Monday, August 23, 2004

From The Dirty Water Club in London...

"A leading fashion magazine is putting together a music issue and have asked for some photos to illustrate an article on Dirty Water. What we need are photos of you people looking cool and groovy. All the pictures I have are taken digitally for the website and so the resolution isn't high enough. If you have anything scanned please send it to us at this address, 10cm wide at 300dpi, either colour or b&w. Let us know which, if any, name should be used as a credit. Thanks."

If you got 'em, contact


Anonymous said...

"Sweet lord, no!" as Stimpy would exclaim! WHY? WHY? WHY? Jeez, no disrespect to PJ, who's MORE than proved his heart & soul by keeping the DWC open all these years, but it's just more glossy bollocks for people who have a lifestyle, rather than a life. The two bands supporting The Thanes last Friday are a good case in point: all look, and no substance, or even satisying lack of the latter (see yer fave scuzzy no-hope combo for a better definition of how the right kind of less is ultimately more) ... My advice, fuck these fashion scum! Joss

Anonymous said...

Hey here is one for Steve C. of NW5! Get the right Super Rock T on mate and make it to the front page!!

Jeroen Vedder said...

Right!. Steve, this is the kind of promotional challenge you can't afford to miss. Here's your chance to promote the Fleshtones to an entire new audiance....