T’was something of a surprise and an honour to receive a message from
Fur Dixon recently. Since then I’ve become acquainted with her most recent music project but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. A recap for those who might not know, prior to her becoming the rather striking Mohican bass player with The Cramps, Fur had always dabbled in the art of country music. Way before the advent of those
“new country” or
“Americana” pigeonholes, she was in the
Screamin’ Sirens (with Rosie Flores) and then
The Hollywood Hillbillys. Someone should release their album.
Anyway we’re down the road apiece now. She hid her light under a bushel during that time with Lux, Ivy and Nick. She has a fabulous warble of a voice which is perfect for the smokin’ folky bluegrass that is “The Pearl and the Swine”. Fur's companion is a guy by the name of Steve Werner and together they’ve crafted a beautiful set of travelling songs and there are 12 of on the album. It’s unashamedly good natured and the two trade off one another effortlessly. The perfect soundtrack to ride a station (or any other kind of) wagon through yer actual and metaphorical desert landscape. They're hauling plenty of liquid to keep you hydrated.
“Where Are We Going?” asks track 8, well hopefully in the direction of Europe at some point. Check out some of their songs at the
FUR and STEVE website. It’s addictive stuff. Steve Werner’s voice compliments his female accomplice perfectly and the music they make is utterly uncomplicated and all the better for it. If you like pickin’ that’ll make you grin then stop off in these folks company for a while. They appear to exist in a world that revolves at a different pace. I for one chums, am down with that!
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