he can do. You know the stuff and the perpatrators. However if you want to hear finite example of the intersection between Rundgren and Bacharach then look no further, nspired and inspiring at all times. This guys love for pop music in infectious to the point of viral and even in its cheesiest moments, the honesty and love just kills any misgivings.
Tuning up to launch into another song, he looked at Duglas and said “whattaya think, close enough for jazz?” to whit Mr Stewart replied, “Ask Bill”. That, me amigos, is entertainment.
One other thing today, if you find yourself in Edinburgh today and want to keep the hell away from the shopping scumhordes then head for the fine Elvis Shakespeare on Leith Walk. Live music all afternoon and a great spot to browse if it isn’t too crowded. Eagleowl were supposed to play but don’t seem to be on the roster but perhaps they’re one of the "surprises". Hope I didn't spoil it if that turns out to be the case. Really.
The Hound on Christmas. Definitely couldn't have put it better myself.
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